Friday, May 28, 2010

Static Contraction Training

Static Contraction is done by holding a weight in a fixed position,
usually fully contracted, for an extended period of time. They are
typically done for 1 or 2 reps only and the weight should be held
for 15-25 seconds although the actual optimal time is still up for

Static Contraction is easier to do on certain exercises and more
difficult on others. For example, flies, leg extentions, and side
raises are great exercises to use statics on, but deadlifts or
squats would be more difficult. On the compund exercises you
would have to use substantially more weight than you use for
regular reps. Statics also work great on pulldowns.

There are a few ways I use them. First, you can do a set to
positive failure and once you cannot complete any more,
have someone help you get the weight to a fully contracted
position and hold it up as long as you can. Then lower it
under strict control until you have finished the rep.

You could also just pick a weight 20-40% heavier than your
normal weight for that exercise and either use a cheat rep or
have someone help you to get the weight in the fully
contracted position. Then hold it as long as you can and
lower it under control until the rep is completed. If you do
them alone and not after a set of positive reps, you may
want to so 2 static contractions instead if one.

This is a great technique to use to blast through plateaus,
but don't use it too often.

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