Friday, April 30, 2010


If you spend much of your day in front of a computer like I do, you’ve probably felt that nagging back or neck discomfort. Or maybe you’re like some people who feel so much pain, they can only endure sitting for short periods.

Either way, back discomfort keeps you from focusing on work – or even enjoying watching a movie from your couch or favorite chair. You work so hard to take care of your back, it’s hard to watch all your progress slip away sitting in a chair.

Just like there are shoe orthotics to correct your standing posture – and help tackle pain – there’s now a revolutionary orthotic for sitting. It’s called the “BackJoy”. Unlike a back cushion, BackJoy is an easy-to-use, firmly molded support that works on any type of chair (or soft couch!) to quickly align your sitting posture.

Imagine not having to think about how you’re sitting. This is what I love about the BackJoy… it tilts your back so you’re in perfect posture without any effort on your part!

If you think about what happens to your back when you sit down, you’ll realize how powerful this is. Sitting and leaning forward to work at your desk or computer results in a 150% increase in pressure on your discs over standing. This pressure compresses discs and can cause pain due to trapped nerves.

When you use the BackJoy, your pelvis gently tilts forward. This creates a neutral position for your spine and erases much of that unwanted pressure. Now your weight bearing bones – the ones that are supposed to be supporting your weight when you sit – take over and relieve pressure and strain from your spine’s muscles and ligaments. The end result is a perfectly aligned spine without muscle tension and stress.

The BackJoy can help with discomfort from many different conditions. Here are just a few:

•    Neck, hip, or back pain
•    Daily aches and pains
•    Injuries and surgeries
•    Osteoporosis
•    Sciatica
•    Pinched nerves
•    Slipped discs
•    Sore tailbone
•    S-I joint problems

It’s amazing what aligning your spine and correcting your posture can do for your overall health!

With BackJoy’s patented Orthotic Cradling System, you can enjoy these benefits:

•    Relief from aches and pains
•    Improved circulation and healing
•    Easier breathing
•    Increased energy
•    Greater flexibility and mobility
•    Improved focus and concentration
•    Reduced stress

Who does BackJoy work for? It works best for individuals weighing 118 to 285 pounds. With no straps or buckles, this small, lightweight device simply cradles the 4 to 5 inch space around the two sitting bones at the base of your pelvis. Regardless of size, BackJoy floats your spinal system in natural cushioning, protecting against compression while actively engaging your core.

See if you don’t agree that BackJoy improves your life. Stop the pain and discomfort that come with sitting and poor posture, no matter where you sit. Driving your car, sitting in front of your computer, or anywhere at home, BackJoy can bring lasting relief and promote healing.

To learn more, click on this link:



[Note: This posting is intended to make you aware of the availability of this product. It’s not a personal endorsement. I’m an affiliate for the provider of goods and services mentioned in this post and as such may be compensated if you make a purchase. As always please note the Compensated Affiliate Disclosure at the sidebar!]

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