Thursday, September 9, 2010

The secret behind “naturally” skinny people

If you’ve ever cursed those “genetic freaks” who seem to eat whatever they want and never gain an ounce...

...while you do everything right and still struggle to get rid of the fat around your belly, hips, neck, or thighs...

... then you’re about to discover their *dirty little secret.*

And the amazing part is... those “metabolic lottery winners” often don’t even know what they’re doing right to stay so thin.

But, fitness expert, Tom Venuto, has figured out a way you can kick your metabolism into high-gear and burn fat like a natural athlete...

... no matter where you are starting from right now.

Discovering your unique body type...

The key is eating and exercising for your specific body type.

There are 3 major body types, but very few of us are an “exact match” for any one of them. Instead, you are most likely a combination of all 3 known body types.

One of my favorite things about Tom’s program is he’s made it very easy to identify your specific body type. And then develop a simple plan that will works for you.

That’s huge because...

The “One Size Fits All” diet plan is lie!

Did you know there are over 50,000 diet books listed on Amazon? Yet, none of them can work for every body type.

Tom is living proof that his system works where standard diet plans fail.

See, even though he is a 7-time Natural bodybuilding champion...

Tom actually had a beer belly in college.

Then, he switched his major to exercise science and went on a personal mission to uncover the truth about why some people struggled with fat like he did...

...  while others practically live at the drive-thru window and still have six-pack abs.

When he discovered the body typing secret of a Harvard professor over 80 years ago... and combined it with what he was learning in his own studies...

... he went from being called “fat boy” to taking second in his very first bodybuilding championship just a few months later.

Since then, Tom has spent the last 20 years helping over two hundred thousand people of all body types torch their fat and finally achieve the body of their dreams without having to fight their genetics.

In fact, he was recently featured in Oprah magazine who said “Venuto is honest...” about what it takes to “drop a significant number of pounds.”

And the best part is... on Tom’s plan, you’ll never go hungry.

Eat more to burn more fat...

In fact, starving yourself is about the worst thing you can do to burn fat. That’s true no matter which body type you are.

The reason is, when you rob your body of the calories it needs to function, your body starts storing fat and losing muscle...

... leading to what Tom calls...

“Skinny Fat Syndrome.”

That’s where you lose weight, but your body looks and feels like mush. Not very flattering.

And even worse, your metabolism grinds to a halt.

Tom’s program is the opposite of this.  You are actually going to gain lean muscle while losing fat. And the result is the kind of, “look” you probably thought you never could achieve.

Anyway, if you have been confused by exactly what to do, especially the “what to eat” part and are still struggling with your weight – then I think trying out Tom’s program just makes sense.

He is one of the few guys out there who really cares and knows what he is talking about.

For a short time, Tom is giving away the secret behind his best selling system in this video presentation for nothing.

All you have to do is click and watch.

Let me know what you think!


Arthur M.

P.S.  One thing I forgot to mention is that Tom’s program has been online for over 8 years now and he developed it over 14 years before that. So it’s got a 22 year track record. And the stories from people are simply incredible.  Here is just one:

“When I started I weighed 246 pounds. Today I'm 172. My body fat was pushing 30% and now it's 8% to 9%. My waist was 40 inches and now it's 31. My cholesterol today is around 143. My blood pressure was 145/90, which is mild hypertension, and is now 118/60. My pulse was 81 and my resting heart rate today is around 48. I haven't had any illnesses in the last three years and I feel great."
Bob Phifer, Age 50

"Tom, I purchased your plan last year, and as of today I have lost 40 lbs, I went from a size 18 to a size 10. My daughter got married this past weekend and I was amazed that I reached my goal of wearing a size 10 to her wedding. I am a nurse, my patients all ask me what my secret is and I tell them, "Burn The Fat." I have even had a few patients ask me where "that other nurse" is, because I lost so much fat, they don't even recognize me!
Linda Hyatt

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