Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Beau Biden suffers apparent mild stroke

While it is known that AG Biden's father, VP Joe Biden, suffered an aneurysm in the past, and this establishes a familial risk for vascular disease,is there another issue being overlooked?

Beau Biden served a year in Iraq, and there is the possibility that his condition today is linked to DU exposure.
Washington (CNN) -- Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden -- the son of Vice President Joe Biden -- has suffered what doctors believe to be a mild stroke, according to the hospital.
Consider the risk of stroke and its relationship to cell phone use and exposure to other EMF sources such as cell towers, digital TV towers, DTV and DECT phones, microwave ovens and other microwave based devices. More occurrences in younger people being reported.

And perhaps good consideration should be placed on the number of vaccines and their longterm after-effects that members of the military endure.

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