Thursday, September 30, 2010

Connective Tissue Training and Development

Never over look connective tissue development. It is a real weak spot for steroid users and most other athletes/people who traine etc who develop there muscular system faster than their connective tissue, resulting in bicep tears etc.

It's the simple short answer to 'how come a skinny, wiry guy can beat a meat head at lifting'

'I am of the opinion that joints need to be trained in a like manner to how
we train our muscular system, but with recovery and adaptive periods that
reflect their specific recovery periods.'

Bones, and connective tissue have low to no blood supply and their growth,
and recovery are slower than the muscle tissues.

So the task is to find the correct loading to the cycles of compression and
decompression (and other stress types) that will produce a conditioning
effect to those tissues without "overtraining". It is as simple as training
the musculature, but also complex, due to the fact that you are dealing with
two critical variables:

1)Present Condition and the level of load that will be required to produce
positive adaptation

2)Age and the amount of recovery required between loading bouts.

Obviously this is significantly different than training the muscles even
though we use essentially the SAME exercise actions.

As well we generally have 3 main tissues to be aware of:

1)Bones which need general heavy load stresses to gain or retain

2)Ligaments which require regular stresses to reduce age related stiffness

3) Cartilages which require appropriate cyclic compression and decompression
to facilitate synovium saturations and hydrations

Certain sports that take a toll on joints and connective tissues, so it might be wise to keep these elements in

Ensure you take training connective tissue as seriously as muscular training to ensure less injury.

Good examples of strengthening connective tissue through bodybuilding and weight training is the use of isometric and static movements, such as isometric bench press, partial squats (to name a few) using heavy loads and low reps. Also to be considered are plyometrics. As with all forms of training these things need to be developed slowly and sensibly. Don't just go out to try and develop your tendons work new movements in gradually and increase the load over time.

Check out this article on tendon development from PPONLINE
Great Abdominal Exercise
by Terrence Wilke

Just thought you might want to consider an easier way I found to build
abs. I am 55 years old, and have better abs than most in their 20's.
I am an ex-marine, and when in the service over 30 years ago, I was
surprised at how many large-bellied older marines could do lots of
sit-ups, but - well it was obvious those sit-ups weren't doing them
much good. We were often required to aim to complete 80 bent-knee
sit-ups in two minutes. I always met that requirement, but my abs
never were noticeable at all either. Fast forward to 2010.

Here is what has worked wonders for me: Great Abdominal Exercise
Great Abdominal Exercise
by Terrence Wilke

Just thought you might want to consider an easier way I found to build
abs. I am 55 years old, and have better abs than most in their 20's.
I am an ex-marine, and when in the service over 30 years ago, I was
surprised at how many large-bellied older marines could do lots of
sit-ups, but - well it was obvious those sit-ups weren't doing them
much good. We were often required to aim to complete 80 bent-knee
sit-ups in two minutes. I always met that requirement, but my abs
never were noticeable at all either. Fast forward to 2010.

Here is what has worked wonders for me: Great Abdominal Exercise

Hybrid Workout Critique Preview (Video)

The Lean Hybrid Muscle Building Program is Ready
Get Your Done-For-You Hybrid Workouts Here

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 New Free Reports

10 Secrets of Getting Lean & Staying Lean While Traveling

Getting Started with Dumbbells

Note: Click the link and read online or preview then save to your PC, or right-click and save to your PC now!

LAST CHANCE to Drop 11 lbs THIS Week (Added Bonus)

Did you know that you really can KILL up to 11 lbs of belly fat, excess water, and toxic waste in just 7 days by eating certain types of delicious food?

It's true. And Josh Bezoni is giving you the BLUEPRINT on how to do this with his new 7-Day BellyBlastDiet program that over 14,000 people have gotten over the last 48 hours.

BUT, the price is going up TONIGHT, and the $50 OFF special is coming to an end.  <------- LAST Chance to Save $50

To sweeten the pot, Josh just added a LAST CHANCE bonus where he will personally walk you through the entire program, step-by-step, over a LIVE 60-minute conference call. Now you can discover how to get a flat belly fast from the master himself, right over your phone!

