Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

from Natural Health NewsThank you for your support of our work since 2004.

Brain Fitness Training Is The New Resolution

By Martin G Walker

If historians are correct, the ancient Babylonians, one of
the earliest civilized societies, practiced the art of the
New Year's resolution. To this day, cultures around the
world use the turning of the year as a time to reflect on
what's past while looking to the future. This New Year more
people than ever before will be making brain fitness
training their top resolution.

Many of the traditional favorites - losing weight,
exercising, quitting smoking, to name a few - already move
us in the direction of better brain health. Brain training
takes us a big step further by fostering brain plasticity, a
state that we can use to improve our memory, concentration,
and mental acuity while helping to stave off the onset of
Alzheimer's symptoms and early dementia.

Although scientists had long since dismissed the idea that
the adult brain could grow and change, research from the
last few years overturns that theory with studies proving
quite the opposite. The right conditions can cause the
production of new neural nerve cells and the brain, in fact
proves to be remarkably adept at rewiring connections work
more effectively with the right training. (The concept of
brain plasticity is even being applied in new therapies for
stroke victims, restoring motor capabilities that
traditional therapies could not.)

Brain Training Benefits

Academics: Good brain training software may be one of the
most effective and affordable test prep programs you can
buy. Test prep typically helps you increase your test scores
but won't help you do better in school, whereas brain
training can boost your attention and general
problem-solving ability. And if you have a diagnosed
learning dysfunction, it's possible that a targeted brain
exercise will help. Where possible, many learning
specialists have begun to use brain training in preference
to accommodations as a way to address a deficit directly
rather than working around it.

Career Improvement: If your career involves creative
problem-solving and focused mental activity brain training
provides a way to stay sharp. Modern workplace demands tend
to disrupt the brain's ability to form memories and
stimulate new cell growth. Brain training can significantly
increase effectiveness and success in the workplace.

Long-Term Mental Health And Well-Being: Unless we do
something to stop it, by age 40 our brains have begun to
decline. With regular mental exercise, however, we can
reduce or eliminate memory loss, and lower our risk of
developing Alzheimer's symptoms and dementia. Researchers
have even found that depression responds to the kind of
stimulated neural growth that brain training can induce.

Self-Growth: The recent upsurge in brain training
technologies has revealed that brain exercise can lead to
improvements in seemingly unrelated areas - such as musical
ability and self-esteem. When we reflect on the brain's
central role in any and all aspects of thinking (including
feeling) this begins to make perfect sense. If we're already
engaged in activities such as physical exercise, yoga,
reading, therapy, and mindfulness meditation, a program of
mental exercise fits right in.

Making The Resolution Stick

Studies have shown that we tend not to keep our New Year's
resolutions. Women will do better at them if they share them
with their friends. And men succeed more often if the goals
are broken down into manageable milestones. Brain training
has the built-in advantage of challenge and reward. If we
find a training program that works for us, it will become an
activity we look forward to. Many programs also provide the
option to share our achievements in some form of on-line
community, and to track our detailed progress through our
training scores.

The brain training marketplace can be a little confusing at
first. There are many products out there and it's not always
clear which ones work. Some training programs provide don't
require much focus and attention and won't stimulate brain
plasticity. Others might work extremely well but cost
several hundred dollars and demand a significant time

It's important to verify a program's scientific basis. The
vendor should state clearly what improvements the program
will bring about and in what time period. And the product
should come with a training schedule that will help you
judge whether it is right for you.

Brain training could be the best New Year's resolution
you'll ever make. With the right level of commitment it can
bring about a big jump in mental ability and set us on the
road to long-term brain health.

Oxford-trained scientist, author, and technologist, Martin
G. Walker is a member of The British Neuroscience
Association, Learning and The Brain, and MENSA. His company
( Mind Evolve Software
publishes free information on the field of neuroscience and
brain training as well as effective and affordable
( brain training
software under the brand name Mind Sparke.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

5 Questions To Ask About Meal Replacement Diets

So you've decided to start a meal replacement program.
Before you begin however, you need to ask a few simple but
helpful questions. Protect you health, and save yourself
some money by first asking the following five questions:

1. Does the program work? The first question may seem
obvious, but many do not even bother to ask. Does the
program actually work? Your goal in being on any diet is
weight loss. Stray away from programs that cannot prove how
well they work or that do not provide any guidance or
support. If a program does what it says, it should be able
to provide success stories from some of its customers. If
it can't you should start looking elsewhere.

2. What kind of professional supervision is provided? A
meal replacement program should only be undertaken with
proper medical supervision. Medical evaluation and
emotional support are both very important in any weight loss
program, especially a meal replacement program. If you are
investing your time and money in a program, it should offer
you professional guidance by qualified professionals.

3. What kind of ongoing maintenance support do you offer?
Losing the weight is only the first step. It is the very
beginning of a lifelong change in lifestyle and dietary
habits. You will need support to stay on track once you've
reached your goal weight. Choose programs that help keep
you motivated and connected with follow up support, and
offer options for intervention should you start to regain

4. How much does it cost? The important point of this
question is not that you should try to skimp out and choose
the "cheapest" program, but you should choose a program that
gives you your money's worth. You could end up paying
thousands of dollars for food, enrollment fees, and other
hidden fees for a regimen that is poorly designed that
doesn't work. Furthermore, it may offer no training or
support. However, a program that is less expensive could be
highly effective. All in all, choose the best program that
fits your budget.

5. Are there hidden fees, and can you get a refund? A true
sign of confidence is a weight loss program that offers a
money back guarantee. A program that is confident in what
it can do will have no problems with offering to give you
your money back if you are not completely satisfied with the
results. Also, be careful of hidden fees, like additional
consultation and supplement fees. Reputable weight loss
programs will always be upfront with what it's going to cost
you to participate.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Laxative Colonoscopy Prep Products and Kidney Damage

Laxatives are one of the most commonly overused products sold to consumers, over-the-counter (OTC). These same products, and others available by prescription only, have caused serious side effects associated with kidney damage (nephropathy) and dehydration.

The products are particularly risky for the elderly and people with existing heart, kidney and some gastrointestinal problems.

Since colon cancer prevention and screening are important health concerns, consumers are encouraged to be educated about using these products.

Osmolar Phosphate Laxatives: Keeping Water in its Place

Osmolarity is a fancy word that refers to a basic rule of physics and biology and it is about how fluids - in this case it’s water – move in and out of cells based on the presence of electrolytes, most often sodium and potassium. Phosphorus and calcium are two other electrolytes that are important health and often work together.

Your body depends on a delicate balance of trace elements and enzyme reactions to keep humming like a top. When this balance is altered you run the risk of dehydration and problems with the way your kidneys work.

Simply put, when you ingest a large amount of sodium containing foods or liquids, the kidneys work to flush the excess sodium out of the body. It does this by removing fluid from inside the cells, from your tissues and organs and moves it through the kidneys or the gastrointestinal tract. This may lead to excessive urination and diarrhea. In the process you lose not only the water but your electrolyte balance is altered.

Phosphorus and calcium reactions with dehydration may lead to the formation of crystals or “stones” and reduction of kidney function.

Laxatives often become the culprit in these cases, especially for the elderly, those with heart failure, people with kidney problems, and people using prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medication affecting kidney function (diuretics for example).

Oral Sulfur Phosphates as Preps for Screening for Colorectal Cancer

Currently colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and it is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths, therefore screening and early detection have become an important public health issue.

Thorough bowel cleansing is an important part of preparation for this screening and it is crucial to find a product that is safe and easy use. The difficulty in getting more people to seek the screening may be increased because of concerns with the products.

One very popular laxative has been Fleet’s Phospho-Soda. The C.B. Fleet Co. of Lynchburg, VA recently, in a voluntary action, withdrew its oral, over-the-counter Fleet Phospho-Soda bowel cleansing solutions after FDA regulators warned of potential harm to the kidneys when the Phospho-Soda is used as a bowel cleanser.

While the FDA has not required a recall, Fleet also removed the EZ-Prep Bowel Cleansing System used to clear the bowels before a colonoscopy.

Information found urges anyone using Phospho-soda to review current FDA product information pages. They also state that it is important to follow your doctor’s guidelines and drink at least nine 8-ounce glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration.

The FDA is now moving to have these laxative products relabeled to include warnings and make them available only by prescription.

Other prescription products, Visicol and OsmoPrep, will add the new FDA required warning regarding potential kidney damage to their oral sodium phosphate products.

The concern at the FDA is that oral sodium phosphate products have been connected with kidney function problems such as acute phosphate nephropathy that can cause permanent damage and lifelong dialysis or death. In acute phosphate nephropathy, calcium-phosphate crystals deposit in the renal tubules inside each kidney.

When used as directed or at lower levels, the FDA stated there is no evidence that the OTC laxatives lead to kidney problems. The agency, however, started issuing alerts in 2006. Other data show that product lawsuits for oral sodium phosphate laxatives, including lawsuits where OSP product users developed acute phosphate nephropathy began appearing in 2003.

