Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Seniors Stay Fit By Adding More Activity To Their Day

Life is busy. Older adults are working harder and sometimes longer hours. It can be hard to fit a formal exercise session into your daily routine. But, you can fit more physical activity into your day with a few helpful hints.

When you are tired at the end of a busy day, the last thing you're thinking about is a regular workout. You know that you need to exercise daily but you are having trouble finding a way to fit exercise into your day.

For many people, exercise is something that they grow to love as the results of their labors become apparent. If you struggle finding time for a workout, or even are not fond of formal fitness programs, adding more activity into your day can be the boost your body needs.

So, what’s the big deal about doing all this exercise as we age? The big deal is this - exercise will give you energy, and that's something we all need whether we are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100!

Exercise improves your overall health. Exercise keeps you at a healthy weight, strengthens your muscles, and lowers your risk of disease. You are improving your lifestyle and quality of life when you add physical activity to your day.

How can you add physical activity to your day, little by little, to build a strong foundation for a healthy life? Here are a few suggestions.

  1. Perform housework on purpose – Cleaning is rarely anyone’s favorite thing to do, but if you make purposeful moves as you clean and do chores around the house, you will get more benefits than just a clean house. For example, as you sweep, tighten your abdominal muscles and turn from the waist. When you pull weeds, use a squat position. As you rise to a standing position, tighten your butt muscles and leg muscles.
  2. Walk after meals – Whether home or at work, when you finish your meal and still have ten or fifteen minutes to spend, take a walk outside. That fresh air and sunny vitamin D will help strengthen your lungs, muscles, and bones Your heart will start pumping and your brain will get some much needed oxygen. You'll feel better and before you know it you'll look better, too!
  3. Take your bike for short errands – The next time you have a quick errand that's nearby, hop on your bike. Ride over to the convenience store to pick up the Sunday newspaper. Leave the car in the driveway whenever possible and run those errands on your trusty bicycle.
  4. Take the stairs – Instead of crowding in the elevator, take the stairs at work, doctor’s offices and at the mall. This little technique is surprisingly effective. Over a years time, you'll be surprised how many steps you take up and down stairs if you avoid elevators.
  5. Plan active vacations – When you decide to take that getaway, do so at a destination where there are lots of indoor and outdoor activities to do. Active vacations will keep you moving, which will keep you full of energy during your vacation, and improve your health at the same time.

Once you start moving around more in your daily life, you will improve your overall health. With improved health and strength, you will soon be anxious to do even more... maybe even start a routine fitness program!


Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Fitness Over 40: Staying Fit at 40 Plus

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