Thursday, September 9, 2010

Free Muscle-Building Teleseminar

I've got something very cool to share with you here today!  Muscle-building expert Nick Nilsson has enlisted the help of another expert Tom Venuto to do a muscle-building teleseminar Thursday night at 8 pm EST!

This is completely charge, no obligation...and you can submit your questions for both Nick and Tom.

They're going to be covering a LOT of great to make overtraining work FOR you, not against you, how use specific training techniques to literally change your physiology to better set the stage for muscle growth, and a whole lot more.

This is going to be killer information.  If you want muscle, definitely plan on listening in!  Here's the link:

==> (free muscle-building teleseminar!)

And if you haven't yet picked up a copy of Nick's special report "2 Simple Rules to DOUBLE Your Muscle-Building Results" definitely jump on it!  The report will be taken down on Friday night at midnight. 

The comments on the download page really speak volumes as to the quality of this information. 

==> (click here now to get the report!)

Arthur M.

P.S. Nick is also running a comment contest on the download page - submit your comment or question and tell you story as to why you believe you deserve a free copy of his new book "Mad Scientist Muscle" - he'll be giving away THREE free copies!

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