Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Cheer or Holiday Hangover

In 2004 I put together an herbal product to address the issue of binge drinking in response to the college binge drinking problem. At the time I lived in an area with two universities, each having a well known "party" history.

The herbal combination worked very well for those who tried it, and the best part was that it made you not want to drink so much.

Even one college tavern offered it to their late night party crowd along with a vegetable juice drink blend I created to help with avoiding that after-drinking, next morning hangover.

This process was short circuited after a business that was selling the product decided to attack me by using baseless and fabricated mis-information. Their point was to avoid paying a rather large debt legally owed to the non-profit organization that publishes Natural Health News.

Other than the interference by the Pullman Pranksters, Bad Brian and Bad Paul, the product continues to help many people, even OTR drivers.

Now with the holiday party season in full swing I though ti might be a good idea to pull the articles from the archives and make it available to readers to help them with the usually too heavy imbibing that happens when toasting the season around this time of year.

And you have plenty of time to stock up before New Year's Eve.

New Herbal Remedy Developed for College Binge Drinking Can Help Reduce Campus Drinking and Associated Fatalities.

Chalmer's Choice for hangover and alcohol abuse prevention

Hangover is a mild version of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Sometimes it gives you a headache, stomach upset, nausea and vomiting, thirst and dehydration, fatigue, and a general lousy-all-over feeling.

From time to time we do fail to take caution and over-indulge in alcohol. When this occurs, Chalmer's Choice is here to help.

This proprietary nutritional pack has been developed to help you have a smoother and less stressful reaction on party nights, and for the morning-after.

Chalmer's Choice, Formula A, helps before drinking to keep you from imbibing to excess. Chalmer's Choice, Formula B, taken along with Formula A, helps you on the morning after, providing relief and helping to clear ill-effects of too much booze.

Make a donation with your purchase and receive our recipe for the "After Zapper"

This product is named after a man named Chalmer. He and I became friend's some years ago when he needed help to re-build his health. He was a member of the same AA group as another friend I helped recover from Hep C. Chalmer made an entire lifestyle change at an advanced age. One of his son's told me at his memorial service that I had given him an extra five years of life. While I am grateful for the comment,I often have to remind people that I am just a coach; they have to do the work.

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