While Phospho-soda has been the bowel prep product used and recommended by physicians for decades, Fleet is not asking doctors to not recommend the Phospho-soda products.

Gastroenterologists and proctologists have recommended Fleet’s Phospho-soda products for years, especially in patient preparation for screening colonoscopy (a colon cancer screening examination). In a clinical trial the product achieved the highest patient acceptance scores, and cleansing was generally rated as excellent.
However, Fleet Phospho-soda should not be used in patients with congenital megacolon, bowel obstructions, ascites, congestive heart failure or kidney disease.
When problems do not exist, physicians believe the product is good because it is effective, easily tolerated by patients and affordable.

Generally most patients do not like bowel prep products. Some doctors, like Mark Wax MD, suggest the need for “virtual bowel prep”. He adds that “until that becomes an option, patients will have to undergo conventional preparation and that requires making informed decisions about available options.” Wax is associated with a company that offers virtual colonoscopy.

The company states that virtual colon screening is a minimally invasive, safe and more comfortable procedure. Recent studies have shown it to be comparable to conventional colonoscopy for finding polyps larger than one centimeter. The risk of cancer in smaller polyps is almost negligible. With virtual colonoscopy, 100% of the colon surface can be seen. It is estimated that physicians only see 70%-80% of the colon surface with conventional colonoscopy.

Should you have medical questions about using these products, contact your health care provider.

This article is part of a consumer health education series written by Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND, of Creating Health Institute, in collaboration with Bernstein Liebhard, LLP, who sponsors the consumer advocate website,

Relaxation And Stress Management

Many people get caught up in their day to day lives and
focus on the future which can bring about anxiety or stress.
Stress can cause many problems such as concentration issues,
lack of good judgment, negativity and lack of productivity.
The best way to combat these feelings of stress is through relaxation.
Relaxation plays a key roll in leading a healthy happy life.
Relaxation takes as little as ten minutes a day and can be as simple
as breathing exercises, or as challenging as a kick boxing class,
the choice is yours.

Relaxation can happen anywhere, at work, at home or on a
little deserted island off the coast of Mexico. Unfortunately
not everyone can take a nice vacation to that dream island or
a seven year sabbatical. Many need to learn to relax in the
comfort of their own homes and lives. The key is to find something
you enjoy and teach your mind to relax when you do it.

There are many ways in which you can relax. Finding your
method is really your biggest obstacle, but it is easy, just
think about what you enjoy most. Maybe you like listening to
music, reading, meditating or walking. Any of these
activities can be a relaxation method and can be scaled down
to as little as ten minutes.

Watching TV, listening to music, surfing the web and
reading all offer a break from regular day to day
situations. They each create an alternative world that is
entirely your own. Your mind visually escapes into a place
that is different and exciting instead of dull, boring and
always the same as so many of us think our lives are.

Learning to control your breathing and meditation can be a
little more complicated since you must learn these
techniques in order for them to work properly. Meditation
can help you learn to reflect on situations and to control
your breathing to calm your mind. These techniques need to
be mastered and exercised in order to achieve the maximum
result. Once you have achieved your goal, you can relax at
the drop of a hat and find inner control in as little as ten

Other people prefer to hit the gym to relax. Some like to
run, walk or lift weights. Others might prefer cycling,
kick boxing or tai chi classes. Running and walking burn off
excessive built up energy, however not everyone wants to run
a marathon. For them there are other types of classes which
sole purpose is relaxation such as yoga. Many people choose
to skip the classes and gym all together and simply walk
their dogs in the park.

Your body will tell you what it likes and what it doesn't
like, you just need to learn to listen. Take note of what
worked and what didn't while you were practicing different
relaxing techniques. If one doesn't work don't be afraid to
try a different approach. Make sure to keep yourself
motivated by reminding yourself you will be healthier and
happier in the end and think how nice it is to do something

Teaching your body something new is always a challenge,
however once you get the hang of it, it is like riding a
bike, your body won't forget how. It is important to find an
activity which you enjoy and know you will stick with, but
you must make a conscious effort to remind and train your
body to relax while performing this task. It may take time,
but in the end the rewards will be fantastic for your mind,
body and lifestyle.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Although panic attacks and anxiety can be related to each
other, they can also be completely separate entities with
their own set of symptoms. Either of these conditions can
become problematic if the symptoms escalate beyond the
normal range. It is at this point, that treatment will need
to be sought.

Anxiety is a reaction to stress, and this is considered to
be normal. It is something that can help someone deal with
tense situations in different areas of one's life, such as
at work, school, or just something that requires facing a
crowd of people. If anxiety starts to become an excessive
and irrational dread of facing everyday situations, it has
crossed into the area of a disabling disorder.

Panic attacks and anxiety differ in the fact that, while
anxiety usually builds to a point, panic attacks can hit at
any time with no warning. Unlike anxiety, a panic attack is
an irrational fear of something that can't be named. There
is rarely any obvious reason for the feelings of panic, and
is much more intense than the feelings of anxiety or being
overly stressed.

One out of every 75 people in the world will have a panic
attack at some point in their lives. The good news is that
most of these adults will never have another panic attack.
However, these statistics show that panic attacks and
anxiety are the most common emotional disorders, even more
so than bipolar disorders, ADHD, depression, OCD
schizophrenia, phobias, and alcohol abuse. In addition to
this, people suffering from panic and anxiety disorders
rarely go looking for help with their problem.

Of course, there are similarities between panic attacks and
anxiety attacks, and anxiety attacks can lead to panic
attacks. Suffer from enough anxiety and it can escalate into
a panic attack. So if you begin to find yourself becoming
overly anxious, it's time to get help in bringing it under
control before it gets too much to cope with.

Panic attacks and anxiety are not pleasant and can actually
become quite debilitating. But people who suffer from
anxiety or panic attacks can take some comfort in knowing
there is help around to lead a regular life. All it takes is
asking for the help you need.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Easy Ways To Gain Weight Fast

Some people are able to eat just a few meals a day and gain several pounds in a week. If you are someone who is desperately trying to lose weight, then gaining weight easily is a very bad thing. But, if you are one of the millions of weight lifters who is working hard to gain weight and therefore muscle mass, eating frequently and gaining little if any weight is a major obstacle to progress. In reality, if you happen to be one of these individuals you are actually blessed with very good metabolism.

A person with good metabolism who is also a bodybuilder is known as a hardgainer. Hardgainers are the envy of obese people everywhere in that they can eat and eat and never really seem to gain any weight. In addition to above average metabolism, hardgainers tend to have muscles that simply don't repair torn muscle tissue as well as others. It's important to understand that the average muscle building workout is not intended for hardgainers. On the contrary, most bodybuilding workouts presuppose that you can easily gain muscle mass.

This means that if you are unfortunate enough to be a hardgainer, copying a workout routine that you read on your favorite fitness website or blog may actually do more harm than good. It's entirely possible that a normal workout for some can cause most hardgainers to actually lose rather than gain muscle mass.

The keys to gaining weight fast are understanding how much rest time you need between sets in order to maximize your muscle gains and how much your strain, or tearing, your muscles can actually handle. If you are a hardgainer then you will need to rest a minimum of 60 seconds in between all of your sets and should do no more than a maximum of 6 sets of any one exercise. This assumes that you are lifting heavy weights. If, on the other hand, you are weight training for endurance and to get toned then you can do as many as 10 sets and rest for as little as 30 seconds in between sets.

For hardgainers, sufficient sleep is also very important to gaining weight fast. Failure to get enough sleep during the day for hardgainers means that your body will convert less of your calories and carbohydrates consumed through out the day into body weight. Hardgainers should sleep a minium of 8 hours per day with 10 hours being more or less ideal.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Is There A Link Between Coffee And High Blood Pressure?

It's no surprise to my friends and family that I pride
myself on living a healthy lifestyle. This is why, I
suppose only half-joking, that they refer to my Grande
coffee from Starbucks as my "vice."

A friend recently told me to "watch out," while at Starbucks
the other day as I drank my coffee because her doctor told
her that coffee can contribute to high blood pressure, or

Watch out? My friend was telling me this quite literally,
as she was exhaling cigarette smoke. Did her doctor mention
that this behavior is far more a contributor to high
blood pressure?

Did the doctor actually state that more than anything, my
friend's overindulgence in food, smoking and sometimes
alcohol largely caused her hypertension but she only heard
"coffee?" Hard to know but I was curious, why did the
doctor even list coffee as a contributor?

To date, there is no definitive evidence that coffee leads
to the development of high blood pressure.

Some studies have shown that drinking coffee does raise
one's blood pressure slightly, but only temporarily. In
fact, these same studies have shown that over time, this
slight increase in blood pressure is reduced.