The question you have to ask yourself is simple: Do you want to drop up to 11 lbs over the next 7 days? If so, you're not going to find a more strategic, faster solution than this program.

It's founded on SCIENCE.

It's based on STRATEGY.

No gimmicks. Just results. And the before and after photos you'll see at the link below are extraordinary.   <------- LAST  Chance to Save $50

Oh, and if it doesn't work for you? YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK. Your results are GUARANTEED, or you get a refund. It's that simple.

Get serious results in just 7 days. Take pride in yourself again and love the compliments that will be pouring in. This is your LAST chance to get in at $50 OFF with the special bonus call with Josh, and frankly, your last chance to rid yourself of unattractive belly fat forever.

Go now:

Lean Hybrid Muscle Sample Workout Preview

The Lean Hybrid Muscle Building Program is Ready
Get Your Done-For-You Hybrid Workouts Here

‘Weird’ fitness contest results

Almost everyone knows about the biggest loser - that reality show/ weight loss contest on TV where overweight people people drop ridiculous amounts of weight – like 15 or 20 lbs in a week, and 150 or 200 lbs by the time the show is over.

Earlier this year, Tom Venuto and the guys at over at the Burn the Fat websites completed their first ever body transformation challenge contest.

But their contest was NOTHING like the biggest loser.

In fact, Josh Ketter, the overall men’s winner, and Ryan Cochrane, one of the finalists, only lost a pound.

Now, you must be thinking, “what the heck kind of weird body transformation contest were they running where the winner and the finalists only drop a pound?

Well, it would seem weird if you thought that success at body transformation meant dropping weight on the scale.

But did you ever stop to think about the difference between fat weight and muscle weight?

Think about it – if those contestants on the biggest loser gain muscle – they get penalized, right?

Shouldn’t contestants be REWARDED for gaining muscle as well as burning fat?

That’s the problem with weight loss contests today and with a lot of popular diet and fitness programs – they’re obsessed with scale weight but they don’t pay any attention to body composition (the fat-to-muscle ratio).

Of course, some of the contestants in that contest did drop a lot of fat – 15, 20, even 25 lbs in only 50 days. But the person who dropped the most pounds was NOT necessarily voted as the winner.

The winners were chosen because they made tremendous improvements in their body composition, even though their scale weight didn’t change that much.

Josh lost 8 pounds of fat and gained 7 pounds of muscle in just 50 days.  He only lost a pound on the scale because the muscle weight replaced the fat weight.

Ryan Cochrane lost 8 pounds of fat while gaining 7.7 lbs of muscle in 50 days. His weight hardly changed.

Sarah Kensington actually GAINED a pound, from 119 to 120 but her body fat decreased from 19% to a ripped 12.6%. That's a 7.9 pound GAIN in lean body mass and a 7 pound loss of body fat – remarkable for a MAN, almost unheard of for a woman!

You could see from their before and after photos that even though their weight changed by less than a pound, they TOTALLY TRANSFORMED THEIR BODIES!

How?  They gained muscle and lost fat at the same time!

Maybe you’re thinking, “wait a minute, I thought it was impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Don’t you need a calorie deficit to burn fat and a calorie surplus to build muscle?”

Well, yes and no. Calories do matter, but according to fat loss expert Tom Venuto, the guy who sponsored the recent body transformation contest, it’s much more complicated than that because of things like hormonal fluctuations and “energy partitioning.”

It was these “unusual” contest results that prompted Tom to dig into the scientific research on concurrent muscle gain and fat loss and create a new program around it that he calls:

“THE HOLY GRAIL BODY TRANSFORMATION SYSTEM: How to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time”

The program was just released at:


It’s refreshing that Tom does not B.S. you about about the kind of results you can get. In fact, he clearly states that losing fat while simultaneously gaining muscle is the most difficult goal to achieve.

That’s why people call it the “holy grail”; because it’s so elusive.

But “difficult” doesn’t mean “impossible.” It’s totally possible to lose fat while gaining muscle at the same time, if you have the right plan.

You may have heard this subject debated before on blogs or discussion forums. Those debates probably left you confused and not sure what to believe either.

