Thursday, May 27, 2010

E-GADS! Danone Makes This and People Eat It...

I live in a very small, rural community that sponsors a food program each month through our local Grange. Everyone in the community gets a box of food, and our Grange Master delivered my May box today.

I was happy to get rhubarb, mangoes, pears, apples, tomatoes, lettuce, and the organic green beans.

I'll also use some of the canned goods included and then pass on to a family I know, that is in great need, what I won't use.

With the food box was a yogurt six-pack. I enjoy yoghurt and usually make my own or get plain, organic, whole milk or 2% at the health section in my favorite market.

The shock to me was that the six-pack was Dannon.

I started eating Dannon yoghurt about 1954 or thereabouts. At that time this was real yoghurt and it came in flavors like lemon, banana, coffee, prune (which I loved), vanilla, and plain.

Now it is every artificial flavor you could ever think of and it is made with non fat milk so you can't absorb the calcium.

What was so shocking to me in this product, Light & Fit, were the sweetening additives. These included - from the label - Fructose, Sucralose, Aspartame, and Acesulfame potassium (K).

I don't know how anyone could stand that level of artificially produced sweetness. And I don't know how any one in their right mind would ingest such a chemical blend that is made up of very harmful chemicals.

If you read Natural Health News regularly you are aware that we have covered the problems with these artificial sweeteners, the new recombinant stevia/erythritol blends, and fructose.

I'm adding a comment here from a keen resource for the facts on the problematic sweeteners Danone is happy for you to consume -
Yes I will pass it along. That seems to be the new thing, instead of one sweetener they blend several together, like they do now with gum. Isn't one poison enough? At least it was on the label because you remember Mr. Pape from the National Yogurt Assn has petitioned the FDA to allow aspartame in yogurt unlabeled and dairy products. I don't believe a decision has been made. Even Jerome Bressler said that was illegal, but you never put anything pass the FDA. Also, consider the interaction, Maybe they figure it would be hard to tell which one poisoned you. Sucralose is a chlorocarbon poison, and Acesulfame potassium caused cancer and leukemia in original studies. Aspartame, of course, is an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug and adjuvant.

There was a study in Liverpool some years ago on combing additives. The Liverpool team reported that when mouse nerve cells were exposed to MSG and brilliant blue or aspartame and quinoline yellow in laboratory conditions, combined in concentrations that theoretically reflect the compound that enters the bloodstream after a typical children's snack and drink, the additives stopped the nerve cells growing and interfered with proper signalling systems.

Unfortunately government agencies ignore the studies done so have full knowledge of what is going on, and do nothing.

All my best,
Betty, and
Aspartame Toxicity Center,

At 08:00 PM 5/27/2010, Dr. Gayle wrote:

Hi Betty,

I just received a food delivery and they sent me a six pack of yogurt by Dannon (Danone) made with no fat which means you can't absorb the calcium, and sweetened with a combination of - from the label - "Fructose, Sucralose, Aspartame, and Acesulfame potassium".

Obviously it is a candidate for the trash bin but can you imagine needing that much sweet taste?

Hope you'll pass this along.

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