Friday, July 31, 2009

Brooks D Kubik Dinosaur Training

Lost Secrets of Strength and Development

At sometime or other everyone needs to look back into the past and find out how things were done a long time ago.

Somethings are best left in the past and somethings are best being brought back into the present or the future.

Kettlebells are one of those training devices that have been utilised again after many years in a pile of dust (depending on who you are and where you are from)

Brooks Kubik does exactly that with Dinosaur Training

Who is Brooks D Kubik?

Brooks is a Lawyer (about 50 yrs age now)and what many may call an Oldtime Strongman.
Brooks has trained for somewhere in the region of 35 years so he know a thing or two and considers training to be an art form (not a science). He is around 5 9" tall and weighs around 230lb's, a former high school wrestler and is into FUNCTIONAL strength big time. Hence, the reason he wrote the book - Dinosaur Training.

What is Dinosaur Training?

Dinosaur Training is more of a philosophy than any one particular bodybuilding/strength training routine. If you include heavy barbells, heavy sandbags, thick bars and sledgehammers in your training minus periodization and don't train in a chrome and fern gym with a $100 per month subscription where you can watch MTV and have a nail massage whilst sipping babycham (aerobic/prissy/fancy) then you won't be far off with what is known as Dino training.

What would a Dinosaur Training Session look like?

Day One

Squat 4 x 5
Standing Press 4 x 5
Bent over Barbell Row 4 x 5
Farmer Walk (1 trip)
Bent leg sit ups 2 x 8-15
Neck, biceps and triceps work to finish

Day 2

Bent leg deadlift, Power Clean or Snatch Pulls 5 x 3
Bench press (barbell or dumbbell) 4 x 5
Sand bag walk (hug bag and walk as far as possible) 1 trip
Side bends with weight 2 x 15
Neck, biceps and triceps work to finish

So that 's it 2 days per week but heavy.

Note: the above is only an example of a dino session. You can add heavy kettlebells, thick bars, wrist rollers, big tyre's to make the routine suit your needs, the list is endless.

Will it work?

That's upto how much you're willing to put into it, but I can say this style of training has worked for me for years and packed plenty of beef and strength onto my frame.

Give it a try and don't forget elaborate scientific training doesn't always work better than something that is just plain and simple.

York barbell training courses work well and are pretty much dinosaur training in some form or other

Check out more about Brooks Kubik

Really opened my eyes!

My friend and fitness author Jon Benson sent me this by email the other day.

Really opened my eyes!  Give it a read...


Arthur M.


Hi Arthur,

Have you ever started out to do one thing but ended up doing something different?

Night and day different?

Remember how Post-It Notes were invented?

Some guy was trying to come up with a "permanent" glue.

Obviously he failed... and he considered it a failure... but 3M had another idea.

The guy was all of a sudden Joe Brilliant.

Well, I'm feeling a bit like Joe today.

But this is much more interesting to you than Post-It Notes...

It's about s - e - x... sorta.

Not dirty, I'm talking about couple's stuff here.

My new book just came out today about it.

But it didn't start off that way at all.

In fact ... get this... I was co-writing a book with medical researcher Frank Mangano on lowering blood pressure without meds... really.

So how did this big U-turn occur?

Okay, okay.... funny, true story:

I read this article from a medical journal about how "lowering blood pressure would help sexual-performance-problems."

Ding. The lightbulb went off in my head.

You see, lowering blood pressure is probably the most healthy thing you can do for yourself.

But face it -- it's really, really BORING.

I mean, who really cares about their blood pressure unless their doctor says, "Look, lower your blood pressure or you'll die in six months."

Then you care.

Are you with me?

I'm right and we all know it.

Heck, I was the same way.

I ignored my blood pressure for years until it hit stroke-level back in my 30s.

Then I could no longer ignore it.

I found every natural alternative possible... which led me to Frank's books... and they are the BEST.

So Frank comes to me and asks me to contribute to his very popular on-the-shelf book "The Blood Pressure Miracle" --

... and I said,

"Hey, guess what I just read?"

Since he's the researcher, I said, "Go see if there's any truth to this."

The results BLEW MY MIND.

Not only is there truth to it -- that, yes... lowering blood pressure not only extends your life but also extends your sexlife as well -- but WOW... it's a major player in everything from male-ED to females feeling "out of the mood."

It's crazy, but it's true.

It makes sense once you read this: <--- Low Pressure Sex-System

Hang with me: It gets better...

So Frank digs up article after article on the subject of high blood pressure and LOW sexual-energy and performance... and we have a much more compelling reason to want to lower our blood pressure, now don't we?

But we wanted more.

I said, "Look Frank, I get a lot of emails about sex-after-30... people who want to feel more kick, more alive in that area of their lives... and above all, closer to their mates."

So... we decided to add another book on TOP of our book...

... a book on improving sexual-pleasure for couples only. "RevolutionarySex" is the name of it. My friend Alex Allman wrote it...and just like that we had two books instead of one.

But that's not all... ( told you... this story is interesting... ; )

THEN my friend Jeff Anderson comes out with his "homemade V" -- and guys, we know what "V" stands for.

Listen: V (little blue things) is really dangerous stuff. It really is. It RAISES blood pressure for one thing. For another it can cause addiction and memory loss.

But Jeff's version is all-natural, cheap (we're talking pennies instead of dollars per "pill" to make) and above all... SAFE.

So all of a sudden... THREE books (plus an audio)... so...

It became a System, not a book.

And the topic went from "lowering blood pressure" to ...

... How you can completely solve your sexual-performance-problems and increase your pleasure all by lowering blood pressure naturally without meds."

What a concept...

...and it WORKS. <--- Low Pressure Sex-System

Here are the advantages...

1. If you take blood pressure meds... and a lot of you do... your "kick in the stick" suffers. A lot. Some men suffer all the way, which lead them to taking the V stuff...

... and that stuff 'raises' blood pressure.

Bad, bad combo. Our System gets you off of that dangerous and expensive cycle of drugs and on to a natural, easy approach that also adds pleasure to your relationship.

2. Cheaper... by far... than meds.

3. Something you can read and do as a couple or as a single person.

4. You get healthy and you get your vigor back at the same time. Ladies too.

5. It's guaranteed-to-work... 60 days on us.

I'm very proud of this System. We put a lot of time, research and effort into it.

If you want a life free from high BP and sexual-performance-issues and better health, then go here: <--- Low Pressure Sex-System

P.S. There's even more to this story --

We created an "Advanced Health and Relationship-Saver Kit" that comes with the most awesome self-hypnosis audios to help you relieve stress, lower pressure, increased your "drive", and more.

