Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Joe Socci

Pre-exhaustion is a technique that can be used every
now and then to shock a muscle and bring it to a
greater level of failure than when one reaches failure
on a single exercise. This is an advanced technique
and requires high intensity levels in order to carry
out the second of the 2 exercises involved in the
"super set".

The idea behind pre-exhaustion it is that certain
exercises target a specific muscle while working other
secondary muscles involved in the lift while certain
exercises completely isolate the target muscle. For
example, bench presses work the chest primarily while
the delts and triceps are involved, where as dumbbell
chest flys can be performed such that the triceps and
majority of the delts are removed.

As an example with chest. start with a set of dumbbell
flys or pec deck to failure then immediately go to
barbell or dumbbell bench presses flat or incline.
You won't be able to use as much weight on the
pressing movement as normal, but you will shock your
muscles into growing.

When blasting biceps, start with hammer curls, which
hits mainly the brachialis part of the bicep. Hit
failure and go right to barbell curls. this will really
shock the biceps.

Many think you must always start with bench presses,
heavy curls or heavy tricep movement in order to grow.

What I have found from my experiences is that muscles
respond to intensity! Not necessarily the load applied
however that is also an important factor.

And remember for the steroid-free lifter, as intensity
increases volume should decrease.

Also read out new article on Finding Time To Exercise

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