Thursday, April 22, 2010


A Better Way to Celebrate Earth Day
Coming in May 2010 - More on Electrosensitivity Month

Help Stop a Cell Tower Today

UPDATE July 2009: Additional information can be found here
6 May 2009

A report I received this morning in one of the many resources I review included this article.

See Also:

Because Charlie Crist, Florida's governor, proclaimed May as Electromagnetic Sensitivity Month I felt it important to include a reference to the following article. Along with a concern about rising rates of thyroid cancer I think it is worthwhile to consider the implications of fluoride in the water supply, fluoride in many drugs and in pink salt or found in other places along with increasing cell phone use and increasing rates of exposure to ionizing radiation or depleted uranium as vectors for this serious health concern.
Thyroid Cancer Increasing, Scientists Don't Know Why

ScienceDaily (2009-05-05) -- It's a medical mystery that has been developing for at least a decade: thyroid cancer --- not breast, prostate, lung, or colon cancer --- is the fastest increasing cancer among women and men in the United States. ...  Read full article
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Make a Note of This - MAY 2009
The Mayor of Broward County (Fort Lauderdale and area), Florida, The Honorable Stacy Ritter has proclaimed May 2009 as ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSITIVITY AWARENESS MONTH.

EHS is a serious and growing illness that most politicians and doctors in North America are not willing to even talk about. Thanks to the brave and sensible stance of Mayor Ritter and her council, EHS will now get the recognition that it deserves.

What is Electrohypersensitivity from Martin Weatherall

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