Researchers are starting to notice that the reason coffee is
so often associated with the actual contributors to
hypertension (cigarettes, and obesity) is because many
people tend to combine drinking coffee with these bad

Does this mean that coffee causes hypertention? No - it is
not coffee's fault that some people cannot drink a cup of
coffee without partnering it with cigarettes and/or over

While I'm always excited to read about amazing results from
people who've given up coffee and reduced their blood
pressure, I'm even more interested in knowing what other bad
behaviors where dropped when these people gave up coffee.

I believe moderation truly is the key as far as coffee (and
well, everything) is concerned. I like my coffee and will
continue to drink my occasional cup until proven otherwise.

5 Tips For An Effective Shoulder Workout Exercise

The truth is that the average bodybuilder doesn't have a clue how their shoulder muscles actually work. Unlike the biceps or triceps, the shoulder muscles are a complex muscle group. By far the most common injury associated with the shoulder are rotator cuff injuries. The rotator cuff is the group of muscles that stabilize the shoulder. Shoulder cuff injuries tend to result from excessive lifting sets, atttempting to lift more weight than you can handle, and from poorly developed opposing back muscles.

Here are a few tips for an effective shoulder workout exercise that will maximize muscle gains and minimize the chance of injury:

1.Balance the training of your upper body. This means that every shoulder pressing exercise should be accompanied by at least one set of rowing. By balancing your pressing sets with complementary rowing sets you will actually help balance the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

2.Limit your lifting sets to no more than 6. Too many sets of a given exercise can actually cause your muscle tissue to deteriorate rather than develop. In other words, you may actually reverse your muscle gains with too much exercise.

3.Take 6 or 7 deep breaths between individual sets. This usually amounts to about 60 seconds between sets and gives your muscles just the time they need to recover before moving on to the next set.

4.Do at least 2 light weight shoulder workouts per month. Light weight workouts increase your muscle stamina and endurance and this reduces the chances of your ligaments snapping during a heavy weight workout.

5.Rotate your shoulder exercises every single time your workout. This means each shoulder workout should be in a different order than the previous workout. Rotating your shoulder exercises causes your muscles to inadvertently work harder which means improved muscular development.

In addition to following these basic tips, don't forget to also eat a balanced diet and sleep at least 8 hours per day. Without enough sleep or food your muscles will be starved of energy and rest which will in turn limit or reverse your muscle gains.

Patient Consent Update Needed Now

The following two paragraphs come from the January 2008 issue of my newsletter, herbalYODA Says!

"herbalYODA Says! Volume 5, Number 1 – January 2008

The Importance of Informed Consent

Informed consent, according to the University of Washington's School of Medicine, "is the process by which a fully informed patient can participate in choices about his/her health care. It originates from the legal and ethical right the patient has to direct what happens to (their) body and from the ethical duty of the physician to involve the patient in (their) health care."

Informed consent is the cornerstone of ethical conduct in health care. Written consent does not take the place of a patient fully understanding a proposed drug or treatment. Rarely does a person who may have language or illiteracy concerns receive the clarification necessary to understand what it being prescribed or proposed as treatment. (more...)"

I am a staunch supporter of and educator about informed consent. This doctrine is required for any and all medications, treatments, surgeries or tests ordered for you by your health care provider.

The pure reason I am such a stickler is that year after year I find that very little of this process is going on, at least at a level a patient would understand.

The blank stares I get when I ask people about drugs that have been prescribed are telling enough.

The problem, as I see it, is that this is an all too common practice, and a practice that ultimately gets everyone in trouble.

For the very reason that is stated in the title, this article addresses the critical issue, education. I have to agree that is is well past time that not only consent forms, but the consent process come back into vogue.
Patient Consent Forms Should Educate Not Intimidate, Experts Urge
ScienceDaily (Dec. 24, 2008) — It’s time patient consent forms came back full circle to a tool for patient education, rather than the waiver of liability they have become, experts urge.

The original purpose of the consent forms was for a surgeon or doctor to inform the patient of common or serious risks associated with the procedure to be performed. However, the way current consent forms are written – as formal, legal documents – plants a litigious relationship in both the patient’s and the surgeon’s mind even before treatment has begun.

Lawrence Brenner is an attorney on the faculty of the Department of Orthopedics at Yale University. He and his colleagues propose a set of five recommendations to return consent forms to their intended purpose – that of allowing patients to meaningfully take part in the decision-making process. Their suggestions have been published online in Springer’s journal, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.

As surgeons have become increasingly concerned about potential litigation, the informed consent process has lost its educational value. The focus is now on obtaining ‘preoperative release’, rather than an exchange of information to help patients make important decisions about their healthcare choices. In reality, the majority of patients find it a challenge to understand the complicated legal jargon used on the forms.

Research also suggests that proper informed consent has a direct impact on the quality of patients’ recovery after surgery. Indeed, patients have more realistic expectations and are better prepared psychologically to cope with the outcome of the operation when they have had an open discussion with their physician about what to expect during and after surgery.

In order to return informed consent forms to a tool for patient education rather than a form written by lawyers to absolve surgeons from liability, the authors make five recommendations. First, the informed consent form should never be viewed as a substitute for educating the patient; it is merely evidence that an appropriate discussion has taken place. Second, the forms should be designed to be understandable. Third, surgeons should not be afraid to communicate uncertainty in order to have a truly open discussion with their patients. Fourth, patients need to be active participants in the dialogue about the potential risks of the procedure. Finally, a note by the surgeon in the patients’ medical notes, that states that a discussion has taken place, is likely to be much more effective than a lengthy signed, but incomprehensible, form.


Journal reference:

Brenner et al. Beyond Informed Consent: Educating the Patient. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2008; DOI: 10.1007/s11999-008-0642-4

Springer (2008, December 24). Patient Consent Forms Should Educate Not Intimidate, Experts Urge.

ScienceDaily: /releases/2008/12/081217124158.htm

Sniff Your Way to Brain Power

This list of essential oils and their benefit for your brain was something I developed over a decade ago for a class I was teaching for Elders and for use in care centers for people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

I also taught this in the Corporate Wellness Programs that we sponsor; this program was presented first at Boeing. It has been presented to numerous companies since then.

I searched it out from my old files because of the number of reports recently about peppermint. As I always have suggested, using a diffuser of some type is the best method of dispersal, but you can use something as simple as a cotton ball in a small glass votive holder and place it on your desk at work. Periodically add a few drops of your choice of essential oil, changing the cotton ball when you change your oil selection.

I particularly like to use peppermint as it has such a clean smell. I often add it to the natural cleaning products I make because of the antibacterial benefit.

To help sleep, use lavender and set the holder on your bedside table.

Rosemary is particularly helpful for facilities providing dementia care.

Sniff Your Way to Brain Power -
by the leaflady

Rosemary - helps a weak memory and quickens senses

Lemon - wakes you up

Peppermint - improves work efficiency and dispels drowsiness

Lavender - calming and steadying, helps in decision making

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A Pinch of Spice Helps Keep Drivers Alert

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

3 Tips To Gain Lean Muscle Fast

If you are anything like me when I was new to weight training you've been actually losing weight rather gaining weight. In order to gain lean muscle mass you need to pack on the pounds and this is very difficult to do when you are steadily losing weight. If you have been searching for the best muscle building tips and stratagies then you need look no further. I'm about to share with you some of my secrets that have helped me gain more than 20 pounds of lean muscle in less than six months.

Before you another foot in the gym or spend another penny on fancy workout equipment the first thing you need to focus on is your protein intake. Without sufficient protein in your diet all of your painstaking efforts in the gym will be totally wasted. Protein is one of the key fundamentals to getting ripped and building lean muscle.

When you lift heavy weights you are actually causing very small tears in your muscles to form. When this happens, your body introduces protein to repair the tears. The more protein you have in your diet the better the tears will be repaired resulting in faster, more effecient muscle gain. Proper protein intake is largely dependent upon your body weight and sex. If you are a male, you need to take in approximately 1.5 grams of whey protein per day per pound of body weight. If you happen to be a female weight lifter then you need to take in 1 grams of soy protein per day.

In addition to proper protein intake, its just as important to make sure that you eat at least 4 complete meals per day. You should also eliminate snack foods such as candy, potato chips, cookies, pie, and sugary pop. I usually drink diet soda rather than normal soda and I also occasionally indulge in snack foods but I limit my indulgences to no more than 3 times per week. If you can eliminate your sugar cravings altogether, then the more power to you.

Finally, if you are currently lifting very heavy weights, it's very important to rest at least 8 hours per day with 10 hours being ideal. If you don't get enough sleep then your muscles won't have enough time to repair and your efforts in the gym will be in vain.

LDL Cholesterol And Heart Disease

Cholesterol is a substance that is found in our blood. It is
usually associated with other substances, notably the
lipoproteins named LDL and HDL. The association with HDL is
good for our health whereas the association with LDL is bad.
Let us find out how these associations actually affect our
health and how we can guard against their adverse effect on
our health.

