Monday, April 19, 2010

5 Benefits Of Strength Training For Seniors

We need to be strong as we age. But why? We don’t want or need to look like a body builder. We don’t have to look muscle-bound to reap the benefits of a strong body.

The body loses muscle mass as we age. It is a fact of life that can be changed if you know what to do. You can stop muscle loss by participating in strength training exercises.

Strength training is about helping your muscles to grow without necessarily bulking up. Continually challenging your body helps strengthen and stretch your muscles. The difference between body builders and the average person who wants a lean body is the amount of weight that you are lifting.

Older adults can lift more weight than they think. It just takes time and practice to train your body. So, what can strength training do for you as you grow older?

1. Increased flexibility – Have your joints felt a little stiff lately? Strength training lengthens muscles as it builds them. You’ll find that you can reach farther without cramping or getting a spasm in your back.

2. Improved balance – Many seniors suffer bad fractures and other injuries from falls. Strength training increases balance in the body as you perform a variety of exercises. You won’t be so unsteady on your feet, or as you sit and stand up. You’ll feel more confident doing simple tasks like carrying a bag of groceries from your car to the house or more complicated efforts like riding a bike.

3. Increased bone density – Women struggle with the loss of bone density once they reach a certain age. In menopause, we begin to lose bone mass. Strength training can help to slow and sometimes stop bone loss from occurring. Your bones will be stronger, which will help to resist fractures and breaks if you do happen to fall. The characteristic back hump of osteoporosis won’t likely be your fate.

4. Weight loss – Muscle burns fat, even at rest. By adding a strength training component to build muscle, you will burn calories and maintain a healthy weight, and even lose weight if you need to.

5. Reduced joint pain – Are you suffering from aches and pains in the joints? Strength training can minimize pain as your bones become denser and your muscles grow. You may even notice that arthritis pain has lessened.

One thing that seniors value most is independence. Strength training can build a more fit, balanced, and confident body. The ability to continue living on your own and taking care of yourself is what a good fitness program is all about!


Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Fitness Over 40: Staying Fit at 40 Plus

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