You can get the starter Kit or the Advanced Kit here: <--- Low Pressure Sex-book

Here's to your health... and your increased pleasure and enjoyment.

Carry Like Crazy!

Carrying odd objects is a powerful way to add strength, power and improve your conditioning all at the same time. When you carry objects, you are required to power clean them, shoulder them, deadlift and squat them up. This requires strength and power, while carrying them involves conditioning, strength and mental toughness. You will also develop isometric strength during the carries as you crush, squeeze and hold on with all your might to ensure these objects don’t escape you. Sounds a lot like what you need in combat, right?

It is critical to be aggressive when lifting the objects off the ground to gain the benefits of strength and power on your first rep. I encourage you to lower the weight with perfect technique when finishing a set because this is when you are most fatigues and most susceptible to injury.

Check out the list of movements I want you to use below, and then give the sample workout a shot.

Keg Carries – Filled with water, the sloshing of the water will increase this challenge greatly. Using the bear hug or under hook (zercher lift) style, rip the keg up into position and speed walk for distance.

Kettlebell Rack Walks –

These are brutal on the entire body, but your abs will get a serious workout here as well as the rest of your body. Perform an explosive power clean to rip the weights up into position and speed walk for distance.

Kettlebell Farmer Walks – I often follow the rack walks with farmer walks when I can no longer hold the rack walk position. These will place extra emphasis on the legs, upper back and grip.

Sandbag Overhead Walk – I emphasize the walking here, as your arms being overhead place you in a very vulnerable position because it is a rare position, yet extremely beneficial. Holding the bag overhead helps develop stability and strength in the lower back and abdominals. This walk should be performed slowly.

Sandbag Zercher Carry – When you can no longer keep the bag locked over your head, lower the bag into your arms without rest and continue with a zercher carry using the speed walk.

Sandbag Farmer Walks – Last but not least, grab one sandbag in each hand and speed walk them. This will be brutal on the hands and grip, especially the fingers. If you’re a Judo or BJJ athlete, this will improve your grip game tremendously.

Your Underground Workout…

Set up all the objects next to one another so you can carry them down and back and then pick up the next object as needed. Each walk will be 100 ft. in distance. If you are in a BJJ / MMA club, you can perform the carries for time, 30 - 60 seconds for each carry, and / or continue to perform the workout for several 5 minute rounds, or carry them to one end of the parking lot, sprint back and pick up the next object and repeat with carry / sprint intervals.

1A) Keg Carry
1B) Kettlebell Rack Walk
1C) Kettlebell Farmer Walk
1D) Sandbag Overhead Carry
1E) Sandbag Zercher Carry
1F) Sandbag Farmer Walk

All 6 movements are to be performed one after another, NO rest! Go get em’!

Want more kick ass Underground workouts to help you build brute strength and rugged muscles? It’s time you stopped all the fancy B.S. and went Underground! Click HERE now & make it happen!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

US agencies challenge natural products

US agencies challenge natural products in advance of vaccination program

ANH joins the dots over FDA and FTC restrictions on natural products prior to vaccine roll-out

A cancerous conspiracy to poison your faith in organic food

How To Choose The Best Weight Management Product For You

how to choose the best weight management product, weight loss products, weight management products, weight loss, weight management, healthy diet

By Michael Skatoli

Weight management and weight loss products and programs have
grown into a burgeoning industry in the last number of years
and it is only getting bigger. The big problem is that there
are such a large number of weight management products for
sale, all promising quick results, that it is difficult to
figure out which ones may be most suitable for you.

It is thought that up to $55bn is spent on weight loss
products and weight loss programs in the US each year. The
range of weight loss products available is quite staggering.
They range from pills, ointments, diet supplements, fitness
machines, CDs, creams and rings to clothes and books.
Certainly, many of these products will be genuinely
beneficial, while others will not. The trick is finding the
right ones.

We all would prefer a quick and easy fix when it comes to
shedding those pounds. A lot of supplements will guarantee
dramatic effects with little or no healthy eating or
exercise. It is questionable whether these will really
deliver results, and if they do they might be dangerous to
your health.

That said, there are numerous genuinely helpful supplements
out there that, with the aid of the right diet and regular
exercise, will help you achieve your weight loss goals. A
good way to begin is to check out which supplements are
approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There
are a lot of fully approved widely available products that
will help in your fight against weight gain.

It is also helpful to consult your GP. There are a lot of
prescription weight loss drugs which, with the correct
supervision, can help you attain your goals.

That said, if possible, it may be advisable to avoid
supplements and drugs completely and lose weight the healthy
and natural way - namely by eating well and getting plenty
of exercise. This method might take more effort and
willpower, but it is more sustainable and satisfying in the
long term.

It is safe to say that there are a plethora of weight loss
products to help you if you choose to go down this path.
Fitness machines, stair masters or cycling machines are a
good way to begin. On the other hand, if you are feeling a
little more adventurous, you could invest in some jogging
gear and hit the streets.

Also, a visit to your local bookstore or Amazon may be a
good start. Self-help books may not be for everyone but a
good one might help motivate you and help you set your mind
on the task of losing weight. Investigate what the most
popular books on weight loss are these days, and pick up a
few healthy eating CDs while you're at it.

The right weight loss products for you will depend on your
personality, your preferences, your aims and a number of
other factors. Visit your GP and try to find a game plan
that works for you and then choose what weight loss products
you require.

Michael is a reporter with over 15 years writing experience.
Michael is currently employed as a columnist for the portal and has become the resident authority on
weight loss products. Be sure to visit our very useful
website for additional information on Fat Burning Capsules
and Diet Pills.

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Easy Veggie Meal Plans

Around the world millions of men and women just like you are waking up to the harsh reality of factory farmed food and unsafe meat "processing plants".

(Eww, "meat processing plant" is a term that never should have been invented!)

And that means the food we eat - no matter what country we live in - seems to get more dangerous every year.

"But", you say, "all the nutrition books say I need to eat meat to get 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. How can I do that if I don't have beef, chicken, and protein shakes at every meal?"

Well, the answer is easy.

In fact, Kardena Pauza, America's #1 Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition Expert put together a Done-For-Your Meal Plan System that proves you don't need all that protein...

...or all that meat.

And you can still transform your body. After all, just look at her radiant physique and complexion. And you know she's healthy on the inside, too.

Excessive protein intake is over-rated, but nutrition remains the most powerful part of any transformation program.

So if you want to transform your body while eating less factory farmed meat - or even while completely eliminating it - then here's what you must do...

First, visit Kardena's website to find out how she struggled, just like you, with the SAD Diet...

...and how she accidentally stumbled upon the Easy Veggie Lifestyle one day at a seminar.