HDL cholesterol is beneficial to the body and must be
transported to all parts of the body by the bloodstream,
whereas LDL cholesterol must be eliminated from the body via
the very same bloodstream. The body has a mechanism to
regulate the levels of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol
in the blood. Bad eating and lifestyle habits cause the
cholesterol levels to exceed the normal healthy bounds thus
overloading the regulatory mechanism. If this condition
continues for a long time our health is jeopardized.

LDL cholesterol tends to stick to the inner walls of the
blood vessels it moves through. The coating reduces the
blood flow through the affected vessels. This means poor
circulation which translates to poor health. The coating may
increase to an extent where the blood vessel is severely
constricted. This condition is known as arteriosclerosis.

If this situation carries on for a long time, the blood flow
is obstructed and the blood pressure increases leading to
overloading of the heart. The plaque can accumulate to such
an extent that it completely blocks the blood vessel, or it
may get dislodged from one location and lodge itself in a
narrower blood vessel, like a capillary, creating a blockage
there. Blood supply is choked off at that point, and leads
to blood starvation in the region beyond the blockage.

If this blood starvation occurs in a critical area of the body,
as for example in the brain, then we get a crisis. The
affected area of the brain shuts down and this leads to a
'stroke' wherein the body experiences paralysis in those
areas controlled by the area of the brain which has shut
down. If the blood vessels of the heart are affected by
blockage, then we get a critical situation known as a heart
attack. All this is due to an excess of LDL cholesterol in
the blood.

The best way to recover from this situation is to help the
body to regulate the amounts of HDL and LDL cholesterol. We
can do this by changing over to a low-fat diet, free of
foods that are rich in LDL. Some fats, like the omega-3 fats
found in fish, are actually helpful in reducing LDL
cholesterol. So we should include fish in our diet. Drink a
lot of water to increase blood circulation and excretion.

Check the medium your food is cooked in. Stop using
polyunsaturated vegetable oils because they change to
trans-fats on heating, and trans-fats are harmful for
health. Use olive oil instead, because it is a good cooking
medium. Just this much is good enough to bring about a
drastic reduction of LDL cholesterol.

Smoking actually helps to elevate the LDL cholesterol level
in the blood. Give up smoking and see the LDL cholesterol
beat a hasty retreat. Follow the other steps in this article
to ensure your freedom from a dangerous heart condition.

A stressful lifestyle adds fuel to fire if you have an
excessive LDL cholesterol level. Tension adds to the high
LDL cholesterol situation, whereas a tension free lifestyle
actually goes a long way to decreasing the LDL cholesterol

If you (or a near one) suffer from a high LDL cholesterol
level, don't get all stressed about it. That will be
counter-productive. You should be positive instead. You can
do a lot to bring the LDL cholesterol levels down to normal.
Start having a good, healthy and balanced diet. Increase the
amount of your activity. Start exercising, and continue to
do so regularly. Stop smoking altogether. Not only will your
bad cholesterol level get itself back to where it belongs,
but your exposure to heart attack and stroke will disappear
as well.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

3 Killer Shoulder Muscle Exercises

Over the years I've experimented with dozens of different shoulder muscle exercises. Some I learned from friends, some I learned by watching others at they gym, and some I read about on the internet. Some of these exercises turned out to be great while others ended up being a complete waste of time. Below are 3 shoulder exercises that, after painful trial and error, I found to be both effective and easy to do.

Lateral raises - To do this exercise you will need to stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees bent slightly downward. Next, you will want to have both of your arms hanging right in front of your body with a dumbbell of appropriate weight in each hand. The bottoms of each dumbbell should be facing front to back.

While lifting the weights away from your body, be sure to inhale deeply. Lift the dumbbell until is at shoulder height. Basically, you want your body to look like the letter “T”. Perform this exercise approximately 4-6 times.

Front Raises – Front raises are actually similar to lateral raises but with a few modifications. Stand upright with your feet at shoulder width apart and your knees bent slightly.As with lateral raises you will want your arms to hang in front of your body but hold the weights lateral instead of front to back. Now simply lift the weights away from your body. Then simply lower the weights and you are basically done with this exercise.

Shoulder Shrugs – This exercise works what are known as the trapezius muscles, which is a muscle located in the shoulder. Start off by standing in an erect, totally relaxed position holding the dumbbell weights at either side of your body. Next, move your shoulders forward while slightly sloping your shoulders downward at the same time. Once you begin, you will want to raise your shoulder as high as is possible and simultaneoulsy back as far as possible.

You can do this exercise as much as 8 times in a single workout assuming you are doing at least 6 reps per set.

If you incorporate these exercises into your overall shoulder workout you should notice substantial improvements in your total muscular development. As with all other muscle groups, always remember to mix up your shoulder exercises with each workout routine.

The Best Weight Training Plan

Perhaps the best weight training plan is one where you can improve your body at a rapid pace and do so with the least amount of effort possible. Before you decide on a weight training plan its important to figure out what body type you possesses. Some people are fortunate enough to have a body type that allows them to build muscle mass quickly while others build muscle much more slowly.

People that are fortunate enough to be able to bulk up quickly can usually go with just about any weight training routine they please. Unfortunately, those who find that it takes a lot of time to build muscle generally need to be far more selective when picking a weight training routine. If you find that it is difficult for you to build muscle it isn’t necessarily because you don’t put forth the effort. More than likely it is simply because you are what’s called a “hardgainer” which means your muscles don’t respond well to training.

Hardgainers simply have a different physiological makeup than other weight lifters. One good technique to bolster your weight training plan, regardless of body type, is to simply increase the resting time between workout sets. If you consistently workout with tired muscles you may actually lose rather than gain muscle mass. In addition, weight training with tired muscles can actually weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to illness and infection.

If you happen to be one of those unfortunate souls who is a hard gainer, the best weight training plan for you is one that calls for less time working out and more time recovering your muscles as well as more time in between reps. Ideally, you should limit your workouts to no less than one hour and no more than 90 minutes. You should also pause for between 60 and 90 seconds between reps. Shorter workouts with increased time between sets should result in more muscle faster assuming you take in an average of 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Our Greeting to You

"Nothing that I can do will change the structure of the universe. But maybe, by raising my voice I can help the greatest of all causes - goodwill among men and peace on earth.” - Albert Einstein

8 Reasons Why Building Strength Should Be Your Primary Goal

Read this article right away to find a number of good
reasons why I think building strength should be your most
important goal (although you just want to build mega-muscles
and nuke lots of fat)...

1. Strength Training Is More Efficient:

Ever needed to lift something heavy? Move fixtures? Lift your
girlfriend up and pin her against the wall for a sizzling
make out session? All those things require strength, not
necessarily muscle size.

Actually, at times having extra muscle is not beneficial -
it weighs more, as a result if you have to run or walk long
distances it takes additional calories to sustain, in short you
have to eat more...

2. Building Strength Takes Less Time:

Majority of expert weightlifters spend up to 6 days in the
gym and some even do twice a day workouts. If you're like me
(or most people) lifting weights isn't your permanent job, and
therefore not likely to spend that much time in the gym.

You can turn in super strong training 3-4 days a week, and
spend not greater than 20-30 minutes in the gym each time -
That means you could be consuming 2 hours in the gym vs. 12.
It doesn't take long to improve strength.

3. Building Strength Is Encouraging:

Nearly no one has any goals when they go to the
gym, they think "I want to look better" but that's unclear
and open-ended. Knowing you want to add 5lbs to your
deadlift whenever you come in the gym though is VERY

Plus, watching the weights build and seeing how far you've
progressed over the course of time is very motivating and
makes you want to keep going back to the gym.

4. Strength Makes It Simpler To Increase Volume:

Most weightlifters these days don't recognize that guys like
Arnold and bodybuilders from his day all did powerlifting
routines early on in their careers to build high starting
levels of strength and power.

They had a matchless "dense" look to their physiques from
all this heavy weight training. And were able to employ
heavier weights when it came to doing out-of-date
bodybuilding style set/rep schemes - so it was much easier
for these strong lifters to build muscle.

5. Better For Well-being:

There's been much contemporary research that shows strength
training helps to avoid age related diseases and
deteriorating diseases.

Losing muscle mass is an expected upshot of
aging, but strength training in particular will tell your
body to "hold on" to muscle mass as it needs it to continue
lifting weighty stuff. Also, your bones will become stronger
as well to support your framework of muscle mass.

6. Improves Self-Confidence:

There's nothing better than KNOWING you can lift a heavy
weight off the floor or press a heavy weight up on top of
your head. Or knowing that you have the strength to pull
yourself up and over a wall, up and over the edge of a cliff
and things like that. Knowing you are as strong as you look
is a big confidence booster.

7. Strength Training Is Better For Sports:

Strength is the source for all other physical qualities.
Boosting your strength enhances your power, explosiveness,
speed, agility, endurance, and the like.