This new “Holy Grail” program sets the record straight


It’s impressively referenced with peer-reviewed research and frankly, it just makes sense.

Most people are skeptical about this at first. But when you see BOTH; real-world case studies AND the scientific proof, it makes you want to stop and take a look.

Since this program was just released, Tom is has a great offer going until this Friday, where you have the chance to grab 4 Limited-Time Bonuses:

BONUS #1:  Extreme And Controversial Fat Loss Techniques (Ebook)

BONUS #2:  Super Lean – Secrets Of Achieving Very Low Body Fat
(Audio MP3 Seminar and Transcript)

BONUS #3:  The Science Of Goal Achievement – 10 Secrets of
Subconscious Mind Power and 7 Secrets of Scientific Goal Setting

BONUS #4:  How To Measure Your Body Fat In The Privacy Of Your Own Home

To learn more about achieving the “holy grail” of all body transformation goals – and to claim your extra bonuses, just go to:


Arthur M.

PS. This program is certain to be another long-time best seller, but the offer for the extra bonuses ends this Friday, October 1st, so be sure to take a look before the offer expires:


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 things STOPPING you from having a flat belly (video)

My friend and "nutritionist to the stars" Josh Bezoni literally JUST upload a new video to his site detailing the 3 biggest things STOPPING you from having a flat belly.

3 things STOPPING you from having a flat belly <------- Watch it here

The video then goes on to openly DISCLOSE 3 very sneaky tricks to slash stomach fat fast, each one specifically designed to correct the three big "problems" exposed earlier in the video. If you want a flat stomach, this video is the key...

3 sneaky tricks to slash stomach fat FAST <------- Click here

Be sure to watch until the 5 minute mark where Josh reveals a secret called "Calorie Confusion" that will blow you away.

Find Out What Calorie Confusion is < ---------- Watch it here

The “Holy Grail” of Fitness Goals (Doors Open)

If you’ve been been following my emails or if you’ve spent any time online at fitness sites over the last two weeks, you’ve probably heard about Tom Venuto’s revolutionary new program,

“The Holy Grail Body Transformation System”

In it, Tom reveals how to achieve the ULTIMATE fitness goal… the goal that many people believe is impossible:

Losing fat while gaining muscle at the same time!

After all the buildup and buzz, the doors have opened and the “Holy Grail” is finally available:


This release of this program has been anticipated for weeks by thousands of people, but what’s most exciting is the extra bonus package that Tom just announced today:

To celebrate the release of the Holy Grail Body Transformation program, Tom is giving away 4 limited-time bonuses worth $114.80, if you order quickly before the launch promotion ends:

BONUS #1:  Extreme And Controversial Fat Loss Techniques
(Ebook $19.95 value)

BONUS #2:  Super Lean Seminar – Secrets Of Achieving Very
Low Body Fat (Audio MP3 and ebook Transcript $49.95 value)

BONUS #3:  The Science Of Goal Achievement – 10 Secrets
of Subconscious Mind Power and 7 Secrets of Scientific
Goal Setting ($29.95 value)

BONUS #4:  How To Measure Your Body Fat In The Privacy
Of Your Own Home (ebook) $19.95 value)

To learn how you can claim these super bonuses go here:


Many people were skeptical at first that simultaneous muscle gain and fat loss is possible…

But when they saw the science behind the system, they became believers!

The Holy Grail is a 109-page ebook (quick, easy read), and an 8 part, 3 1/2 hour audio program that is destined to set the record straight and become the LAST WORD on gaining muscle and burning fat at the same time;

It’s impressively referenced with peer-reviewed research and frankly, it just makes sense.

how does it work?

New discoveries in the emerging sciences of:

within-day energy balance
nutritional periodization
nutrient timing
natural hormonal manipulation
cyclical dieting

These techniques -together – have pointed the way to a new method of achieving simultaneous muscle gain with fat loss…

The Holy Grail system also includes:

* Burn the Fat Foods 2.0: … the official new calorie and nutrient data base – it’s a CLEAN EATING food list - NO JUNK This is the list of foods you SHOULD eat… (appendix 3)

*  Tom Venuto’s NEW WORKOUT SYSTEM – “TNB” Training - Seen originally in Men’s Fitness Magazine … the perfect way to train while following the Holy Grail nutrition plan – works GREAT for women too.

