Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dr Becker, Rife, Tesla and the Ancients

Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and medical research doctor, is one of the early pioneers in energy medicine. Through his fascinating journey which spans over three decades of dedicated research, he has brilliantly explored bioelectric and electromagnetic systems, reaching to understand and control the growth and healing process in complex organisms. He is well known for his book, "The Body Electric".

Becker follows on the knowledge base provided to us by Rife, Tesla and the Ancients, and for those of us in support of this valid work, we applaud this report.

Zapper Kills Cancer Cells

Now we have more substantiation -
Psychiatrist's Research Finds You Really Can Feel a Person's Stare
Paper by Dr. Colin A. Ross Explains How to Measure the Eye's Electromagnetic Energy

Press Release Source: Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma On Monday April 5, 2010, 9:23 am EDT

DALLAS, TX--(Marketwire - 04/05/10) - Noted psychiatrist and author Colin A. Ross, M.D., has published experimental data that supports his scientific hypothesis that the eyes emit energy that can be captured and measured. Dr. Ross' paper, "The Electrophysiological Basis of Evil Eye Belief," is published in the current issue of Anthropology of Consciousness, a journal of the American Anthropological Association. The full paper is available at http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/123310535/PDFSTART.

Although nearly everyone has experienced the sense of being stared at only to find that a person or animal really was looking, Western science has long rejected that the human eye can emit any form of energy. Dr. Ross says his findings move "human ocular extramission," which he also refers to as an "eyebeam," from the realm of superstition to science.

"We used our patent pending Electromagnetic Beam Detection System, which includes modified EEG neurofeedback equipment, to prove that the human eye emits an electromagnetic signal that can be measured scientifically," said Dr. Ross. "I hope that future experiments will determine why energy emitted from the eye is so strong and whether it can be harnessed through focused attention."

A series of videos in which Dr. Ross discusses the paper can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=78E31282619EEF4D.

Dr. Ross has been researching a new science and medicine focused on the human body's electromagnetic field, which he detailed in his 2009 book, Human Energy Fields (ISBN-13: 978-0-9821851-0-0).

Dr. Ross previously made headlines by applying to the $1 Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge administered by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) (www.randi.org). Although Dr. Ross can prove that his eyebeam can make a tone sound out of a computer, JREF insists that no energy can be emitted from the eyes and mocked Dr. Ross with its Pigasus Award. JREF has not responded to Dr. Ross' test protocol.

Dr. Ross is the author of 140 papers in professional journals and 23 books. He has lectured widely in North America, Europe, China, New Zealand and Australia, has reviewed for many different psychiatry journals, and received a number of research grants. His writing also includes short stories, poems, aphorisms, plays and essays on a wide range of topics. For more information about Dr. Ross and the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma, visit www.rossinst.com.

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