Numerous sports - particularly martial arts -
require athletes to have high relative strength. They need
to be extraordinarily strong for their size since they have
to stay within a particular weight class.

There's nothing worse than putting on 20 MORE pounds of
muscle you have to carry down the field, or move around the
ring to avoid getting knocked out - and that 20 pounds of
muscle is doing you no good.

8. Strength Training Is Excellent For Females:

Nearly all women don't want to be like the hulk. They don't
want to gain 20 pounds of muscle. They just want to get
"toned". As I mentioned earlier, strength training is the
greatest way to get the toned look.

So if you're a girl you can get strong very quickly and
improve your health and quality of life without taking away
from your femininity in the least.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Low Cholesterol Does A Body Bad - Once More, with feeling

UPDATE: Women in Government have a new ad campaign to push you to get cholesterol testing. This same organization has been behind the Gardasil propaganda campaign. For women especially, it is very important to get proper thyroid testing, as an imbalance raises cholesterol. It is much more important to test for triglycerides as too high a level (>150) can greatly increase your risk of death more than any other indicator.

COQ10 (Ubiquinol) and CHF: CoQ10-H2™ Found to Be Better Absorbed in Heart Patients Idebenone is a less expensive supplement that may act like COQ10 and be effective for some people.

This new study, with a reasonable sample size, unlike most studies I review, raises concern over low cholesterol levels. As someone who has been a skeptic on the cholesterol drug mania for so very many years I am pleased to see this report in hopes that most people will stand up to the pressure of their health care provider when they get the statin drug "shuck and jive".

Lower Total Cholesterol Level Tied to Higher In-Hospital CHF Mortality
Dec 22 - In patients hospitalized with acute decompensated congestive heart failure, low total cholesterol levels independently predict a higher risk of in-hospital death, a report in the December issue of the American Heart Journal shows.

Using data from the Get With the Guidelines-Heart Failure registry, Dr. Tamara B. Horwich of the University of California at Los Angeles and colleagues studied 17,791 patients hospitalized with acute decompensated congestive heart failure at 236 participating hospitals.

Patients were divided into quartiles according to total cholesterol levels: Q1, 118 mg/dl or lower; Q2, 119-145 mg/dl; Q3, 146-179 mg/dl; and Q4, 180 mg/dl and higher.

Mean total cholesterol was 150 mg/dl. In-hospital mortality was 3.3% for patients in Q1, 2.5% for patients in Q2, 2.0% for patients in Q3 and 1.3% of patients in Q4.

After adjusting for multiple variables, Dr. Horwich and colleagues report that "each 10 mg/dl increase in total cholesterol was associated with a 4% decrease in risk of in-hospital mortality," with an odds ratio of 0.96.

The investigators found that 46% of patients were on lipid-lowering medications: 58% of patients in Q1, 50% of patients in Q2, 43% of patients in Q3, and 34% of patients in Q4.

Patients with lower total cholesterol levels were older and had a higher prevalence of ischemic heart disease. The findings were independent of left ventricular function, heart failure etiology, lipid-lowering therapy and other potentially confounding variables.

"Further investigation into potential pathophysiologic mechanisms behind the reverse epidemiology of cholesterol in heart failure, such as malnutrition and inflammation, deserves further study," the authors write.

Am Heart J 2008;156:1170-1176.

A Natural Lesson for Hyperhydrosis

A fellow who works for Oprah as a producer asked Dr. Oz about his sweaty palms today. I was holding my breath that Mehmet just might have offered up a natural and effective treatment that is effective and inexpensive. He didn't.

I was pleased that he opted against the sympathectomy, which he gave as the last option of the three he suggested, including Botox.

And of course there are problems with Botox and the surgery.

I was surprised that he failed to suggest acupuncture which would be a good approach for re-balancing the sympathetic arm of the autonomic nervous system, or a very effective herbal treatment.

It was good that he mentions thyroid and pancreas concerns because these can be involved.

He didn't mention the nutritional approach that re-balances your biochemistry. He did offer that reducing coffee was important. Coffee's caffeine adds stress to the adrenals glands, so add more vitamin B and C throughout each day (these two vitamins help support the adrenal glands).

Naturally speaking, Siberian Ginseng is an effective approach to this problem. We use only properly prepared liquid herbal extracts for the best clinical results.

Remedies from the leaflady - 
  • Hyperhydrosis homeopathic remedy $15 plus shipping
  • Herbal extracts (Ginseng) $15 plus shipping
Part 2

Best Bicep Workout For Big Biceps

Large bicep muscles are quite possibly the most coveted body parts of most weight lifters. One reason that big biceps are so prized is that they are one of the first muscles people notice when they look at you. If you have larger than normal biceps you are almost virtually guaranteed to get a whole lot of attention. Unless you frequently wear a sweater or coat, your biceps are usually visible to just about everyone.

Because building your bicep muscles is so important, I’ve put together a brief description of what constitutes a good bicep workout.

A good place to start is with compound exercises, which is simply any exercise that uses more than one joint at a time. By utilizing more than a single joint at a time many of your muscle fibers will be activated. Activation of multiple muscle fibers at once generally means substantial growth for your biceps. A very easy compound exercise is pull ups which you can do at just about any gym.

You maximum bicep size really depends mostly on your body type and frame. If, for example, you weight 160 pounds it is very unlikely that you will ever be able to develop 18 or 19 inch biceps. In other words, when you are trying to develop big bicep muscles you need to be somewhat realistic in your approach. Even if you are blessed with a large frame, it’s not likely that you will ever be able to exceed 19 inches in bicep size. Bear this in mind as you build your bicep muscles.

Yet another key to developing huge, impressive biceps is to simply lower your body fat percentage. Body fat percentage is normally a function of regular aerobic exercise and proper diet. You should usually spend around 90 to 120 minutes per week engaging in some kind of aerobic exercise. However, you should never spend more than 25 minutes per day in aerobic exercise as this could lead to a loss in lean muscle.

A common misconception among people new to weight training is the assumption that if you do more sets you will create more muscle faster. In reality, if you perform too many sets at one time you may actually cause your muscle tissue to deteriorate. If you are doing heavy weights, you should never do more than 6 sets at a time and, if you are doing low intensity weights, you should never do more than 10 sets at a time.

Not Green: Digital TV Arriving with Environmental Bang

The information in the following quote comes from an article published in the Chicago Sun Times in 1999.

In just a few weeks all US TV viewers will be forced to accept HDTV, and perhaps they have not been provided with this information.

Hard to fathom with all we already know about birds and bees being severely impacted by cell towers.

Not to overlook the health issues already known about cell towers and the phones, what might we not know about the DTV towers?

Is there a coming epidemic of undiagnosable illness around the corner as well?
Millions of the migratory birds, which yearly travel through Chicago from as far north as Canada to as far south as Peru, are being killed off by rapidly rising cellular telephone towers and new digital television antennas blocking their paths, wildlife experts say.

High-definition television towers can climb to heights of 1,000 feet and are the latest threat to songbirds, which typically fly at 5,000 feet but descend to much lower levels during overcast evenings, said Albert Manville, a wildlife biologist with the office of migratory bird management for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Read full article here>

Monday, December 22, 2008

Why Interval Training Is The Best Way To Lose Body Fat

Interval training is effective because it makes use of a
diverse range of fat burning methods, leaving you lean and
mean and in control. The fat-burning techniques include such
things as steady state cardiovascular workouts, high
intensity interval training, and weight training, among

Interval training is an approach where you alternate between
intense and easy workouts while resting in between. Your
workout will be in intervals, this way you provide your body
with the best exercise and you will burn the greatest amount
of fat as possible. This is the perfect solution for those
who want to lose a few pounds and be in top shape.

Steady state cardiovascular is working out in an exercise
that is at a fast pace for a specific period of time. You
will stay at that steady pace for the entire duration of the
exercise. Activities like this will involve exercising from
20 to 60 minutes. You want to work out at around 75% of your
maximum heart rate. The biggest benefit of this type of
exercise is it is easy for someone who is overweight to burn
the most calories in just one session.

High intensity interval training will help you lose as much
fat as possible. A person performing this workout will do
different rounds of high intensity mixed with low intensity
workouts. A good example of this would be running, walking
slowly, exercise bike, walking slowly, etc. This should go
on for up to 30 to 45 minutes.

Although the steady state works better to burn more fat in a
single workout, studies have proven that the interval
training works better over the long term. It actually works by
raising the body's metabolism. Although you are burning more
calories in a steady rate workout session, you are actually
burning more in the long run from the interval training sessions.
The reason being that even when you are at rest you are
burning fat. This enables your body to easily shed fat while
making it harder to gain back.

High intensity interval training can be quite hard for
certain people. If you are a low fitness person who is
completely out of shape it would be a good idea to start
with a workout that is less intense prior to starting on
something such as this.