This program is sure to be a long-time best-seller, just like Tom’s classic, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

But if you want to get the 4 special bonuses, you do have to act quickly.


Arthur M.

PS. the last day to get the 4 bonus reports is Friday, October 1st at midnight so be sure go take a look now before those extras are taken down


LAST CHANCE for $400 Belly-Burning Bonus (Hours Left)

Just a real quick update…

Late last night I posted about Josh Bezoni’s new 7-Day Belly Blast Diet program that everyone is raving about.

Well, Josh is giving away a very special, belly-blasting bonus valued at $400, when you order TODAY. You can read about it in my previous post, or head over to the web
site now to see it for yourself before it’s gone:

Last Chance to grab these Free Special Reports

I wanted to give you a quick heads up…

This could be your last chance to pick up some awesome FREE special reports from the fat loss guru Tom Venuto.

You may have heard about some or all of these but just in case you missed any – here’s one more chance to pick up all four new reports at no cost (100% gratis!)

Tom is currently offering four free fat loss and muscle building products at no cost here:

1) The Holy Grail of Building Muscle and Losing Fat REVEALED (a one hour mp3 and written transcript)


2) Secrets of Gaining Muscle without Gaining Fat


3) Never Lose Muscle (100% Pure Fat Loss) (don’t lose precious muscle when dieting)


4) 50 Body Transformation Mistakes


I wouldn’t procrastinate on this…

Rumor has it these special reports will be coming down very soon!  Grab them while you can…

You’ll be happy that you did!

Monday, September 27, 2010

37 new foods that KILL BellyFat faster ($400 Bonus)

If you’ve been online over the past few weeks, you’ve probably heard all of the buzz and commotion about my good friend and fat loss “guru” Josh Bezoni’s hot, new program called The 7-Day BellyBlastDiet.

In it, he reveals some VERY sneaky tricks to KILL up to 11 lbs of belly fat, excess water, and toxic waste in just 7 days.  (It’s crazy, but true.) And one of these tricks involves eating a lot more of these 37 belly-blasting foods…

      < =====37 New Foods That KILL BellyFat Fast

But it gets even BETTER. Because you’re a VIP Subscriber to my newsletter, you’re invited to an “invitation only” pre-sale, and I twisted Josh’s arm to include a VERY special, 24-hour belly-blasting bonus (valued at $400). But it is ONLY available until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.         < ===== LAST CHANCE FOR $400 BONUS

Here are 4 important points to know:

1.       Today is the “official” RELEASE of the 7-Day BellyBlastDiet and to celebrate, Josh is having a big 3-day pre-sale and including a special belly-blasting bonus that will ONLY be available until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.

2.       This pre-sale is HIDDEN from the general public, at a special website page that has been set up ONLY for Josh’s closest fitness friends.  Here’s that link again:         < =====Get it Here

3.       WARNING:  this high-speed belly blasting program is NOT for professional body builders or for people who have a few vanity pounds to lose.  This program is for busy folks who LOVE TO EAT and struggle to find the energy, will power, and extra time in their day to achieve fast and lasting results.

You see, the secret to this program is that it harnesses the power of 3 sneaky tricks to overcome the 3 biggest obstacles that are keeping you from achieving a flat belly fast. 

And by the way, one of these sneaky tricks is a new technology Josh developed called “Calorie Confusion,” which ensures that you keep getting rapid fat loss results without hitting a plateau or experiencing that dreaded rebound. 

And the crazy thing is, even though this isn’t a difficult program to follow, it’s still VERY powerful. The first people to experience this program dropped as much as 11 pounds of bellyfat, excess water, and toxic waste in the very first 7 days.         < =====Get it Here

4.       Special notice, TODAY ONLY:  while the “opening day” pre-sale special will only be available until Thursday, September 30th, when you order within the next 24 hours you will get a $400 value FAST ACTION BONUS. 