And then compare for yourself the SAD diet vs the high protein diet vs the Easy Veggie Meal Plans:


Once you've done that, then I want you to take advantage of Kardena's half-priced sale.

And I promise you ONE thing about the Easy Veggie Meal Plans:

There is NO risk for you to try out this product.

In fact, on Craig and Kardena's site you'll find a big BLUE certificate giving you a 60-day no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.

That certificate insures you and you KNOW you are PROTECTED when you grab your meal plans.


And if at any time during that 60 day period you feel that the Meal Plans have not exceeded your expectations, then simply return the program with a single simple email. It's safe and easy.

But this is your LAST chance to get these guaranteed Meal Plans before the price doubles at midnight tonight.

You can't go wrong and you have my promise you'll love these meal plans.

Go here and take advantage of this incredible one-time-only offer:


Rolfing Therapy: A Way to Align the Body and Relieve Pain

By Steven Hefferon, CMA, PTA

Rolfing is a method of structural integration accomplished by soft tissue manipulation and movement education. Developed in the 1950s by Ida Rolf, this bodywork method has allowed people to stand straighter, move better then ever and gain height through its focus on correcting tissue fixations.

It is no secret that physical and emotional stress leaves its mark in the body via tight muscles, cramps, trigger points, aches and pains. Every time we have been in a stressful situation, our body has reacted by tightening up and holding that stress in the tissues. Every physical sprain or strain we have suffered is still locked into muscle memory. Is there any doubt as to why we suffer chronic pain, especially musculo-skeletal pain?

There are many hands-on pain relief methods, such as massage, trigger point therapy, reiki, stretching, physical therapy and others. Among these is Rolfing, which specializes in soft tissue release. Basically, by releasing the adhesions and scar tissue holding muscle, fascia and tendon locked into spasm, the body can be corrected and free motion returned. This is accomplished by direct deep pressure that a practitioner applies to the body of a client with their fist, fingers and elbows.

Rolfing may be painful for some because of the deep pressure and tearing actions used. However, the pain only remains while the treatment is in session. The pain is evoked by the pressure exerted into the adhered soft tissue areas. Once the adhesions are worked out, the pain subsides and the body is returned to normal ranges of motion and suppleness.

Since Rolfers differentiate between good posture and correct body structure, they strive to organize the skeletal system that has been made "Crooked" through injury and stress. By correcting the underlying structure of the body, and also removing adhesion of muscle and connective tissue, the body can realign and hold itself properly. And with proper structure and posture comes pain relief.

Through Rolfing sessions people can expect to improve flexibility, athletic performance, reduce swelling and pain, increase range of motion and correct posture. All types of performance improve and pain disappears when the muscles fire completely and rest completely. And this can only happen when the body is correctly aligned.

You might be asking yourself how Rolfing is different than regular massage. The difference is in the focus on the body treatment. Whereas massage improves circulation and helps relaxations and short term stress, Rolfing focuses on re-ordering the body to prevent the pains returning. Also, whereas massage works on muscle tissue Rolfing works on the fascia or connective tissue.

So if you suffer muscle or skeletal pain and have tried traditional massage, why not go one step farther and give Rolfing a try. It’s a deeper therapy that may be the answer you are seeking.

Article courtesy of Be sure to visit their website for more free articles and videos on back, neck and sciatic pain.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bruce Lee or Michael Jackson - Who Has Had More Impact On The World?

healthy living, self defense, bruce lee, michael jackson, health, exercise

By Al Case

Hate to be the one that points it out, but both Bruce Lee
and Michael Jackson happen to be dead. Period. End.

Which leaves us with the burning question, which one of
these superstars had more impact on the world. It doesn't
matter that they were in different areas, we can still put
'em up against each other. So, let's examine the issue.

Bruce Lee wins over MJ when it comes to acting. Heck,
Michael hardly made anything, so he gets a big time zero. On
the other hand, Bruce made a handful of movies that inspire
people to this day.

You could argue for MJ when it comes to singing, but Bruce
Lee is gonna come out on top again. The dilemma is that
Bruce Lee's vocals are more memorable than MJ's. I mean, are
you going to call that mugger a PYT, or give him a chilling
woop woop that will remind him that there are people in this
world who can kick some serious ass!

Believe it or not, Bruce Lee had better moves than Michael.
Michael couldn't kick somebody's adam's apple, or do the
splits or anything worthwhile, all he could do was walk
funny backwards. Bruce, on the other hand, could have
moonwalked like a genius.

Bruce wins on downright sheer impact. Michael encouraged a
generation of young, impressionable minds to walk backwards
funny, uh, walk funny backwards, uh, you know. Bruce, on the
other hand, encouraged several generations, and is still
going strong, as to the value of healthy living, being able
to protect yourself, living an artistic lifestyle, and on
and on and on.

I think it is obvious that Bruce wins, once again, and
bigger than ever, when it come to who had more
presence. Michael filled a boom box, and an occasional stage,
but he never said a line like..."you have offended my family,
you have offended Shaolin". Really, except for words from a
few songs that are hard to understand, can anybody remember
much of anything that Michael said?

So Bruce Lee would have kicked Michael Jackson's ass,
big time, dead or alive. Oh, you don't like it, you think I
rigged the results worse than an OJ trial? Well, you better
walk backwards funny away from me and mumble so I can't hear
what you say, because, my friend, I study Bruce Lee.

Al Case has practiced the martial arts for forty years.
He'll ( Moonwalk your Face at
( Monster Martial Arts.

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Building Muscle and Grip Strength with Strongman Training

Strongman training often involves the farmer walk of some variation. Sometimes the athletes walk with long farmer handles, other times they carry 200 + lb. sandbags!

Below, in the video, you see our athletes carrying heavy dumbbells, heavy kettlebells and heavy sandbags, ALL of which are an awesome way to build muscle and develop serious grip strength.

Next time you go through a workout, try carrying different objects to push your body to the next level. Carrying heavy objects will be an excellent way to pack on muscle and develop a crushing grip strength.

A few hard sets will get the job done, more isn’t always better!

Zach Even – Esh is the owner of The Underground Strength Gym and the creator of The Underground Strength System.

If you want the Ultimate training system for packing on muscle and strength then The Underground Strength System is your answer.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Say NO to Electronic Medical Records

We already know that Google generally collects and sells data (a good reason to use for your search engine). They've also been implicated with government spy and law enforcement agencies.

We also know that electronic medical record will not save money as well as the fact that HIPAA was the open sesame for everyone to get access to your data.

You do have a choice, and most likely it is to find a health care professional that doesn't do third party insurance billing and takes cash.
From Times Online July 27, 2009

David Davis: Google is the last company I would trust with my personal dataSam Coates, Chief Political Correspondent
Google cannot be trusted with sensitive personal data and any plan to transfer health records to the company is “naive”, David Davis writes in The Times today.

