Saturday, December 6, 2008

WI-FI: Consumer Health and Safety Advice

The EMF Consultancy started compiling information on the health issues related to wireless exposure about 1994. I was very close behind, starting with direct health effects as observed in people who started asking me about "mystery symptoms" that doctors could not diagnose.

We suggest that the health effects have worsened as the expansion of wireless applications, and soon digital TV, have expanded.

We also have some grave concerns about another of Intel's proposals for wireless observations of your health, and more.
Intel Looks To Blanket The World With Self-Powered Sensors
The wireless identification and sensing platform, or WISP, could be used for measuring the environment or inserted into the human body to detect medical problems.

And we also appreciate this report from Sweden, where the use of mobile devices is perhaps one of the highest, identifying that mobile device radiation alters memory. Perhaps seniors might want to limit cell phone use or other wireless use as the concern about Alzheimer's increases.
Your best defense is certainly to get educated about how WI-FI and wireless applications are altering your life, your health, and perhaps your mind (as in control).

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