Monday, May 31, 2010

Stop Dieting and Start Living!

Most things that sound too good to be true are just that.

But sometimes, something comes along that might actually be too good to be true.

And that's kind of the way I reacted the first time I heard about Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon.

The first time I heard about it I thought there is just no way it could actually work, I wasn't even sure if Brad was being serious or not.

The concept was simple enough, a flexible form of intermittent fasting, but was that all it took to lose weight?

After hearing him out I was became more convinced and once I actually tried my first Eat Stop Eat style fast I became a true believer.

And that's when I realized that we've all made dieting and weight loss far too confusing and difficult, it really is simple if we let it be, and that's what Brads book simplifies weight loss to an almost stupid level.

I can tell you right now that the book is about a flexible form of intermittent fasting where you take a certain degree of time 'off' between meals.

But the real genius of the book is the science behind fat loss and the freedom it gives you from the trap of 'dieting'.

Eat Stop Eat helps un-complicate the idea of weight loss and how to eat for weight loss, and maybe most importantly it provides a way to enjoy the process of losing weight.

I know that just thinking about trying to diet scares some people to the point that they can't even get started.

But what if it wasn't scary, what if it was actually something to look forward to (of course the weight loss itself is something to look forward to) but I'm also talking about the process.

Eat Stop Eat is unique in it's approach to weight loss, and most of the people I know who follow it actually really enjoy the process and don't consider it a diet at all but rather a lifestyle.

I can't really explain it as well as Brad does in the book, and now you can also listen to him explain it with the new audio book that he has just released.

Brad has offered to give you the audio book for free if you decide to pick up Eat Stop Eat within the next 72 hours...

Get your copy of Eat Stop Eat and the free audio book today: ->

I suggest you pick it up and take advantage of the free audio book giveaway (because hey, everyone likes free stuff).

The book is well researched, the audio book is a great bonus, and the best part is you can start using the techniques he teaches in the book immediate, as soon as your done reading/listening.

It's really that simple, and the weight loss results come fast, like within the first 24 hours fast!

Ask yourself this:

"Am I afraid of failing on yet another complicated and impossible diet"

"Is that what's stopping me from trying to lose weight?"

If you said "yes" then you're need a new approach to weight loss that is simple and removes all the complication of dieting, in short you're ready for Eat Stop Eat.

It has totally changed the way I look at food and weight loss and it'll do the same for more second guessing yourself, it's time to change.

Get Eat Stop Eat now (while the audio book is free) and get your new body.

Click here to get started today: ->


Arthur M.


Don't wait till tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes, go to Eat Stop Eat and start losing weight today.

Click here to get started today: ->



[Note: I’m an affiliate for the provider of goods and services mentioned in this post and as such may be compensated if you make a purchase. As always please note the Compensated Affiliate Disclosure at the sidebar!]

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