Want the best interval training program to blowtorch
body fat and build muscle, all with little or no equipment
and only 3 short sessions a week? check it out NOW =>
Turbulence Training

6 Tips To Build Muscle Mass Fast

So you want to build muscle mass fast? Let me be the first to tell you that it absolutely can be done and without resorting to illegal dugs such as steroids. Below are half a dozen muscle building tips that will have you packing on muscle faster than you ever thought possible.

1. If you are new to weight training, never workout less than 60 minutes or more than 90 minutes per day. After 6 to 8 months of solid gains, you can increase your workouts to as much as 150 minutes, or 2 ½ hours.

2. Consume 1.5 grams of whey protein per pound of bodyweight per day. This means if you weigh 165 pounds like I do you need to consume approximately 240 grams of protein per day. If you find that you simply can not consume this much protein per day, then make sure you take in at least 100 grams per day.

3. Rest for a minimum of 60 seconds and a maximum of 90 seconds in between repetitions. If you need to, purchase a stop watch from your local dollar store so you can precisely measure your rest time. I have found that 6 or 7 deep breaths usually take around 60 seconds.

4. Get a training partner who you can workout with at least 3 times per week. Having a training partner allows you to stay focused and prevents you from slacking off. More often than not, if you are not building muscle it’s because you are not working out as hard or often as you should be.

5. Eat at least 4 meals per day. If your body does not have energy it will be much more difficult for you to build lean muscle. Some people find it difficult to eat at least 4 times per day. If this is the case for you then try drinking protein shakes or meal replacement shakes twice per day. If you are a male, make sure you are only consuming whey protein. If you are a female, you should stick with soy protein.

6. Limit your cardio exercise to no more than 25 minutes with 20 minutes being ideal. Cardio exercise is great for your health but if you perform too much cardio then your body will actually start to burn muscle, especially if you are a male who does cardio at the end of a workout.

Check Out These 5 Powerful Foods For Detox And Weight Loss

So you want to start your weight loss detox program and
don't know where to begin. First of all you need to change
your diet. There are some foods that must be in your diet if
you want to detoxify your body and lose weight.

Here are the 5 powerful foods for detox and weight loss:

1. Lemon

It helps cleanse the lymphatic system.Among other important
phytonutrients it contains phosphorous that ensures the
proper functioning of the nervous system and sodium that
helps the toxins elimination process and supports the liver and
gallbladder.The liver plays an important role in the fat
metabolism. Keeping the liver healthy will help you maintain
your ideal weight. Drink 1 glass of hot water with a thin
slice of organic lemon first thing in the morning to
stimulate the liver.

2. Avocado

It is an important source of glutathione, an anti-oxidant
that protects the liver. It binds with fat soluble toxins and
makes them water-soluble so they are easily excreted from the
body. For example, it binds with alcohol and helps the liver to
easily excrete it from the body thus protecting the liver from

3. Ginger

It has the ability to stimulate the digestive system.

4. Apple

It is a source of vitamin C and quercetin that help lower
the fat level in the body. It is also a source of vitamin E,
biotin, folic acid and other important phytonutrients and
promotes healthy muscles, nerves and the respiratory system.

Pectin is a fiber found in apples as well as beets and
citrus fruits. It binds to toxic heavy metals, preservatives
and additives and helps their excretion. All these
substances are a big burden on the digestive system and
promote weight gain.

5. Beetroot

This is a widely used detoxification aid. It contains
magnesium, manganese and folate. Beetroot is among the best
vegetable liver-cleansers. It also contains methionine that
helps reduce the cholesterol level.

Check out Fat Loss Foods for the 110 amazing fat fighting foods
guaranteed to melt stubborn body fat

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gary Null Video on FDA and other good videos

Prescription for Disaster is an in-depth investigation into the symbiotic relationships between the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA, lobbyists, lawmakers, medical schools, and researchers, and the impact this has on consumers and their health care. During this thorough investigation, we take a close look at patented drugs, why they are so readily prescribed by doctors, the role insurance companies and HMO's play in promoting compliance, and the problem of rising health care costs. We examine the marketing and public relations efforts on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies, including sales reps, medical journals and conferences. Further, we look at alternatives to traditional pharmacology and drug therapy, such as vitamins and nutritional supplements, and why they are often perceived as a competitive threat to the drug manufacturers. Alternative therapies also include diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Prescription for Disaster takes you on a journey through the tangled web of big business, the way disease is treated today, and the consequences we suffer as a society.«

Saturday, December 20, 2008

5 Tips to a Good Muscle Building Chest Workout

Aside from the bicep muscles, the chest muscles are often considered the most attractive. Not surprisingly, most male weight lifters tend to focus on their chest area more so than other muscle groups. In fact, amongst male weight lifters, the most commonly asked question is, “how much do you bench press?” The bigger the number, the stronger the bodybuilder is assumed to be.

Because so many weight lifters tend to focus so much attention on developing their chest muscle, there is a common tendency to over train the pectorals. Over training can be as bad, or even much worse, than not training at all. If you perform too many sets or attempt to lift more weight than you are actually strong enough to handle you may cause serious and perhaps irreversible damage to your chest.

About 3 years ago, when I was totally new to weightlifting, I was guilty of over training. Fortunately my over training did not result in serious injury but instead resulted in little muscular development and a growing disinterest in working out. Thankfully I was working out with a partner who was able to see me thru to the other side.

I spent some time doing some research, reading muscle mags, browsing websites, blogs, and forums. Here is what I found:

1. At least half of your workout should involve the free weight bench. Free weight bench press is a compound exercise that offers maximum muscle gain with minimal wasted effort.

2. Never perform more than 6 sets of bench press unless you are doing very low intensity weights. If you perform more than 6 sets of bench press at a time you risk reversing your muscle gains and being so sore that you may not be able to workout for more than a week.

3. Don’t limit yourself to just flat bench press. Instead, incorporate incline and decline bench press into your overall routine as well.

4. Rotate your exercise schedule so that you begin and end with a different exercise. In other words, you need to mix up your exercise routines so that you are not doing exactly the same routine every time you go to the gym.

5. Pause for a good 60 seconds between sets. I have found that 6 or 7 deep breaths usually amounts to about 60 seconds. If you rest too little or too long you may adversely effect your muscular development.

How To Enjoy Eating Out Healthier

Dining out is a big part of our lives. Maybe you are eating
out frequently because you entertain clients. Perhaps you
don't like eating out. Regardless, if you want to keep a
nice fit body, restaurant meals will give you a huge
obstacle to overcome. In fact, eating out at restaurants is
one of the biggest reasons why so many people fatten up
while traveling.

I'm going to give you some very simple tricks you can use to
eat more healthy while dining out and stay lean.

The 3 vital things to avoid in restaurants are:

1. Any sodas, juices and other sugary foods (except fresh
fruits, which are great).
2. Deep fried foods (anything dropped in a scorching bath of trans fats).
3. Refined starchy foods.

Skip these 3 culprits and you'll eliminate most of the major
food sources that do the worst damage to our food supply -
trans fats, refined vegetable oils, refined starchy
carbohydrates, and refined sugars.

What you should try to do is, to skip the bread, skip the
french fries that come with every single sandwich on every
menu known to man, and reduce all of the heaping portions of
pasta and rice that are often loaded on your plate as well.

Substitute a salad for the typical french fries, pasta, or
rice, that most restaurant meals come with. And of course
eat your meat and other vegetables as usual.

Almost all restaurants that I have been to will always let
me substitute vegetables or a side salad for the french
fries or chips that come with all burgers or sandwiches.

Just a quick side note, it amazes me how many people
scrutinize my substitutions of veggies for fries by telling
me that I am 'not living' because I refuse to eat deep fried
french fries... are you kidding me! If french fries are your
idea of 'living it up', you need to get a better hobby!

Ironically, the same scrutinizers are the very first to
complain that they're fat, overweight and have tried
'everything' to lose their big guts. I'm not sure why people
think eating deep fried foods equals 'living it up'... I'm
for moderation with many things, but 2 things that should be
totally removed from every diet because they are simply
dangerous... is sodas and fries!

Take a look at the typical difference a simple substitution
makes between choosing smart and doing what other people

Most people will eat a meal out such as this:

* soda or other sweetened drink (and no, diet sodas are
NOT healthy!) * Burger or sandwich * chips
or french fries.

A MUCH smarter alternative if you care about your body and
health is this simple change:

* Salad or fresh raw veggies * Burger or other
delicious sandwich * unsweetened iced tea or water (no
diet pop - unless you like to drink poison!)

Make these 2 simple substitutions and save at least 400 -
900 calories every time you dine out... AND you are cutting
out the most harmful foods to your body as well by avoiding
the evil trans fats of deep frying foods and high fructose
corn syrup from the fries and soda.

