Friday, May 21, 2010

Watch Out for Fluoride Damage in New Colgate Products

Fluoride is a known poison.  
It has been scientifically proven that amounts of fluoride under 1 PPM is toxic to humans, and poisonous especially to children and pets.

Can you wonder what damage Colgate can do with their new "Pro Clinical line: Renewal" product?

One fluoride research colleague tells me that if FDA and Health Canada were actually doing their job, these products would never get to market.
"Colgate is stepping up their game.

Known as a go-to brand for your average daily toothpaste, Colgate has now partnered with research scientists and dentists to launch a professional range of products that are available at the drugstore.

The new Pro Clinical line includes whitening, cleaning and renewal toothpastes that take their technology from a trip to the dentist's chair for a cleaning.

The Daily Whitening toothpaste is formulated with ProLuminex silica crystals that remove and prevent stains with exfoliation-like action. Meanwhile, Daily Cleaning contains Prophy-Silica buffers that are similar to what the dentist uses when your teeth are polished during a cleaning, while Daily Renewal is fortified with 1500 ppm of fluoride -- the highest amount allowed without a prescription -- to strengthen and solidify enamel, as well as protect teeth from corrosive food acids that cause decay.

Colgate claims that study participants saw results in as little as three weeks, with full results shown after six weeks of regular twice-daily brushing. We've used it for a week, and are already loving the results."
Fluoride erodes teeth and gums while promoting cavities.

Solid Nutrition prevents cavities along with cleaning your teeth, simply.  Soap and water can do a fine job!

More on dental health -

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