Monday, May 10, 2010

Anti-convulsant Drugs Increase Suicide Risk in Elders

This article points out problems with anticonvulsant drugs.   It is important to be because the gabapentin mentioned in the article showed suicide was increased with gabapentin and the increased risk was greater in Elders.

I knew of this information at least a dozen years ago.  I am both pleased and troubled to see this again.

This drug was one of five psychotropic drugs forced on my mother after she suffered a closed head injury seven years ago.  The suicidal side effect issue seemed to bother my brother but he refused to accept  both my data and FDA confirmation to act to change doctors and prescriptions. He said he did not like the doctors offered by the "5 star"  facility where my mother was housed.  And he refused to allow my mother to see one of the top neurologists in the US whose practice is in the Naples FL area where she lived.
Use of certain anticonvulsant medications may be associated with increased risk of suicide

ScienceDaily (2010-04-13) -- An analysis of prescription and clinical claims data suggests that the use of certain anticonvulsant medications may be associated with an increased risk of suicide, attempted suicide or violent death, according to a new study. ... > read full article
and from CNN -
The study, published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, echoes a 2008 review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that found that taking anticonvulsants (as this class of drugs is known) roughly doubled the risk of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.
...Doctors are increasingly prescribing the drugs off-label, meaning the drugs are not officially approved by the FDA for that condition.

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