Friday, December 12, 2008

Top Three Muscle Building Supplements

After you've developed a good weight gain workout program that's designed to help you build muscle at an accelerated pace, the next step you'll want to think about is looking at the different supplement options that are available to you, both to help you with the actual workouts, and to help you recover. Muscle Building supplements come in a wide variety, so it's critical to know which ones are going to work, and which are going to drain your wallet.

Since there are a high number of supplements making promising claims, it can be misleading at times, not to mention that many people do experience the placebo effect - they start up on a supplement and think it's helping, and actually work harder as a result.

In that case, it's not the supplement that's actually doing the job, but the hard work they are putting in.

Nothing can replace hard work.

Here are the top muscle building supplements you should consider using to achieve maximum results.

Protein Powder

Since meeting your protein requirements is pretty much essential for building muscle, if you're struggling to do so, the most important muscle building supplement will then be protein powder.

Protein powder, while it doesn't have any magical properties that will magically pack on the muscle, will make it easy and convenient for you to get that protein intake up there.

It's also slightly faster absorbed, making it a good option for both before and after a workout.

Creatine Powder

Next up, creatine powder is another good supplement to consider, and has had a number of studies performed on it.

Again, creatine doesn't contain a magical formula that actually builds muscle simply by using it, but what it does do is replenish the muscular creatine phosphate stores, which are a molecule that is essential for the regeneration of ATP (which then fuels your muscle contractions during a workout).

When this high-energy ATP molecule is not being resynthesized fast enough during a workout, that's when fatigue kicks into over drive and you have to stop.

By stocking up the creatine phosphate stores through the use of creatine powder, you therefore help prevent the lack of regeneration of ATP, thus preventing early onset of fatigue.

Basically, creatine lets you work out harder, for longer. That translates to more muscle built.

Fish Oil

The third supplement which I believe to be one of the more important muscle building supplements is fish oil. Getting an adequate intake of fatty acids is critical for not only your ability to build muscle, but also for overall health.

Fish oil will also help with insulin resistance, which means your body is going to handle carbohydrates better. As anyone who's trying to build muscle knows, when bulking, carb intake can get pretty high.

If your body struggles with carb consumption, you're not in for a very fun time.

Aim to get 3-6 grams of fish oil per day - minimum. Unless you're eating plenty of fatty fish or flaxseeds on a regular basis, fish oil supplements are the next best option.

So, there you have it. No fancy concoctions, no miracle drugs, just simple supplements that over deliver.

Of course a multi-vitamin is always a good idea for everyone, but this is usually a given.

After you've been on these supplements, then you may want to consider additional ones such as glutamine, a nitric oxide powder, dextrose, and so on, but I would try and stay away from supplements that promise what seems like too-good-to-be true results.

More often than not, they are just that. Too-good-to-be-true.

Spend your muscle building supplement money wisely.

Learn more about []muscle building supplements and which will help you reach your goals fastest.

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