Thursday, April 22, 2010

Exercise Ideas For Seniors With Limited Mobility

As a senior, you may have to deal with a condition that leaves you dependent on others for your daily mobility. If you are disabled in some way, you can still achieve optimum health through physical activity.

It is a fact that seniors who are sedentary are more likely to suffer from the diseases and conditions that come with aging than those who are more active. The same goes for injuries. Those who are physically active are more likely to recover after an injury than those who are not active.

There are many challenges that come with being a senior with mobility issues. It is easy to succumb to depression and simply give up. This doesn’t have to be your fate. Here are some helpful ideas to get a good exercise program working for you.

Start by talking with your doctor about exercises that are within your reach. Ask your doctor to recommend services that help seniors to live more active lives, especially if you are walking only with assistance or even in a wheelchair. Your local senior center may have fitness programs available.

1. Strength training. Upper body strength will be needed to move yourself around if you are walking with a cane or even confined to a wheelchair. Using light weights and higher repetitions, will build up the muscles in your arms and back. If your metabolism needs a little boost, and most do as we age, weight training will rev that up, too.

2. Resistance bands. Resistance bands are helpful because they come in different sizes and strengths. You can loop them around a doorknob or a chair and perform upper body exercises. Using dumbbells doesn't appeal to some seniors as they may not have strength in their hands to hold onto them.

3. Workout with a buddy. Having someone to work out with is both motivating and safer. Another person can help you with the exercises and help you challenge yourself to reach new goals. There are exercises that are actually meant to do with another person – using the other person as a resistance, sort of pushing, pulling, and stretching through the exercises.

4. Pool workout. People who are dependent on a wheelchair especially find working out in the water very exhilarating. It is like being weightless. You get the benefits of working out without the jarring that is common with some exercises. Pool workouts build and tone all muscle groups, especially your core.

5. Yoga. Yoga is a relaxing activity that teaches breathing techniques as well as a way to stretch your muscles. It helps to strengthen the mind-body connection which improves your balance, as well.

Even if you are dependent on a walker or a wheelchair, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the benefits of a good fitness program. Use these exercise ideas to help you find the resources you need to get active today.


Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Fitness Over 40: Staying Fit at 40 Plus

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