Saturday, April 10, 2010

5 Exercise Myths - The Truth Every Senior Should Know

First there was Nessie The Loch Ness Monster, then Sasquatch... now, it’s exercise myths.

If you are an older adult, it is important for you to know that those negative stories about starting an exercise program are not quite true.

Why does getting older have to mean that you are relegated to a rocking chair? No one wants to be put out to pasture unless they are a cow. Since you are not, getting older doesn’t have to rob you of your independence or your carefree lifestyle.

Seniors can improve the quality of their lives with physical activity. Fitness is important to all of us no matter what our age. You can almost feel the hands of time turn back when you keep your body in the best shape possible.

The younger generation seems to be adopting a sedentary lifestyle now. They spend hours sitting in front of video games. As a roll model, you can set an example to the youth of today that getting and staying healthy is the best way to have the life that you want.

So, to get you moving and motivating others, we have to combat those myths about exercise and getting older.

1. “I am too old to start working out.” This is FALSE. You are never too old to perform some sort of physical activity to better your health. In the beginning, you may have a few restrictions depending on your present condition, but that doesn’t have to stop you.

2. “Aerobics are too rigorous and I could break a hip.” Many hip fractures in the elderly are due to falls not exercising. And, aerobics doesn’t have to be a high impact, jumping-jack session. Light to moderate aerobic activity keeps your body moving and improves conditioning so you can handle a more intense session at some time in the future.

3. “Exercise at my age can cause a heart attack.” Exercise can actually reduce your risk of heart disease, but it's definitely important to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Stick to your doctor's recommendations and you are more likely to succeed.

4. “I weigh too much.” This is one of the best reasons to exercise. It is true that our metabolisms slow down as we age, but that can also be corrected with proper diet and strength training exercises. You can still lose weight and feel great. There are always exercises that you can if you're overweight until you feel comfortable doing more.

5. “I will hurt myself if I lift weights.” Strength training is the best way to increase your metabolism, strengthen you bones and build muscle. You can start with dumbbells weighing as little as 2 pounds each and do simple exercises that will result in toned muscles and strengthened bones.

What have you been told about exercise? If it is any of the above quotes, then you have fallen for the myth. If you want to get active, go ahead. Get fit for life!

Fitness Over 40: Staying Fit at 40 Plus

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