Thursday, September 2, 2010

Margarine Not Heart Healthy

Again, an important warning about a topic we have covered for years - margaine is not a health promoting food.  Further the use of GMO oils in these products is an unknown risk.  And recal that Unilever is known to do unnecessary animal testing on many of its produtcs.

Unilever: Omega-3 margarine study will not affect usage advice

By Shane Starling, 31-Aug-2010
Related topics: Nutritional lipids and oils, Cardiovascular health

Omega-3 spread maker Unilever says a 40 month study that found omega-3 spreads don’t protect elderly heart attack sufferers from further cardiac events, requires further analysis and won’t affect approved methods of usage.

“The outcome does not question the current authoritative dietary recommendations and advices for omega 3 intakes on which our products are based,” Unilever’s Flip Dotsch told this morning.
The ALPHA-OMEGA trial saw almost 5000, 60-80 year old male and female heart attack survivors consuming varying levels of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) via non-commercial Unilever omega-3 spreads developed for the study for 40 months.
One group consumed 376mg of marine sourced DHA and EPA; another had 1.9g of soy and walnut sourced ALA; a third group had a spread fortified with all three fatty acids and a fourth was placebo.
After the 40 months, 13.9 per cent of the participants, who were 75 per cent male and 24 per cent obese, had suffered another cardiac event among all the groups.
Unsurprisingly, Unilever said it found the results surprising, especially when the body of EPA/DHA scientific literature was considered.
“The study outcome for EPA and DHA is surprising considering the weight of evidence published to date,” Unilever said in a statement. “This could be the result of methodological issues such as the relatively low daily dosage compared to previous studies or the fact that in this study serious cardiovascular events were much lower than in studies performed in the past. This is probably due to extensive drug treatment that is nowadays applied.”
It said its “science experts” were looking at the paper in greater detail.
The European Food Safety Authority has issued opinion on ALA, saying it supports lowering of blood cholesterol, But EPA/DHA were not backed for the same effect in an opinion published in October 2009.
No effect
Lead researcher, Daan Kromhout, PhD, of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, said that while the study found omega-3 fatty acid-enriched margarines "had no effect on the rate of major cardiovascular events”,improvements in medical treatment could have been a factor.
The EPA-DHA daily dose of 400mg was half that recommended by the American Heart Association.
Kromhout noted "the patients in this trial were very well treated" with many taking blood pressure and cholesterol drugs, a factor that made, “beneficial effect of low doses of EPA-DHA difficult to prove."
The findings were presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress and simultaneously published in theNew England Journal of Medicine.
Unilever added: We welcome this well-executed study as a valuable addition to the growing body of evidence on the role of omega 3s in cardiovascular health. Unilever is proud to have supported this important study and has a long history of supporting scientific investigation into cardiovascular disease and its management through diet and lifestyle.”
Source: New England Journal of Medicine
‘n–3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Events after Myocardial Infarction’
Authors: Daan Kromhout, M.P.H., PhD, Erik J. Giltay, M.D., PhD, Johanna M. Geleijnse, PhD
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from Natural Health News

Jul 24, 2009
In the UK, people consume on average about 10g per day of linoleic acid, found in around nine level teaspoons of polyunsaturated margarine or three teaspoons of sunflower oil. In the study, the people who consumed the most linoleic acid ...
Dec 09, 2008
Forty-seven subjects were randomly assigned to one of the three treatment groups: margarine without added plant sterols or stanols, plant sterol-enriched margarine, or plant stanol-enriched margarine. Changes in lipid-adjusted serum ...
Jan 05, 2009
Healthy fats do not include Smart Balance margarine and as you will note in other articles on Natural Health News, plant sterols are generally soy and canola oil, genetically modified and have a negative impact on vitamins such as ...
Jan 02, 2008
I did find the Promise margarine ingredients and it made me worry about exactly what is in Activ. Like all inquiring minds I wanted to know exactly what is in this product. I phoned the company this morning and received help from a nice ...
Feb 07, 2009
I was visiting a friend recently and happen to notice two tubs of that margarine on her counter claiming to reduce cholesterol. I've spoken against the use of these plant sterol products in classes I teach, in articles I've written, ...
Mar 12, 2009
Canola oil is a too commonly used ingredient in food, especially now that "plant sterols" are plugged into all kinds of things like margarine, vitamins, even aspirin. You'll find it in dog food and even in an ever increasing number of ...
Feb 05, 2009
And please don't eat that plant sterol margarine no matter what they tell you; real butter (unsalted) and high quality olive oil blended together by your hand at home is a much healthier spread. ...
Jun 09, 2008
You will find, if you read the label, that Promise margarine ( other brands too) and Promise 'shots', CardioWise vitamins, Dannon products, and even products sold in health stores contain soy and canola. Many other products contain this ...
Jan 24, 2008
And all that margarine too! I am for one, even being non-litigious because I believe in arbitration and mediation as peaceful conflict resolution tools, am very pleased to see this action. For information about REAL YOGHURT ...
Sep 12, 2008
Keeping plastic out of your diet also helps (soy-canola margarine and other releated products). Refer to these articles for more information: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 Real or Frankenfoods and supplements? Your health, Your choice ...
Sep 23, 2008
Too much fat is a concern, wrong fat is a concern (like margarine and canola or soy oils) fast food, and lack of fiber, magnesium, calcium/phosphorus metabolism, and lack of other key nutritional factors. ...
Jan 20, 2007
It is a long-term toxin that has serious adverse health effects including hair loss and blindness. It has no place in the diet of man nor beast. Avoid all margarine including the plastic fat Becel. 10:36 AM. Anonymous said. ...

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