The former Shadow Home Secretary, who resigned from the Tory front bench to campaign on privacy issues, says that companies should not be able to make money out of holding patient records.

Mr Davis has been tipped for a return to frontline politics if the Tories win the general election. However, in today’s article he labels as “amoral” a company with close ties to the Conservative Party — David Cameron’s adviser Steve Hilton is married to Rachel Whetstone, Google’s head of communications.

He also criticises the work of “young researchers” in Conservative headquarters and queries whether Mr Cameron’s notion of the “post-bureaucratic age” may further damage public trust in the state.

This comes amid divisions in the Conservative Party over its cherished policy of publishing government-collected statistics, which underpins many of their plans for public-sector reform.

An insider told The Times there was a “healthy debate” over whether information such as hospital cleanliness ward by ward or street-by-street crime data should be released free or sold. Some believe that there is vital money to be made for the Exchequer.

Others say that existing commercial websites have failed to turn a profit from the small amount of public-sector data already freely available, raising questions over whether private companies would fulfil the function of websites currently run by government.

Mr Davis, who has championed privacy issues since he refought and won his parliamentary seat of Howden & Haltemprice in a by-election last year, accepts that there are “massive weaknesses” in the NHS patient records database, which is not expected to be fully delivered until 2013-4.

However, he adds: “Google is the last company I would trust with sensitive personal data belonging to me. In the words of Privacy International, Google has ‘a history of ignoring privacy concerns. Every corporate announcement has some new practice involving surveillance’.”

He says that Google, whose chief executive Eric Schmidt is on a Tory advisory board, has a “near monopoly internet presence, combined with legally unfettered use of vast quantities of personal data”.

Senior Tories emphasise that there are still huge barriers before health records could be transferred to private-sector companies such as Google Health or Microsoft HealthVault. A review is underway by Dr Glyn Hayes, a member of the British Computer Society.

There still appears to be disagreement inside the party over whether patients — or their GPs — should act as the gatekeeper for records. It may be up to GPs, rather than patients, to chose which company stores the data, for instance.

David Cameron has repeatedly said that he does not want a big central state-run database for health records. “For every penny we could save on the computer that isn’t really working very well we could put money into nurses and doctors and patient care.” The NHS points out that health records are not held centrally, but by individual trusts.

One stumbling block in the idea to transfer records to services such as Google Health would be that this could make it inaccessible to hospital doctors in accident and emergency facing a patient unexpectedly.

Patients brought unconscious into hospital, for instance, may not be able sign over electronic “permission” for the A&E doctors and nurses to see their notes.

Senior Tories have decided however this is not a fundamental flaw in the idea. They have been told by doctors that A&E staff, for instance, have not in the past required comprehensive notes in the first few hours when a patient is critically ill and that patients often have other ways of indicating allergies, such as wristbands.

The most important part of the Tory plan, insiders say, is that all systems used to maintain patient records — whether managed by the patient themselves or their GP — must be electronically compatible with one another.

Google, the search engine, has said there are no circumstances in which it would sell health data to outside companies, even in an anonymised fashion.

The company strongly rejected suggestions it they would consider selling data for health trials by pharmacuetical companies.

Challenged over how the Google Health service in the UK could make money, the company said its goal was to “drive brand loyalty and more searches on where we make our money on advertising”, adding “at this time, we have no plans to host ads into Google Health”.

However, they hinted that in future they could, in principle, use the service to sell advertising.

A Google spokeswoman said: “We would not serve ads on Google Health without fully informing our users in advance.”

Copyright 2009 Times Newspapers Ltd.

Reiki Energy Healing

By Lisa Sawires

Moving forward through pain or illness can seem almost impossible. How do I get better? What is this pain really about and what can I do about it?

Feeling stuck happens to nearly everyone; if not for themselves, then in thinking of those closest to them. And those issues can easily get lodged in the body until we are really ready to take action and break free. Receiving energy work is a way to break free and mover forward.

Energy medicine in all its forms acknowledges and utilizes the idea that we are more than just bodies. In fact our bodies are but one layer in our multilayer being. Different schools and disciples have their own names for the layers, complete with descriptions of meanings. There is much literature available on the chakras, and the etheric layers.

Reiki is an energy healing modality that allows the practitioner to read the body while flowing a wonderful glowing radiance through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported physical healings and miraculous results. I believe reiki creates such a strong sense of safety that the body simply heals itself.

Reiki is a form of spiritual healing dating back to early 20th century Japan. Created by buddhist Sensei Mikao Usui, this art is said to heal a person through the energy flowing from the palms of the practitioner. Reiki made its way to the US thanks to the work of Hawayo Takata, who was born in Hawaii from Japanese parents. Hawayo Takata tried Reiki in one of her visits to Japan, and eventually avoided three surgeries thanks to her reiki treatments.

The name Reiki literally means "spiritual/soul energy." Practitioners believe that Reiki can help unblock the emotional or spiritual blocks that cause illness. Rather than focusing on treating the symptoms of a disease, reiki works on the causes. Through the use of universal life-energy, reiki can heal a person, even if the practitioner himself does not know what's wrong. Reiki is intelligent energy. Another view is that reiki creates such a strong sense of safety and well being that the body heals itself in this radiance.

During a typical session, the practitioner will ask you to lie down on a table after removing your shoes and jewelry. She will then move her hands around your body, not touching or lightly resting her palms on your body. During the process, the practitioner's hands usually become really hot, a sign that energy is flowing through them. It's important to note that the energy received does not come from the practitioner; she is merely channeling the Universe's energy. Some people who receive reiki experience emotions, a sense of wellbeing or peace. It is always pleasant. Some reiki practitioners intuitively read the body and speak during a session. (For example, I record sessions for clients later review). Reiki can also be practiced remotely, where the practitioner can perform a full session without actually being in the same room with the client.

Because reiki works on energy, sometimes it takes several visits before a difference can be seen or felt. Also, the results tend to be subtle, and vary from person to person. However, practitioners believe that this energy healing modality works for everyone and any condition. And because of its gentleness, it has been used in hospitals and nursing homes, on babies through seniors, for everything from cancer, and blood diseases to broken bones.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and its gentle effects always create a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Reiki's use is not dependent on one's intellectual capacity or spiritual development and therefore is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.

Article courtesy of Lose The Back Pain. Be sure to visit their website for more free articles and videos on back, neck and sciatic pain.