On a side note: a semi-secret method to eat full portions of
breads, pasta, and rice, and actually get away with it
without packing on the extra fat is to schedule a high
intensity full body resistance training workout before your
scheduled meal time. This can be free weights or body weight

It may be hard to fit the exercise into your schedule right
before a meal, if you can, the meal can be your
'post-workout meal'. After this high intensity resistance
training workout, your body will handle a higher amount of
carbs than it normally can to help replenish the muscle
glycogen depletion it had during the intense exercise.

Your typical moderate cardio exercise will NOT cut it for
this... it must be a high intensity resistance training
workout to deplete enough muscle glycogen to handle
restaurant portions of carbs.

I hope these dining tips help you choose smarter and
healthier for a leaner body next time you eat out.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Best Bicep Workout For Big Biceps

Large bicep muscles are quite possibly the most coveted body parts of most weight lifters. One reason that big biceps are so prized is that they are one of the first muscles people notice when they look at you. If you have larger than normal biceps you are almost virtually guaranteed to get a whole lot of attention. Unless you frequently wear a sweater or coat, your biceps are usually visible to just about everyone.

Because building your bicep muscles is so important, I’ve put together a brief description of what constitutes a good bicep workout.

A good place to start is with compound exercises, which is simply any exercise that uses more than one joint at a time. By utilizing more than a single joint at a time many of your muscle fibers will be activated. Activation of multiple muscle fibers at once generally means substantial growth for your biceps. A very easy compound exercise is pull ups which you can do at just about any gym.

You maximum bicep size really depends mostly on your body type and frame. If, for example, you weight 160 pounds it is very unlikely that you will ever be able to develop 18 or 19 inch biceps. In other words, when you are trying to develop big bicep muscles you need to be somewhat realistic in your approach. Even if you are blessed with a large frame, it’s not likely that you will ever be able to exceed 19 inches in bicep size. Bear this in mind as you build your bicep muscles.

Yet another key to developing huge, impressive biceps is to simply lower your body fat percentage. Body fat percentage is normally a function of regular aerobic exercise and proper diet. You should usually spend around 90 to 120 minutes per week engaging in some kind of aerobic exercise. However, you should never spend more than 25 minutes per day in aerobic exercise as this could lead to a loss in lean muscle.

A common misconception among people new to weight training is the assumption that if you do more sets you will create more muscle faster. In reality, if you perform too many sets at one time you may actually cause your muscle tissue to deteriorate. If you are doing heavy weights, you should never do more than 6 sets at a time and, if you are doing low intensity weights, you should never do more than 10 sets at a time.

Top Muscle Building Supplements

Building muscle requires more than just showing up to the gym everyday and lifting heavy weights. In order to achieve the best workout results possible you need to make sure that you are taking the best supplements possible. Your diet should also be very well rounded and contain plenty of carbohydrates and plenty of protein.

It has long been known that protein is the fundamental building block of muscle tissue. When you lift heavy weights you are actually causing small tears to form in your muscle tissue. Protein is what actually repairs the tears in your muscles causing your muscles to grow and develop. New tears in the muscle tissue cause the muscle to further grow and develop. Egg whites and most meats are actually great suppliers of simple protein.

While carbohydrates have been the victim of a whole lot of bad press lately they are actually essential for stamina, which is very important if you are lifting heavy weights. Carbs tend to burn very slowly and as a consequence tend to provide long lasting energy. In addition, carbs provide blood sugar stability during intense workouts. Foods including brown rice, fruits, and potatoes can provide you with more than enough carbs for an intense workout.

Like carbohydrates, fats are also the victim of smear campaigns and attack ads. In reality, if you cut out all fat from your diet you would suffer serious perhaps even irreversible health side effects. Fats are actually a necessary nutrient that, in the right amounts, can actually facilitate muscle gain. The most essential fat is monosaturated fat which aids in both boosting the immune system and bolstering energy levels.

Ultimately, regardless of what supplements you take, you need to make sure to eat properly and have a balanced diet. That being said, here are my picks for the top muscle building supplements:

Omega 3 fatty acids- Facilitates healthy growth and development

Creatine- Promotes muscle building and increases muscle mass
Whey Protein- Essential for all male weight lifters

Soy Protein- Essential for all female weight lifters

Amino Acids- Very inexpensive and reduces soreness after workouts and therefore allows you to workout more often than you normally would.

Scents for Cents

UPDATE: Related articles
Fresh scents may hide toxic secret
Fresh, clean air does not come in a can
Pet Health
I have a friend whose house used to be full of those scent sprayers plugged into every wall outlet in her house. This made it almost impossible for me to ever visit her.

As she was always complaining of headache I mentioned that she could try using pure essential oils in a spray bottle and it would work better and be healthier, as well as save her a lot of money.

After the switch she told me about all the headaches cleared up and how much better she felt.

It isn't just that these products contain endocrine disrupting chemicals, they are also replete with formaldehyde and petroleum distillates. All of these chemicals do impact your health, just like Lysol.

Their impact on pet health is at issue as well.

Dollars and Scents
By Kiera Butler

A breezy history of the air freshener.
Mother Jone November/December 2008 Issue

1930s - Lysol is America's most popular contraceptive. Really.

1952 - Little Trees first hung on rearview mirrors.

1956 - Glade introduces the air freshener spray can.

1974 - Glade solid scent sticks hit shelves.

1989 - Plug-in air fresheners exude ambience 24-7.

1994 - Man sprays Prince Charles with a can of air freshener.

1997 - US air freshener sales reach $239 million.

2002 - Renuzit unveils the Super Odor Neutralizer.

2004 - Air Wick releases Relaxation and Revitalization scents. Febreeze launches Scentstories "scent-themed" discs. Sample: Exploring a Mountain Trail.

2006 - Glade presents the Scented Oil Light Show—designed for girls 8 to 12.

2007 - Enviro group finds hormone-disrupting chemicals in "all-natural" air fresheners, asks EPA for further testing. SC Johnson sues Dial for stealing its three-scents-in-one idea.

2008 - US air freshener market hits $2.3 billion—not including scented candles

and from TIME

Estrogen in moisturizers may worsen breast cancer

UPDATE: December 19
This report totally overlooks the effect of these chemicals on women's health. It looks as if all women effected by breast cancer need to write their representatives in Congress, and the EPA.
Hormones Should Be Analyzed Together
Scientists to EPA: Risks of Chemicals That Alter Male Hormones Should Be Analyzed Together Concluding that nearly everybody is exposed to a mix of chemicals that could be damaging male reproductive health, a national panel of scientists on Thursday advised the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to shift its focus and group them together when judging how much of a danger they pose.

I have referred more than once to the preeminent work of Judi Vance and her 1990s book, "Beauty to Die For". This work began the trail of others that has slowly come forward to report on the very same concerns - there are toxic chemicals in health and beauty products (HABA).

Now the information is coming from the medical establishment.

Even so-called 'natural brands' sold in health stores contain some of these questionable ingredients. And again I encourage you to read labels. Even if the FDA approved a single ingredient they do not test or approve mixtures of ingredients, and this is one place where problems start.

The UV blocking, sun screen type products are also a risk, as most contain endocrine disrupting chemicals.

It is never too late, but perhaps consider all the damage that might have been prevented had people listened to what Judi had to say over 10 years ago.

Another concern is that most of the mass market products act more like a barrier. This continues your purchasing cycle rather than provide you with a product that truly acts to heal dry skin.

The products I have used for a long time now are the result of over twenty years of research and development to achieve real results. If you are looking for organic products I highly recommend Kettle Care.
Breast cancer patients who apply moisturizers may be dosing themselves with estrogen...
By Jill Stein, Reuters - December 15, 2008

SAN ANTONIO (Reuters Health) - Breast cancer patients who apply moisturizers may be dosing themselves with estrogen without even knowing it, investigators reported at a breast cancer symposium in San Antonio.

Dr. Adrienne Olson, with Breastlink in Hawthorne, California, and colleagues analyzed 16 widely available moisturizers for estrogen-like compounds.

None of the creams analyzed noted any estrogen content in their list of ingredients. Even so, six samples contained estriol or estrone.

Olson, who is a seven-year breast cancer survivor, explained that estrogens applied to the skin are more efficiently absorbed into the body than estrogens taken orally.

She urged women with breast cancer that is driven by estrogen (that is, estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer) to avoid externally applied estrogen to minimize the risk of a recurrence.

Women without breast cancer are also at risk, she added. If they use estrogen-containing topical moisturizers, they may be dosing themselves daily with estrogen for extended periods, thereby boosting their risk of breast cancer.

Suzanne M. Snedeker, PhD at Cornell University has a very informative page on estrogens in cosmetics.

Another resource is the Cosmetics Data Base

From My Print Media Series for 12.08, Health Matters©: Natural Notes on Health
Select Recipes Courtesy: StarWest Botanicals
Natural Notes on Health:Winter Skin Care

About 15 years ago I met a woman from Canada that spent over a decade researching the cosmetic industry. She published her book in the early 1990s and subsequently moved because of the number of threats she got because she was exposing this $10 billion industry.

