Friday, September 10, 2010

Last chance to grab your muscle-building report

This is it!  Today is your last chance to grab Nick Nilsson's free report "2 Simple Rules to DOUBLE Your Muscle-Building Results."  He's going to be taking down the report tonight so definitely pick that up while you have the chance.

It's packed full of great information...

- how to actually use overtraining to your ADVANTAGE when training for muscle growth and blow through plateaus like they weren't even there
- the reason WHY most standard programs have plateaus literally built right in and what you can do to fix it
- how to use specific training methods to change your body's physiology to better support muscle growth...if you're a hardgainer, you HAVE to pay attention to this section.  You need to maximize every aspect of your physiology to really make progress and this is a roadmap to tell you HOW.

You can still pick up that report here:

==> (click here now to get the report!)

And if you're interested in even MORE muscle-building info, check out the replay of the teleseminar Nick did with Tom Venuto on Thursday evening - this call is an hour of GREAT info and definitely worth listening in on.  You can listen from this page or download a copy to your computer.

==> (free muscle-building teleseminar!)


Arthur M.

P.S. Nick has also told me that on Saturday, he's going to be sending a complete sample workout taken directly from his upcoming book Mad Scientist Muscle.  This will ONLY be sent to people who pick up the free report so be sure and snap this up.  It's going to using a technique he calls In-Set Supersets and WOW, it is effective stuff.  You'll feel it working in the first set you do.

==> (click here now to get the report!)

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