Thursday, September 23, 2010

3 Problems with Interval Training

By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Interval training is not as good as *they* make it out to be.


By *they*, I mean the inexperienced personal trainers and generic fitness magazines who aren't sure what they are talking about. In fact, the advice they'll give you can cause a LOT of problems with your interval training -- including the BIG 3 I'm about to share with you...

After all, you're probably already doing some form of interval training, but what kind of RESULTS are you getting?

Are you truly enjoying your workouts?

When is the last time you did an interval training workout where you thought 'Wow, that was really fun!'?

Trust me, you CAN have fun, fast, proven, and powerful interval training workouts. I'll show you how in a second, but first...

The 3 Problems With Interval Training

1) Intervals can stop working if you do the same workout over & over

Yes, you MUST switch up your interval training every 4-6 weeks.

If you continue to do the same interval workout, you're results will slow down.

So if you're doing intervals and you're stuck at a fat loss plateau, then it is time for a new interval workout.

2) Intervals can be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing

Jumping into an advanced interval program on the treadmill or with kettlebells is a bad idea. That's why you need to start safely.

However, most people don't realize that even beginners can do interval training if they get a professionally designed program.

Fortunately, there are beginner interval workouts in my new manual.

3) You don't know what else to do for intervals

Okay, great, now you know that you need to do a different interval program every 4 weeks, but what are you to do?

Well, the great news is that there are dozens and dozens of ways to do intervals. You can do the 30-60 method, Adrenaline intervals, Tabata intervals, and even aerobic intervals (perfect for runners who want fat loss).

There is absolutely no reason you should ever be bored of interval training or wondering what type of intervals you should do next.

BUT WAIT...One more problem: You don't have any fancy equipment!

Most people think you need a treadmill or bike to do interval workouts, but that can't be further from the truth.

In the 31 Interval Training Workouts manual, you'll discover how to do intervals with kettlebells, hill sprints, and even bodyweight exercises (including a NEW bodyweight cardio 5x5 circuit).

In fact, I've spent this summer in my "Turbulence Training lab" creating the Ultimate Interval Training Guide, featuring over 31 different interval workouts and replacements...

...including NO-equipment bodyweight cardio circuits, kettlebell intervals and "ladders", hill sprint workouts, and much, much more.

The new TT 31 Interval Training Workouts Manual solves all of the BIG 5 problems with interval training and gives you the much needed variety for your fat burning workouts.

But the only way to get these 31 NEW workouts is by taking advantage of a 50% off sale this week ONLY here.


With these workouts you'll have the exact prescription for fast fat loss from intervals. No more of that generic "get on the treadmill and then go fast and then go slow" advice you get from uneducated members at the gym or at work.

This is the real deal.

You'll soon be boosting your metabolism with proven, powerful interval training workouts from one of the first trainers to introduce fat loss intervals to the world.

I've been using and preaching intervals for over 13 years now, and having trained thousand of clients - in person and online - I know exactly what works.

Fixing intervals to help you lose fat fast. Get all of those new interval workouts here.


Looking forward to your success story!

(But hurry, this offer is only available until Friday.)

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