Just in the last few years there are several groups that have raised the issue that Judi Vance first addressed in the 1980s that led to her book, “Beauty to Die For”.

Another friend and colleague of mine has made natural cosmetics now for 25 years. I always sold or recommended her products to my clients and many other people. Her business is now certified organic and she grows many of the herbs and plants that she uses in her products.

Another thing to consider is that even prescription creams, lotions and shampoos for contain a number of ingredients that are untested in combination or may be skin irritants or carcinogenic.

Once it gets colder, drier and windier during the winter months skin takes quite a beating. Probably the most common complaint during these months is dry skin, but it can be prevented with natural products and supplements.

The best way to protect against dry skin is to make sure you have an adequate intake of vitamin A along with vitamins D and E. These are three of the four fat soluble vitamins and this means that you need to ingest healthy fats like butter, olive oil or coconut oil to help the vitamins absorb so they can do their job.

An option you have as well is to make some products on your own.

The good part about making your own natural skin care products is that you control what goes into them and they are free of artificial chemicals. What you make is luxurious and can even be fragrance free.

You reduce waste too because you don’t have to deal with excess packaging.

An easy lip balm can be made as follows:
Please note that most vitamin E capsules are made from synthetic ingredients like GMO soy oil. It is best to use natural vitamin E and this oil is readily available, even in high potency.

If you flavor your lip balm make sure you choose natural flavors as well. Fragrance oils are most often synthetic and made from petroleum and use chemical flavoring.
Use raw or uncooked and unprocessed honey, and olive oil sold in glass bottles. Shea Butter can be used with the bees wax.

2 TBSP olive oil
1/2 tsp. honey
3/4 tsp. beeswax - grated
1/2 tsp. pure cocoa butter
Flavored oil of your choice
1 vitamin E capsule

In a small saucepan, heat oil, honey, wax and cocoa butter over low heat until just melted. Remove from heat and cool for 2-3 minutes. Stir in flavoring and contents of vitamin E capsule. Pour into container.
Anti-aging Dry Skin Moisturizer

4 ounces Shea butter
2 ounces organic olive oil
2 teaspoons organic vitamin E oil, 5000 IU
1 teaspoon active royal jelly
6 drops organic lavender essential oil

Blend ingredients on high until smooth and creamy. Store refrigerated in an airtight container. It is necessary to make this in small amounts and keep refrigerated because of the active royal jelly. This is an awesome ingredient for its healing properties and well worth the effort.

Super Simple Moisturizer
For your hair: Mix one ripe avocado with 2 TBSP raw honey and blend well. Apply to hair for 20-30 minutes, and then wash as usual (you might want to think about using natural hair care products to avoid the chemicals in most shampoos and conditioners).
For your skin: Blend 1/4 cup Aloe vera gel and 2 TBSP vegetable glycerin, of each. You can also add 3 drops of pure essential oil or add 1/2 teaspoon of active royal jelly for anti aging effects.

For your nails: Blend 2 ounces of pure Palma Cristi castor oil with 10 drops of organic lavender essential oil. Massage into nails and cuticles. This also helps reduce or eliminate nail fungus.

I have made my own skin care oil blend for many years using vitamin E oil, rose hips oil and jojoba oil. Rose hips are very high in vitamin C while jojoba oil is good to protect from the effects of aging as is vitamin E. This blend is high in anti-oxidants and lubricates the skin while not being greasy. I find that the fragrance of the oils is very pleasant and I don’t add anything extra.

Jeanne Rose has a wonderful book that I relied on in my hippie days and while raising my children. I suggest it might be available from your library or favorite used book store.

You can order all supplies from the botanical link found on our blog, at

And while a commercial product, I recommend Aura Glow for bath oil or after showering. This is an Edgar Cayce remedy and is available under the Heritage Store brand.

Copyright © 2008 TOC. All rights reserved.

Are Hidden Hormones Destroying Your Health?Health News By VRP Staff
The FDA calls them safe—but you’d be right to think twice.

Synthetic hormones saturate your daily environment—many of them lurking in the meat and milk products you’ve been consuming now for years. And they can come at a very steep price. In fact, if you’re having trouble losing weight, struggling with metabolic syndrome, or battling prostate or breast cancer despite having no family history of the disease, then you may already be paying the price.

The truth is, a lot of today’s modern health crises can be traced back to estrogen. It’s a potent hormone—and its effects can go both ways.

That’s because your body metabolizes estrogen into several different byproducts, including 2-hydroxy, 4-hydroxy, and 16 hydroxy estrogens. Two out of the three—4-hydroxy and 16-hydroxy estrogens—can pose some very serious threats to your health. Research has linked heightened levels of these inflammation-promoting estrogens to breast, cervix and prostate cancers—and to stubborn obesity that can eventually lead to metabolic syndrome and diabetes.1-2

On the contrary, high levels of 2-hydroxy estrogens—or “good estrogens” as they’re sometimes called—have quite the opposite effect, serving to lower telltale PSA levels and protect vulnerable tissue in the prostate, cervix, and breast from cancerous developments.3

Whether the estrogen in your body hurts or helps you is entirely dependent upon how your body uses it—and fortunately, a natural phytonutrient called diindolylmethane (DIM) can ensure that it’s used properly. It’s a potent antioxidant found in cruciferous vegetables, and research shows that it can suppress the macrophage activity that sparks the inflammatory cascade of hormones and cytokines.4-5 It also helps your body to metabolize and remove toxic inflammatory pollutants—thereby reducing these chemicals’ role in disease-promoting inflammation.

Most importantly, DIM has a direct effect on estrogen metabolism, yielding a much higher level of protective 2-hydroxy estrogens.6-7 Not only does this stave off deadly cancerous developments, but it also contributes to weight loss in humans and animals—preventing obesity and metabolic syndrome.8-9 As an added benefit, it also helps to preserve levels of tryptophan, the “feel good” hormone responsible for serotonin production—which is in turn responsible for better moods and appetite control.10-11

DIM is an insoluble indole, meaning that it’s difficult for your body to absorb—but a pure, microencapsulated form of the product insures maximum bioavailablity.12 And that means vital protection against the emerging—and potentially deadly—threat of environmental estrogens.

(High quality DIM products may be ordered from Natural Health News professional partners, with profits going to support this blog and our other avtivities. Please contact us for ordering information or other product information.)

1. Coffey DS. Similarities of prostate and breast cancer: Evolution, diet, and estrogens. Urology. 2001 Apr;57(4 Suppl 1):31-8.

2. Schneider J, Bradlow HL, Strain G, Levin J, Anderson K, Fishman J. Effects of obesity on estradiol metabolism: decreased formation of nonuterotropic metabolites. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1983 May;56(5):973-8.

3. Le HT, Schaldach CM, Firestone GL, Bjeldanes LF. Plant-derived 3,3’-Diindolylmethane is a strong androgen antagonist in human prostate cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 2003 Jun 6;278(23):21136-45.

4. Cho HJ, Seon MR, Lee YM, Kim J, Kim JK, Kim SG, Park JH. 3,3’-Diindolylmethane suppresses the inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide in murine macrophages. J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):17-23.

5. Harman-Boehm I, Blüher M, Redel H, Sion-Vardy N, Ovadia S, Avinoach E, Shai I, Klöting N, Stumvoll M, Bashan N, Rudich A. Macrophage infiltration into omental versus subcutaneous fat across different populations: effect of regional adiposity and the comorbidities of obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jun;92(6):2240-7.

6. Zeligs MA. Diet and estrogen status: the cruciferous connection. J Medicinal Foods. 1998;1:67 82.

7. Dalessandri, KM, Firestone GL, Fitch MD, Bradlow HL, Bjeldanes LF. Pilot study: effect of 3,3’-diindolylmethane supplements on urinary hormone metabolites in postmenopausal women with a history of early-stage breast cancer. Nutr Cancer. 2004;50(2):161-7.

8. Ackerman GE, et al., Potentiation of epinephrine-induced lipolysis by catechol estrogens and their methoxy derivatives, Endocrinology. 1981;109:2084-8.

9. Zeligs MA. Phytochemicals for promoting weight loss. US Patent #6,534,085, 2003, March.

10. Brandacher G, Hoeller E, Fuchs D, Weiss HG. Chronic immune activation underlies morbid obesity: is IDO a key player? Curr Drug Metab. 2007 Apr;8(3):289-95.

11. Cangiano C, Ceci F, Cascino A, Del Ben M, Laviano A, Muscaritoli M, Antonucci F, Rossi-Fanelli F. Eating behavior and adherence to dietary prescriptions in obese adult subjects treated with 5-hydroxytryptophan. Am J Clin Nutr. 1992 Nov;56(5):863-7.

12. Zeligs MA and Jacobs IC. Compositions and methods of adjusting steroid hormone metabolism through phytochemicals. US Patent #6,086,915. 2000, July.