Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to DOUBLE Your Muscle-Building Results

It's NOT your fault...

If you've felt it, you know exactly what I'm talking about...

It's the feeling that you're doing EVERYTHING right yet your muscle growth is going NOWHERE.

I can totally sympathize because I've been there myself.  It's a terrible feeling and not one I would wish on anybody.

So what would you say if I told you that if you follow just two SIMPLE rules in your training, you could literally BLOW past your muscle-building plateaus like they weren't even there?

==> (click here now to get the rules!)

"Mad Exercise Scientist" Nick Nilsson (you might be familiar with his very cool "Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" series of books) has just released an excellent report talking about these two extremely powerful rules that I think you'll really get a LOT out of it. 

In this report, he tells you exactly how you HAVE to train in order to start building muscle again.  He also tells you why most program designs are doomed to fail and have plateaus actually built right into them!  This is invaluable stuff and it'll really open up your eyes.

You're also going to learn the REAL reason why some people are hardgainers and some people are not...and he's going to tell you how to FIX it, if you are!  You're going to learn exactly how to train to actually change your body's physiology to better prepare it for muscle growth.

You train HARD.  You put your blood and guts into every set you do.

When you learn the REAL reasons why it's not your fault that your muscle growth has stopped...that the program you're on or the exercises you're using may be what's letting you down...

You'll realize this is the kind of information you've been missing.

Click this link to grab this free report now...

==> (click here now to get the rules!)

Arthur M. 

P.S. This report will only be available until midnight Sept 10th, then Nick is pulling it down, so definitely grab this while you have the chance.  He's also told me he's planning a few really cool surprises for those who pick up the report (and if you've ever read any of Nick's articles or books, you know this is going to be some VERY cool stuff!).

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