Monday, September 27, 2010

37 new foods that KILL BellyFat faster ($400 Bonus)

If you’ve been online over the past few weeks, you’ve probably heard all of the buzz and commotion about my good friend and fat loss “guru” Josh Bezoni’s hot, new program called The 7-Day BellyBlastDiet.

In it, he reveals some VERY sneaky tricks to KILL up to 11 lbs of belly fat, excess water, and toxic waste in just 7 days.  (It’s crazy, but true.) And one of these tricks involves eating a lot more of these 37 belly-blasting foods…

      < =====37 New Foods That KILL BellyFat Fast

But it gets even BETTER. Because you’re a VIP Subscriber to my newsletter, you’re invited to an “invitation only” pre-sale, and I twisted Josh’s arm to include a VERY special, 24-hour belly-blasting bonus (valued at $400). But it is ONLY available until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.         < ===== LAST CHANCE FOR $400 BONUS

Here are 4 important points to know:

1.       Today is the “official” RELEASE of the 7-Day BellyBlastDiet and to celebrate, Josh is having a big 3-day pre-sale and including a special belly-blasting bonus that will ONLY be available until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.

2.       This pre-sale is HIDDEN from the general public, at a special website page that has been set up ONLY for Josh’s closest fitness friends.  Here’s that link again:         < =====Get it Here

3.       WARNING:  this high-speed belly blasting program is NOT for professional body builders or for people who have a few vanity pounds to lose.  This program is for busy folks who LOVE TO EAT and struggle to find the energy, will power, and extra time in their day to achieve fast and lasting results.

You see, the secret to this program is that it harnesses the power of 3 sneaky tricks to overcome the 3 biggest obstacles that are keeping you from achieving a flat belly fast. 

And by the way, one of these sneaky tricks is a new technology Josh developed called “Calorie Confusion,” which ensures that you keep getting rapid fat loss results without hitting a plateau or experiencing that dreaded rebound. 

And the crazy thing is, even though this isn’t a difficult program to follow, it’s still VERY powerful. The first people to experience this program dropped as much as 11 pounds of bellyfat, excess water, and toxic waste in the very first 7 days.         < =====Get it Here

4.       Special notice, TODAY ONLY:  while the “opening day” pre-sale special will only be available until Thursday, September 30th, when you order within the next 24 hours you will get a $400 value FAST ACTION BONUS. 

When you order today, (and today only), you will be invited to attend a special LIVE, 90-minute Coaching Session where Josh Bezoni and Kim Lyons (the All-Star trainer from the hit TV show, NBC’s The Biggest Loser), will be LIVE on the telephone to reveal their very BEST fat loss tips while answering all of your questions.  Josh and Kim are NOT available for direct one-on-one coaching, but when you get The 7-Day BellyBlastDiet TODAY, you’ll get access to this LIVE call for *FREE*.         < ========= Special Bonus

The truth is, I wouldn’t be recommending this program if I didn’t believe in it 100%.  If you’re interested in using some very sneaky tricks to overcome the 3 things that are keeping you from a flat belly, without having to turn your life upside down to do it, then this is THE program to get your hands on.  And right now, you can get it before anyone else during this invitation-only pre-sale:         < =====Get it Here

P.S.  I almost forgot, you can do all of this while enjoying foods like dark chocolate, peanut butter, and even BBQ.  (No kidding):

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