When you order today, (and today only), you will be invited to attend a special LIVE, 90-minute Coaching Session where Josh Bezoni and Kim Lyons (the All-Star trainer from the hit TV show, NBC’s The Biggest Loser), will be LIVE on the telephone to reveal their very BEST fat loss tips while answering all of your questions.  Josh and Kim are NOT available for direct one-on-one coaching, but when you get The 7-Day BellyBlastDiet TODAY, you’ll get access to this LIVE call for *FREE*.         < ========= Special Bonus

The truth is, I wouldn’t be recommending this program if I didn’t believe in it 100%.  If you’re interested in using some very sneaky tricks to overcome the 3 things that are keeping you from a flat belly, without having to turn your life upside down to do it, then this is THE program to get your hands on.  And right now, you can get it before anyone else during this invitation-only pre-sale:         < =====Get it Here

P.S.  I almost forgot, you can do all of this while enjoying foods like dark chocolate, peanut butter, and even BBQ.  (No kidding):

50 Body-Sabotaging Mistakes [Report]

How Many of These 50 Body-Sabotaging Mistakes Are You Making? <— (Free Report)

Inside this FREE report , you’ll discover:

* The short-cut to bypassing weeks, months or even years or frustratingly slow progress and reach your fat loss, muscle-building or body-shaping goals faster than you ever thought possible

* Other people have already cracked the code on body transformation… see how you can easily “copy and paste” the mental and physical success strategies of those who already succeeded (why re-invent the wheel?)

* How to find the one “bottleneck” that’s been choking off your progress for months or years… and how to fix it <— (Free Report)

What You Are Not Hearing About GMO Franken-Fish

Are Genetically Engineered Foods (Including Salmon) More Allergenic?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5 Ways To Properly Stimulate Muscles For Maximum Muscle Gain

When I first started lifting weights and training to gain muscle, I was not properly activating my muscles in the way I do today.

As a beginner, I was just interested in trying to lift as heavy as a weight as I could and I didn’t take into considerations things like proper form, mind-muscle connections or focusing on the proper muscles when doing the exercises.

Nope, all I did was check myself out in the mirror as I would attempt to curl 50lb dumbbells when I should have been really using more like 15lb dumbbells.

Now don’t get me wrong, you do want to lift heavier weights over time. After all, our muscles will only adapt if we give it a reason to adapt. But, I was impatient, young and had something to prove. I didn’t care about properly progressing in my lifts. All I wanted to do was boost my ego by lifting heavy in front of my friends.

I did gain weight and make some progress, but then down the line, my progress came to a halt.

What happened? Ill tell you what happened…the ‘beginner’s training gains’ wore off!

The only real reason I was progressing is because I was a complete beginner and even though my form, focus and technique were slightly incorrect, my body was still adapting.

This is fine when you are a beginner and the weight you are lifting is only moderate, but as you progress in your training and you get stronger you may develop imbalances and/or injure yourself.

That is why now, I always recommend my clients to focus on technique and form before even considering lifting heavier weights. It will pay off big time in the end.

The problem most people face including myself is that we are sometimes too focused on looking good or acting macho in front of others at the gym, (you know you do it J) and we are not properly stimulating muscle and recruiting all potential muscle fibers.

Muscle fibre activation is just as important if not more as the amount of weight you can lift. If you can stimulate more muscle fibre with slightly less weight and better form, then why would you sacrifice that positive factor by lifting a heavier weight with improper form and bad technique?

This is more of an intermediate to advance article on how to gain muscle by activating the muscles through the mind-muscle connection, but beginner’s can benefit by learning early on that proper form, technique and muscle activation come first and the amount of weight you can lift is a distant second.

Start to include the 5 mind-muscle connection techniques to start seeing better results when trying to gain muscle. These are powerful tools that will assist you and help you progress properly. Eventually, you won’t need to use them as much as they will just become a learned habit.

Think about it:
You should start to think about the muscles you are about to train while you are on your way to the gym. When you being to think about which muscle you are about to train, you send signals to your brain to begin preparing for battle if you will.

By doing this, your muscles become more receptive when it comes time to begin lifting. You are also creating stronger neural connections between your mind and your muscles.