How To Stop The Pain Caused By Headaches

how to stop the pain caused by headaches, conditions and diseases, neurological disorders, treatments for headaches, treatment of headaches, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, health

By Rose Williams

When we are suffering from a headache we usually try to
think of ways to stop the pain. However, as there are
different types of headaches, the treatments may work for
only a some of the headache types. There are two different
methods of curing the pain caused by headaches. These types
of headache treatment are called prophylactical and abortive
headache treatments.

The prophylactic type of treatment has to be taken everyday
in order to reduce the frequency of and to control the
severity of the headache. Abortive headache treatment is
begun only when the headache starts.

However, you must realize that your physician will not
prescribe any prophylactic headache treatment unless you are
suffering from several, frequent headache attacks every
month. Furthermore, when you take the prophylactic
medication you will be monitored for side effects like
weight gain, water retention, lethargy, memory impairment
and hallucinations.

The treatment of headaches with prophylactic medication
begins with a low dose. The dose is then increased as time
passes. You will also be tested every month or so to see if
the treatment is effective. Your doctor will also check that
you are not taking any other types of medicine or vitamins
during this phase of your headache treatment.

It is very important for the doctor to know whether the
sufferer is or becomes pregnant. If you do become pregnant,
then your doctor should be told, so that checks can be done
to uncover any possible side effects to the unborn foetus.

The main prescription drugs given for stopping headache are
beta blockers such as Tenormin and Lopressor. Calcium
channel blockers
such as Cardizem, Dilacor, and Procardia
are also used. Doctors may also prescribe anti-depressants
such as Elavil and Zoloft. You can also be given serotonin
antagonists like Sansert.

Usually, anti-convulsants such as Tegretol, Depakote, and
Dilantin are also given for headache treatment. Cafergot and
Sansert (ergot derivatives) could also be given by your
doctor. The 'abortive' headache treatment types available
for your headache pain are usually the 'over the counter'
(OTC) type. These include Paracetamol, Aspirin, Tylenol,
Panadol, Motrin, and Advil to mention only a few. Tylenol
and Panadol are known as Acetaminophen drugs. Motrin and
Advil are in the family of drugs known as Ibuprofen.

Further to these headache medicines there are also
non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. The side
effects of NSAIDs like Naprosyn and Meclomen include nausea,
gastrointestinal pain, dizziness, diarrhea, light-headedness
and constipation. These headache treatments can also cause
some people to get side-effects in the form of a different
type of headache.

Since taking these drugs can result in side effects, you
ought to consult your doctor in order to discover whether
they are all right for you or not. People who prefer to take
an 'alternative' headache treatment should ask their doctor
whether he thinks the alternative medicine, such as
aromatherapy or supplements, will be suitable.

If you have a problem with
migraine or headaches, you ought to visit our website on
( Stopping Headaches.

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Practical Life Extension

What Modern Science Says About Reversing The Aging Process

There's an old proverb that rings with wit and reason: "Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die." So why do we want to live forever? According to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, author of "Chasing Life" and CNN's Senior Medical Corespondent, we do not.

The real quest isn't eternal life on earth according to Gupta, but rather an exceptional life.

While interviewing the foremost authorities on anti-aging and life extension, Dr. Gupta discovered three "universals" -- three principles that each researcher deemed critical to extending our lives naturally and empowering us to live exceptionally. They are:

1. Weight training?
2. Good nutrition?
3. Positive thinking and having purpose

Jon Benson, author of "Fit Over 40", explores each of these in great detail, as well as asking 52 men and women how they have managed to slow the hands of time down to a crawl. Benson does not waste time with hype and hypothesis. He focuses on real-world examples and applications we can all use to slow down the aging process and help prevent and reverse the conditions that can lead to disease.

Discover more today at

You too can live a longer, more exceptional life by simply adopting a smart, realistic and enjoyable lifestyle fitness plan. And if science just happens to catch up with Father Time, you'll be many steps ahead of the curve.

Arthur M.

Sandbag Complexes for Developing Strength, Conditioning and Rock Hard Muscles

If you have never heard of “complexes” it is simple a series of movements strung together, one after another, no rest between exercises and with the same training tool. 
Zach Even-Esh frequently performs complexes with sandbags and kettlebells.

The complexes are awesome, especially when you are short on time. Check out this sandbag complex below in the Video:

In the above video you see Zach performing the following sandbag exercises:

shoulder squats
push pressing

As you can see, those 3 exercises performed in succession kicked my ass!

There was no special formula to the complex I strung together, just 3 tough exercises that rocked the entire body.

You can try performing a lower body exercise, an upper body pushing exercises and finishing with an upper body pulling exercise.

For example:
1. Sandbag Step Ups x 5 ea. Leg
2. Sandbag Military Press x 5 reps
3. Sandbag Bent Over Row x 5 reps

If you want to start using complexes go ahead and start using them with a light sandbag. You can quickly progress to a heavier sandbag as your strength, conditioning and grip strength improve.

For more muscle building, fat burning workouts that can be done without going to a depressing health club or gym check out

If you want sandbags check out the Go with The Underground Sandbag HERE

Monday, July 27, 2009

Training with Russian Kettlebells, Thick Ropes and Sleds!

Sometimes I feel like sleds, ropes and kettlebells are the ultimate lethal weapon for athletes, fitness fanatics and strength freaks.

You can use them all at once as you see in the video below, working on power pressing and power rowing.

The thick ropes allow you to improve hand and grip strength, the sleds improve lower body strength and overall stamina and the kettlebells are the ultimate “All in 1 Gym”

Check out the Video below of my training partner and I going through some playground workouts using the sled, ropes and kettlebells.

If you don’t have a sled, you can simply make one with a tire as I show you in The Underground Strength System.

Try cranking out 6 power presses, followed by 6 power rows followed by 100’ of dragging forwards and another 100’ of dragging the sled or tire backwards.

I would throw that sled workout in at the end of your workout, AFTER you have pushed hard on the strength drills. Three rounds of the above sled circuit will definitely have you feeling your oats if you know what I mean.

If you want more outdoor, “No Gym Needed”, Underground workouts then check out

Get your Underground Kettlebells HERE

What Are The Benefits of Healthy Snacks & What Are The Best Foods To Eat?

healthy snacks for weight loss, healthy snacks to lose weight, healthy snacks, healthy eating for weight loss, healthy eating to lose weight, healthy eating, healthy food

The truth about healthy snacks for weight loss is that they
are vital to eat during the day. Research has discovered
that people who do not snack consume more food at mealtimes.
People who do not snack end up consuming more fat and
calories than those people who do snack between mealtimes.
People still wonder though what the benefits are to healthy
snacking and what kinds of foods are actually considered

The most beneficial thing to healthy snack eating is that
you do not binge later on foods that are unhealthy to curb
your hunger. If you are suffering from a growling stomach or
hunger pangs, then you should snack now versus waiting for
the next mealtime. Hunger management through the day is
important not only for proper eating but also for
maintenance of blood sugar levels. So, how and when should
you consume your snacks?

