Saturday, December 27, 2008

Easy Ways To Gain Weight Fast

Some people are able to eat just a few meals a day and gain several pounds in a week. If you are someone who is desperately trying to lose weight, then gaining weight easily is a very bad thing. But, if you are one of the millions of weight lifters who is working hard to gain weight and therefore muscle mass, eating frequently and gaining little if any weight is a major obstacle to progress. In reality, if you happen to be one of these individuals you are actually blessed with very good metabolism.

A person with good metabolism who is also a bodybuilder is known as a hardgainer. Hardgainers are the envy of obese people everywhere in that they can eat and eat and never really seem to gain any weight. In addition to above average metabolism, hardgainers tend to have muscles that simply don't repair torn muscle tissue as well as others. It's important to understand that the average muscle building workout is not intended for hardgainers. On the contrary, most bodybuilding workouts presuppose that you can easily gain muscle mass.

This means that if you are unfortunate enough to be a hardgainer, copying a workout routine that you read on your favorite fitness website or blog may actually do more harm than good. It's entirely possible that a normal workout for some can cause most hardgainers to actually lose rather than gain muscle mass.

The keys to gaining weight fast are understanding how much rest time you need between sets in order to maximize your muscle gains and how much your strain, or tearing, your muscles can actually handle. If you are a hardgainer then you will need to rest a minimum of 60 seconds in between all of your sets and should do no more than a maximum of 6 sets of any one exercise. This assumes that you are lifting heavy weights. If, on the other hand, you are weight training for endurance and to get toned then you can do as many as 10 sets and rest for as little as 30 seconds in between sets.

For hardgainers, sufficient sleep is also very important to gaining weight fast. Failure to get enough sleep during the day for hardgainers means that your body will convert less of your calories and carbohydrates consumed through out the day into body weight. Hardgainers should sleep a minium of 8 hours per day with 10 hours being more or less ideal.

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