Just silently think to yourself;
- Which muscles am I working today?
- Which exercises am I going to be performing?

This might only require five minutes of your time, but it can be the difference between a good workout and a great workout.

Feeling it:
After ‘thinking’ about the muscle, the other side of it is to focus on what it will feel like when you are training the muscle.

Either immediately after getting to the gym, or while warming up, start to go through some mental preparations:

- How is it going to feel after working that muscle group?
- How is it going to feel to have a shirt busting pump and blood gorging muscles?
- How will it feel when you finally make it to that special event or beach part (you can pick anything you want) and people notice that particular muscle group?

After doing this, you will start to be really motivated to work that muscle group and you will much more committed to the workout because you are holding yourself accountable.

You are reminding yourself of not only the feeling associated in the workout, but also how it will feel when you get rewarded with new muscle gain and compliments from others.

Muscle Activation Warm-Ups (light weights and muscle focus)

Proper warm-up is very important when you train and it should not be overlooked or skipped.

This should be part of your workout and should not just depend if you ‘feel’ like doing it that day or not.

You need to properly warm your muscles up with lighter weights first before you attempt your heavier sets.

The main benefits to warming up with a lighter weight are:

- Helps lubricate the joints by pumping blood through the muscles
- Better coordination of the movement of the exercise
- Prepares you mentally for heavier sets when you progress your warm-up properly
- You don’t have to warm up for every exercise but it all depends on how you are training. If you are training one or two muscle groups per workout, then only warm up when beginning to work that particular muscle group.

You only need 1-2 warm up sets per muscle group for only 1 exercise.

Do not use a weight that will cause you to fail. The goal here is to simply warm up. It should not be an all out effort.

Generally I like to use about 50% of my 5-6 rep max and perform about 15 repetitions to warm up with.  Then depending on how I am training, I might do another warm up set with a slightly heavier weight for less reps. Again, not to failure.

Drop The Weight and Focus On Form and Technique

Form and technique do not get as much attention as they deserve simply because they are not interesting topics to the majority of people looking to gain muscle.

Instead of focusing on proper technique, the average person would rather just concentrate on progressing and lifting heavier weights while sacrificing form and risking injury.

Although they may not realize that they are doing this.

I strongly urge you to start training smarter.

On a regular basis, you should take some time and review basic exercise descriptions for all the exercises you are currently performing in your program.

More often than not, you will pick up on small tips and information you had forgotten about that will help you get better at the exercise.

Secondly, be honest with yourself and make sure your progressions in weight increases are not causing you to sacrifice proper form when doing the exercise.

If ever you cannot complete the exercise with proper technique and execution, then I would highly suggest decreasing the load until you can progress to a heavier weight and still perform with proper form.

Over time, you will get stronger and there will certainly be less chance of you developing injuries or creating stress by improperly performing the exercise.

The priority list for muscle building should always follow; technique + form then increase in the amount of weight lifted.

Stay Focused
The final point on this topic is to always stay focused on your workout.

If your goal is to build muscle and completely transform your body, you cannot get distracted while you are in the gym.

That means not hitting on the women in the gym, not getting caught staring at yourself in the mirror and not having long conversations with your buddies in between sets.

You are there for a workout and nothing else. It’s ok to socialize, but just keep it in moderation and never let it distract you completely from your muscle building goals.

You really need to stay focused especially when you are attempting to beat your best lifts. Do not take this lightly.

I can guarantee if you start to implement all of these tips, you will notice more progress in your lifts and in your quest to build a more muscular body.

Remember that you can still have fun while working out, but it’s not a social occasion. At least it shouldn’t be if you are serious about building muscle.

Just be sure nothing distracts you and you should start to see some impressive progressions in your training and muscle size.

Here for you,
Joey Vaillancourt NSCA-CPT
Bones to Buff

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Never Lose Muscle Again: 13 Scientific Breakthroughs

Below, you’ll see the download link  for the NEWEST body transformation report just released by Tom Venuto

Never Lose Muscle: The Holy Grail Method for 100% Pure Fat Loss

This is a controversial subject (do you lose muscle from dieting… if so, why?… and how to you STOP it?)