So what types of foods are included in the healthy snacks
Whole grain foods are a good choice because of the
fiber content in them that gives you that needed energy to
last until a full meal. Some great options for this are
whole grain crackers and whole grain pretzels. These and
other healthy selections can be found in the organic snacks
section in your local grocer.

Other obvious choices of healthy snacks for weight loss are
fruits and vegetables. They are low in calorie, fat free,
and are loaded with all the vitamins and minerals that the
body needs. A word of warning, though; if you decide to have
some salad for snacks, go easy on the salad dressing.

Another great snack are nuts and seeds. They are full of
protein but are high in calories, so do not consume too many
of them in one sitting.

You can also snack on foods which are rich in calcium but
low in fat while waiting for dinner. These include light
yogurt and cheese which was processed with skim milk.

What times are the best times for these snacks? On the
average, most people have breakfast at around 8 am and in
this case, a 10:30 am snack should keep you going until a
1:00 pm lunchtime. Afternoon snacks are usually eaten around
3:30 pm, and then it's dinner time at 6:00 or 6:30 pm. This
sample schedule shows that the ideal healthy snack is eaten
within 2-3 hours before and after a meal. This would allow
you to eat smaller and healthier, while keeping you full
enough to go about your daily activities.

Healthy snacks are important in your goal of losing weight.
People who do not snack end up hungry and frustrated when
meal time comes around and then they forget about all
intention of losing weight, eating fatty foods that do
nothing for their health. This habit does not also bode
well for the blood sugar and could complicate even further
when symptoms of emotional and physical stress manifest
themselves. It may not sound correct when you say that
snacking is good for losing weight, but this is the truth.
Not only will you end up consuming less calories, it will
also help you concentrate on what you have to do instead of
warding off the hunger pangs.

By keeping yourself focused on the end goal, you'll end up
thinner and healthier. Healthy snacks for weight loss are
the way to go.

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Stone Training for Full Body Strength

Training with stones is downright FUN!

Sometimes you just wanna rip into something other than a barbell or dumbbell!

I have used “river stones” which you find out in parks and playgrounds and backyards. These are great fun as well and you will get a ton of crazy stares by onlookers but who cares, get down and dirty and show them how you train.

We also use atlas stones which you can make or purchase off of eBay or sometimes Craig's list from local strongman groups.

The full body strength you can develop from lifting stones, carrying stones, power cleaning and loading stones is tremendous.

In some countries, stone lifting is a National Sport!

Check out a video of my athletes training with atlas stones for full body strength…

If you want to lift atlas stones, start very light, just playing with a 100 lb atlas stone will be a great shock to the body, BUT, it will allow you to use good technique and you can perform power cleans and carries with less chances of injury.

Exercises to be performed with a stone like deadlifts, lapping the stone, power cleaning the stone to your chest and bear hug squats are AWESOME for developing full body strength.

Stone Training can have a GREAT place in your program, you just need to be smart about how and when you do this.

Start training with stones the RIGHT way with The Underground Strength Manual HERE.

Maybe you want a safer training tool? Go with The Underground Sandbag HERE

3 Ab Workout Myths

Check out this article by Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, and author of dozens of workouts in Men's Health Magazine...

Myth #1 - You Have to Do Hundreds of Crunches and Sit ups To Burn Fat and Get Flat Abs

If you rely on boring, back-breaking abdominal crunches and sit-ups to burn belly fat, you'll never lose the ugly belly fat covering your abs.

TIP: To work your abs hard, use total-body abdominal exercises instead, such as stability ball rollouts and stability ball jackknives.

Myth #2 - In Just Four Easy Payments of $29.99, You Can Buy a Miracle-Working Six Pack Ab Machine From a Late-Night informercial

Ha! I wish one of those abdominal exercise contraptions worked half as good as the so-called "experts" say, but infomercial gadgets don't burn belly fat or flatten your abs (they only burn your money and flatten your wallet!).

TIP: To get more fat burning results in less workout time, use fat burning interval training three times per week for 20 minutes.

Myth #3 - You Have to do Ab Workouts Everyday to Get Six Pack Abs

Not true! In fact, one of the secrets of top fat loss trainers is to drop boring, repetitive ab exercises and replace them with total-body abdominal exercises you only need to do for a few minutes three times per week.

TIP: Use resistance in your ab exercises, such as cable crunches, using a weight that allows you to do 10-15 reps per set, and train your abs only twice per week.

For more ab training workouts and tips from Craig, visit:


Let me know your Turbulence Training Success Stories,

Arthur M.

Wendler 5/3/1 Training

Wendler 5/3/1 Training

In the words of Jim Wendler the 5/3/1 training system is the 'Simplest Most Effective way to Increase Raw Strength'

So, what is Wendler 5/3/1 training?

In a nutshell 5/3/1 focuses on the big lifting movements (compound movements) squats, deadlifts, overhead pressing, bench press etc

The key factor with Jim Wendler's 5 3 1 method is that you need to start too light! I'll say that again. Too Light

Where as many programs get you busting your ball sack from the beginning, this is different.

The program,

Week 1 is 3 sets of 5 reps

Week 2 is 3 sets of 3 reps

Week 3 is 1 set of 5 reps, 1 set of 3 reps and 1 set of 1 rep (5/3/1)

Week 4 begins again with 3 x 5

All weight lifted is calculated and follows a method (check out the calculator below)

Wendler 5/3/1 Calculator

Jim Wendler 5/3/1 Logbook Calculator

Bodybuilding Routines

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Are You Having A Stroke? Watch For These Signs

signs of a stroke, heart disease, heart health, conditions and diseases, atrial fibrillation, heart ailments, cardiovascular disorders

By Barb Hicks

Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain has been halted
due to a clot or bleeding into the brain. Therefore, blood
is unable to reach all destinations of the brain, resulting
in a stroke. The person experiencing a stroke will begin to
exhibit signs and symptoms. Some signs come and go usually
within 5 minutes and leave no lasting effects. However,
symptoms lasting longer may indicate a major stroke is
occurring. Even if symptoms are short lived, it is
imperative to get medical help immediately. If not treated
as soon as possible, major brain damage and lifelong
disabilities could result.

What are the signs?

