Friday, April 9, 2010

Pollen Problems

APRIL 26: More to consider when dealing with allergies -
Why Your Allergies Are Getting Worse
This Mother Jones article points a finger at "warming". I'm still out on the "warming" issue but a related concern that does include "warming" of a different color is the impact on your allergies, including your lungs and respiratory system, is that cause by EMF and sell phone or wi-fi use.
When you are in the circle of radiation, whether it is your cell phone or that of an inconsiderate person talking or texting, or using a wireless laptop within 6 feet of you (or some one else) your allergies will get worse.
For all those who believe EMF is not a risk, then why is it that the electrostatic (magnetic)field created by these gadgets causes particulate matter in your environment to adhere to the lining of your nose, and eventually your lungs?
This is sort of basic science I learned early-on from Mr. Wizard, years before middle school science.
Remember that trick about rubbing a balloon on your clothes and seeing it stick to something else? Well, here you have it!
Refer to this post FMI
I was an allergic kid and still have problems with mold and grass. When I lived in Western Washington the Scotch Broom was a real irritant.

I understand how problematic allergy can be.

I also understand how it is not necessary to use Claritin, Nasonex, or Bendryl to address the problems, as the drugs create issues of their own.

To me short term relief is not worth the price of longterm undermining of natural protective mechanisms of your body. Eventually your health pays the price.

Claritin for children contains some artificial sweeteners that have serious health impact.

Nasonex is a steroidal spray that displaces the natural reaction of your body to block the irritant, which in this case is the pollen.

Benadryl makes you really sleepy and eventually it has no effect on the problem, and it contains - again - in the children's from, a toxic artificial sweetener and artificial flavor and color.

Please go to

and use the search function to locate the many articles we have on Natural Health News about vitamin C - the great natural anti-histamine that supports your adrenals - and also refer to Vitamin C Health Benefits,

Bee Pollen

I also like the OLBAS Inhaler as it can do wonders, even leading to reduced reaction to allergens, especially those irritating the upper respiratory system.

And, oh yes, perhaps it is too many vaccines that suppress immunity so you, and certainly small children, have a tough time because they've become hyper-reactive.
Achoo! Pollen at its worst in years in many areas
By TAMARA LUSH, Associated Press Writer

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – Pollen: It's on your car, in the air and especially in your sinuses.

From Florida to Texas to Colorado, 2010 is shaping up to be a monster of an allergy season. The words "pollen" and "allergy" are among the top 10 trending topics on Twitter in several U.S. cities. Everywhere, it seems, is covered in a fine yellow dust that irritates our lives. Experts say it's the worst they've seen in years.

"It's wicked bad this year," said Dr. Mona Mangat, an allergy specialist in St. Petersburg, Fla., who can't recall a worse year in the six she's worked there. "We're just overwhelmed with patients right now. We're double- and triple-booked with new patients, trying to work people in because we know how much people are suffering."

And they are suffering a lot. Take 5-year-old Sam Wilson of St. Petersburg. His mom gives him Claritin in the morning, Nasonex and Benadryl at night, and he receives four allergy shots every week. The sidewalks of his hometown are covered in what look like piles of dried, brown worms — but they are mounds of oak tree pollen.

The boy's mother said that when the pollen is at its worst, his eyes water and itch, he can't breathe through his nose and his throat burns.

"His reaction yesterday was pretty bad," said his mother, 34-year-old Joanna Wilson on Thursday. "He couldn't breathe, he was completely congested, and crying."

Oak trees are the culprit in many places in the Southeast.

The trees produce 3,000 to 6,000 pollen particles per cubic meter; it only takes 10 particles to trigger an allergic reaction.

J.P. Levins, executive Web producer for the site, said he's received a lot of e-mails from suffering Floridians — but he expects more complaints from other parts of the U.S. soon.

"The season is actually just picking up," he said, adding that most of the country is facing high pollen counts.

This year is especially bad in the Southeast, weather experts say, probably due to winter's unseasonably cold weather.

"That may have helped delay some of the plants from blooming as early as they may have wanted to," said John Feerick, senior meteorologist at AccuWeather. "It's the fact that everything is coming out all at once."

High winds in some areas also spread the misery.

"We had a perfect storm this year," said Dr. William Storms, professor at University of Colorado and a clinician. "It's the worst I've seen in 10 years."

Tree pollen season should subside within a few weeks, but experts say some will continue to suffer because grass and weed allergies rise in the summer months.

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