Saturday, December 13, 2008

Additional Resources: Health, Vitamins and Alzheimer's

While I am sure that the mainstream medical industry looks askance at vitamins, it seems sad to me that they fail to look at the cost of human suffering caused by their ignorance, and closed-mindedness about the health benefits of supplements.

I would like everyone to consider the view of my esteemed colleague, Steve Shackel of Australia.

He is a person living with ALS and has an amazingly in depth web site with a great amount of science backed data.
My early research was into B3. I met my first bona fide mad professor, who was convinced B3 deficiency was responsible for all neurodegenerative illnesses. He made many good points but as my research progressed I concluded that it was not a B3 deficiency so much as the ability to metabolise B3 in therapeutic quantities that was the problem. I could go on...

I'll update my info and provide a link to this (more recent) research. Thanks for forwarding it to me. All these things help to fill out the big picture!

And to further this position I am adding some additional data for your benefit -

REF: Vitamin B12: Vital Nutrient for Good Health

REF: High-dose vitamin B12 for at-home prevention and reversal of Alzheimer's disease and other diseases

REF: Vitamin C, E, Selenium
Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D., writes about the JAMA study denouncing the benefit from Vitamins C and E. Fabricant comments concerning flaws in the study which have altered the results and reliability of the study in question:

“On the second page of the study, it references nine pooled studies that when using 700 milligrams per day of vitamin C showed a 25-percent reduction in the occurrence of cardiovascular disease (CVD); yet this study only used 500 milligrams per day. Why wasn't the 700 milligrams per day amount used when that has been correlated with a reduction in occurrence in prior studies?

“Additionally, while the study did control for multivitamin intake to prevent overlap, intake of vitamin C and E from food was not controlled. With a population of health care professionals at an increased risk for CVD, these subjects most likely know the benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and thus rich in vitamins C and E, and may adjust their intake accordingly. This would most certainly confound the study.

“It is essentially a drug study but one without a positive control, which is necessary to ensure the experimental design can produce a positive result even if the intervention was unable to.”

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