- Tingling sensation in the face or extremities - Paralysis
or weakness on one side - Difficulty speaking - Inability to
understand speech - Blindness - Dizziness - Pain -
Nausea/vomiting - Sudden intense headache

If you believe someone around you is experiencing these
symptoms call 011 and seek the help of medical professionals

Risk Factors for Stroke:

- Age: At age 55 the risk of stroke doubles every ten years
after - Race - Gender: Typically, women are less likely to
experience a stroke than men - Previous stroke - Fractures
resulting in a fat embolism - Family History - Atrial

Reducing your risks:

Take all medications prescribed by your physician. Monitor
blood pressure. Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Quit Smoking. Eat a healthy diet. Get plenty of exercise.

Physicians use a CT, MRI or Angiogram to determine the
location of a stroke, the amount of damage it caused as well
as what type of stroke was experienced.

Treatment involves clot busters, such as tPA that must be
given within hours of the onset of symptoms. Surgical
intervention is an option for ischemic and hemorrhagic

Care after stroke:

Recovery after a stroke may take a few days to over a year
to complete. In many cases, occupational, physical and
speech therapy may be required.

Types of Medications:

Thrombolytics - Clot busters that loosen or break up blood
. The debris is cleaned up by phagocytic cells.
Antiplatelet - Prevents platelet s from sticking together,
thus preventing clot formation. Anticoagulants - Stops
clots from forming, particularly those with A-fib who are
prone to blood clots due to the rapid contractions of the
atria of the heart.

If you have other diseases such as diabetes or high blood
, it is very important to monitor and manage them
properly. Proper care will help ensure that the risk of a
stroke is lessened and a quality, productive life prevails.

Having an exercise regimen at least three days a week can
lower blood pressure. Blood pressure is the number one
factor in bringing on a stroke or hemorrhagic strokes.

A healthy diet containing fresh fruits, whole grains and
nuts, vegetables and lean meats is another great way to help
lessen the risks for stroke.

Barb Hicks is a licensed registered nurse and featured
health writer on You can find here her lessons
Stroke Causes and other information about
Early Warning Signs of Stroke.

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Flu Shot Increases Hospitalization Risk for Children

UPDATE: 4 August-
Schools should not overreact to swine fluPublished: Aug. 3, 2009

Parents and school staff will need to balance the need for being prepared with avoiding overreaction to influenza A H1N1, U.S. health experts say.

Lloyd Kolbe and Dr. David Orentlicher, both of Indiana University Bloomington, citing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, say if teachers, administrators and parents emphasize hand washing now, instead of waiting for outbreaks, it will at least help prevent the spread of colds, or H1N1 flu.

Orentlicher says the CDC recommends that:

-- School dismissal is not advised for a suspected or confirmed case of novel influenza A H1N1 and, in general, is not advised unless there is a magnitude of faculty or student absenteeism that interferes with the school's ability to function.

-- Students, faculty or staff with influenza-like illness, fever with a cough or sore throat, should stay home.

-- Aspirin or aspirin-containing products should not be administered to any confirmed or suspected cases of novel H1N1 influenza virus infection in those age 18 and and younger, due to the risk of Reye syndrome. It is associated with aspirin consumption by children with viral illness, but also occurs in the absence of aspirin use.
© 2009 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

UPDATE: 2 August- Flu Shots A Danger To Pregnant Women
People need to do more research rather thatn blindly accepting that giving a pregnant woman a flu shot, or any vaccine for that matter is safe. Heed Dr. Blayock's warning on the current flu shot hysteria.Please refer to Dr. Bate's inexpensive and protective orthomolecular protocol.
"Previous studies of flu viruses found that the danger to the unborn is not from the virus, but from the cytokine immune reaction to the virus--that is the mother's immune reaction to the virus. What this means is that pregnant women who
take this vaccine (especially since it is to be a two to three part vaccine)will have the same immune effects and may dramatically increase the mother's risk of having a child with autism or schizophrenia. This is accepted in the medical literature and have been done repeatedly in animals exposed to vaccine during pregnancy. We could see a real disaster with this vaccine program. Mothers should be warned. Remember, there is no evidence that the vaccine will protect anyone from the virus. Russell Blaylock, M.D."

UPDATE: July 29 -
Flu Data You Need to Know
"There is at present a serious trend of deteriorating health among American children. Published in a 1994 JAMA article, a survey conducted by Dr. Michel Odent found that children receiving the whooping cough vaccine were six times more likely to develop asthma than children not receiving this vaccine. (My note: One of the target groups for the H1N1 vaccine is asthma.)
U.S. panel to set priorities for H1N1 flu vaccines

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor – Tue Jul 28, 6:03 pm ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Vaccine experts who advise the U.S. government are likely on Wednesday to put healthcare workers, pregnant women and patients with asthma and diabetes at the front of the line to get vaccinated against the new pandemic H1N1 influenza. Full Article (My note: Vaccinating Healthcare workers may help spread the virus to those with compromised health status.)

Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former FDA research virologist, thinks undeveloped immune systems of those so young are particularly susceptible to damage from overload. "That is absolutely the wrong approach, to give so many new vaccines."

With two-year-olds facing as many as four injections in a single pediatric visit, we have created an atmosphere in which the costs far outweigh any perceived benefits. Representative John Mica, R-FL, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Drug Policy and Human Resources , has questioned the safety of the hepatitis B vaccine: "Is it possible the Preventive measure for this disease is riskier than the disease itself?"

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) indicated that one third of the nearly 80,000 reports filed between 1990 and 1997 involved the DPT, whooping cough, vaccine. A total of 876 deaths were recorded after children received the DPT vaccine, a vaccine that is still on the market although a safer alternative exists. Of those, 291, or 33 percent of the deaths reported after a DPT shot, were within 24 hours of the vaccination. Milwaukee immunologist Burton Waisbren, a veteran clinical investigator, told a H ouse oversight subcommittee on federal health policy that "an injustice is being done to the children of this country." He labeled infant hepatitis B vaccination "an experiment sponsored by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which is designed to determine if vaccination at birth of all babies in the United States will eventually decrease the frequency of cancer of the liver."

For many years, mercury was used as a preservative in vaccines, especially in the United States. In many cases, a preservative was only needed because multiple vaccinations were being given in one shot. Preservative free vaccines were available if taken one vaccination at a time. Why did the medical establishment push more and more vaccinations into one multiple shot? Because they thought that parents could not be trusted to come back to the doctor for a series of single shots spaced out over time. The result is not only potentially dangerous preservatives; it is also a greatly heightened risk of overloading the child's immune system by injecting too much in any one day. This approach does not put the child's welfare first.

Today protests have led to the removal of mercury from most childhood vaccines. But mercury is still used in flu vaccines for children and adults. In the past, children were inoculated against flu from birth to five years of age. This puts mercury into very immature bodies and immune systems. But the new recommedation, just out, is to continue inoculating until age 18. Is this for the children? No, it is supposed to provide better protection for the adults around the children. Meanwhile how much highly toxic mercury will our children be exposed to by age 18?

