Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lose fat & gain muscle at the same time?

This brand new "Body Re-composition" report is amazing:


It's by Tom Venuto and it shows you a scientifically proven system to achieve the "Holy Grail" of fitness goals:

Gaining Muscle and losing fat - AT THE SAME TIME!

Yes that sounds pretty hypey, but it's true, and as soon as you see this report, you'll 'get it'

The report is f-re-e and you can download it as a PDF and read it, or download it as an MP3 and listen to it.

Cool eh? - the MP3 alone is worth $47 - but it's getting taken down soon, so grab it now while you still can:

There's an opt-in (email subscribe) form on this page:


After you opt in, you'll get Tom's PDF or MP3 report, "The Holy Grail Revealed" which teaches you how to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time.

Then you'll get 3 MORE special reports which will be published in the next couple of weeks that teach you:

* How to gain muscle without gaining an ounce of fat (say goodbye to "bulking" and hello to "lean muscle gains")

* How to lose fat without losing any of your precious hard-earned muscle (the end of "ripped, but skinny")

* Why most people fail when they try to achieve these elusive goals (Body re-composition mistakes).


* real world success stories from real people who packed on muscle while losing fat at the same time... the proof is in the pudding. See it with your own eyes.


This is info that Tom has only released to his customers and Inner Circle members before.

The report is EXCELLENT, but I have to warn you that this entire subject is pretty controversial. 

However, Venuto is one of the most reputable experts online in the way he walks the walk (the guy is built!), and gives the science to back up his info...

It's pretty unusual that a successful natural bodybuilder gives away his secrets like this, but even more unusual to hear a smart bodybuilder teach his secrets, show you the
scientific proof of how its done...

AND... Show you the real-world before and after case studies proving that even ordinary people can do it too.

Get your "Holy Grail" report before he takes it down:



Arthur M.

PS I hope I didn't scare you off with the "warning." This report is really good, it's just that the subject in this report has always been a little controversial... (it's no big deal, but what's in this report should make for some interesting blog conversations!)

Get your report here:


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