AAHF believes parents should be informed of their right to omit or simply postpone shots like the hepatitis B and flu vaccines. Informed consent to any medical procedure carrying the risk of injury or death, such as vaccination, has been the prevailing ethical standard in medical care since the Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declarations became part of international law after World War II. With increasing numbers of vaccines for non-life threatening conditions being developed and mandated for school-age children, we believe parents should have the right to philosocphical or conscientious belief exemptions for their children."

Courtesy AAHF

Please be alert to this information as this fall children are proposed to be "hit" with more than one more vaccine.

Please refer to Dr. Carolyn Dean or Dr. Sherri Tenpenny for more information.

You may also refer to the other flu related articles at Natural Health News and at

See also: Swine Flu or Just Makin Bacon


Swine Flu is not for children.

The following is in keeping with the information I included in an article on children's health about 15 years ago. The MD I interviewed found consistently that the sick children were always the ones who received vaccines. In his practice he routinely relied on the effectiveness of homeopathy to help resolve flu and other illnesses, which also was very effective in keeping children healthy and well.

Couple this with sound nutrition and you can't go wrong!

Children Who Get Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu, Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (2009-05-20) -- The inactivated flu vaccine does not appear to be effective in preventing influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma. In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than their peers who do not get the vaccine, according to new research. While these findings do raise questions about the efficacy of the vaccine, they do not in fact implicate it as a cause of hospitalizations, according to researchers. ... > read full article

Blogspot: Friends of Peltier

Sides square off in rare parole hearing for Leonard PeltierDecision by parole board likely to come within three weeks.
from the Rapid City (SD) Journal, By The Associated Press

BISMARCK, N.D. — The North Dakota reservation where imprisoned American Indian activist Leonard Peltier grew up has made arrangements to incorporate him back into society should he be paroled, Peltier's attorney said Tuesday.

Peltier is serving two life sentences for the execution-style deaths of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams during a June 26, 1975, standoff on South Dakota's Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He was convicted in Fargo, N.D., in 1977. He has claimed the FBI framed him, which the agency denies, and unsuccessfully appealed his conviction numerous times.

Defense attorney Eric Seitz said a representative of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa spoke at Peltier's first full parole hearing in 15 years, held Tuesday in a Lewisburg, Pa., federal prison. The hearing was not open to the public.

Seitz said the tribe has arranged for Peltier to have a place to live, a teaching job and a position on the Council of Elders.

John Trimbach said his father, Joseph, an FBI agent who was at Pine Ridge, read a statement at the parole hearing opposing Peltier's bid for freedom, telling Peltier "healing is possible only if you acknowledge your guilt, ask for forgiveness and show remorse for the terrible crimes you committed."

Drew Wrigley, U.S. attorney for North Dakota, provided a 17-page letter to the hearing officer in which he said, "Peltier is simply an unrepentant, violent, armed criminal who is a continuing danger to the public welfare.

"Paroling him at this time would create an unacceptable risk to society in general and to the United States Parole and Probation officers who would be tasked with the duty of attempting to supervise him," Wrigley said.

Seitz called the government's testimony "largely repetitive and rhetorical," and said his focus during the six-hour parole hearing was not to retry the criminal case but to address criteria for parole. He said that included the arrangements made by the Turtle Mountain tribe and Peltier's conduct in prison. He said Peltier has had no documented misconduct in the past 10 years, "which is remarkable in a prison."

Seitz said the 64-year-old Peltier is in poor health, with diabetes, high blood pressure, a jaw problem and a urinary system ailment.

Seitz and Wrigley said the hearing officer is expected to make a recommendation on Peltier's parole request to the full Parole Commission within a few days. The commission will then make a decision within three weeks.

Parole was abolished for federal convicts in 1987, but Peltier remains eligible because he was convicted before then. The U.S. Parole Commission denied Peltier's parole request in 1993 and said he could not ask again for 15 years.

Blogspot: Friends of Peltier

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Does high blood pressure wreck sexual-drive?

Anyone with a history of high blood pressure in their family knows what devastation it can wreak.  It carries with it a mishmash of health risks, many of them serious, like tripling the risk of dying from a heart attack, quadrupling the risk of dying from a stroke, doubling the risk of congestive heart failure and tripling the risk of developing kidney disease.

But if our very lives weren't enough for high blood pressure to be in the top five of our "Health Issues to Be Concerned About" lists, then how about the lives of our marriages and relationships?

High blood pressure has a significant impact on a couple's sexlife.  Sex is a crucial part of any relationship, and when a loving couple is not having it at least on a semi-regular basis, more often than not, the relationship sours faster than curdled milk.

The reason high blood pressure affects the average sexlife all boils down to blood flow. Due to the narrowing of the arteries that high blood pressure creates, it diminishes a man's ability to have an.erection -- never mind maintain one -- as there's less blood flowing to the penis.

To rectify this situation, the average guy heads to his doctor, reluctantly tells him or her about his issues "down there," and the doctor prescribes him with some form of hypertension med -- usually an alpha or beta-blocker.

Problem solved, right?  Not exactly.

While your blood pressure levels might lower incrementally, your sex drive will lower incrementally as well -- the very opposite of what you want to have happen.

This isn't some theory concocted by so-called natural health "whack jobs," mind you. Well-respected news organizations and medical information outlets -- like ABC News and the Mayo Clinic -- corroborate this.  In an ABC News webcast on Feb. 7 of last year, Dr. Domenic Sica, chairman for Clinical Pharmacology and Hypertension at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, said this:

"When you look at it, a number of the blood pressure medications we use are associated with the onset of male dysfunction.  Now, that can be a diuretic, a beta-blocker, or so-called peripheral alpha beta-blocker -- those are three drugs commonly linked to male dysfunction."

I'm not sure the link can be made any clearer; you name the hypertension drug, and it will adversely affect your sexlife.

Given this, if you'll pardon the cliche, how does one kill two birds with one stone?  How does one lower their blood pressure and improve their lovelife at the same time?  Or is that even possible?

Absolutely it's possible, and you can learn how to do it all-naturally.

Bestselling authors Frank Mangano and Jon Benson have developed an easy, all-natural way to lower your blood pressure and improve your sexlife at the same time.  They weren't sure this was possible, but after months of research and hordes of emails from people on how their system worked for them, they don't just think it's possible, they know it's possible!

Let me prove it to you.

Go here:

I recommend you visit their website immediately for more information on the links between what's 'down there' and hypertension; and most important of all, how you can improve the health of your body and your relationship...all-naturally.


Arthur M.