Tom tackles this controversy head on and reveals:

*  The top 3 muscle-retaining factors that determine whether you’ll lose muscle or keep your muscle on a fat loss diet (they are very simple, but you can’t dispute their truth or importance)

* 13 NEW fat loss research discoveries from scientists at the National Institute of Health and how you can use them to lose more fat without losing muscle

* Why overweight people have totally different physiologies than lean people or even people with “average” body fat… and why you MUST adjust your nutrition according to your current body fat level

* The New Rules of Cutting Calories: if you’re still cutting “500 calories a day to lose 1 pound per week” or cutting “1000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds per week” you might be completely sabotaging yourself .. find out why!

The report is available as a PDF download here:


Arthur M.

PS. This report won’t be available for long, so be sure to grab your copy quick before it’s taken down:

Friday, September 24, 2010

Want To Build Muscle? Focus On The Right Muscle Building Diet

By Robert Harvard

When most people begin muscle building, they typically focus
on the exercises necessary to build muscle and reduce
body fat. However, the bodybuilding diet is the most
important aspect of the entire process. Without a proper
diet, those muscles you've worked so hard to build will be
covered over with a layer of fat, which goes against
everything a bodybuilder tries to do.

A bodybuilding diet isn't difficult to keep up, it just
takes a little discipline and know how. With a few tips and
a lot of self control, you could be well on your way to the
physique you've only dreamed about.

Split Up Your Meals

As we grew up, our parents usually taught us to eat three
meals a day. Those meals were to contain the four food
groups and they were generally large enough to keep us
satiated until the next meal came around. However, the more
you eat in one sitting, the more your body has to work to
digest it. Health experts now tell us to split up our meals
into four to six smaller meals, eaten throughout the day.
This, too, is what the bodybuilding diet entails. By
splitting up your meals into four to six smaller, more
manageable, meals each day, our metabolisms speed up,
enabling us to burn more fat than ever before.

Stay Away From Processed Food

When you begin your bodybuilding diet, you want to refrain
from anything that uses processed flour. Experienced
bodybuilders will tell you to stay to the outside perimeter
of the supermarket, where the dairy, meat, fruit, veggies
and bread are located. They will tell you to stay away from
the inside aisles of the supermarket, where all the chips,
and other processed foods are located. The simplest way to
keep to your bodybuilding diet is to tell yourself to keep
it natural. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and stay
away from anything laden with sugar; as this will turn into
fat in the long run.

Water, Water, Water

It can't be said enough. When beginning any bodybuilding
diet, you can't refrain from drinking lots of water. Water
flushes the fat and toxins from our body and also helps us
in fighting disease and illness. After all, we are seventy
percent water so we need to drink plenty of water if we hope
to stay healthy. A good rule is to drink a glass of water
before each meal, during each meal and once between meals.
This will keep you plenty hydrated and that's important,
especially when it comes to your bodybuilding diet.

If you stick to the above tips and work hard, you could
become a bodybuilder in no time. Remember, being a
bodybuilder doesn't just mean having big muscles, it also
means having low body fat. While working out will give you
the muscles you want, it's the bodybuilding diet that will
strip you of that fat so that those muscles, and all your
hard work, will finally be revealed.

How to make full use of ( medic
alert is important and you can find the top useful tips of
( vitamin supplements.

Strong Legs Critical to Health

Strength, Endurance, Balance
NEW: February 2011 -
While traditional Chinese exercise for toning legs requires no weights or exercise equipment, there are many excellent Chinese-style exercises that can tone, firm and strengthen your legs from your thighs to your ankles. SOURCE

Cirque du Soleil
NEW: 24 September 2010 -
from Matthew Scott, Chinese Health Exercises
According to traditional Chinese medical wisdom you are only as old as your legs.
Chinese medical wisdom also says if you strengthen your legs you can slow down the affects of aging and stop certain health problems.
Naturally, there are many traditional Chinese exercises to strengthen your legs. These are done using your bodyweight only. Some are so easy anyone can do them, while others you may need to build up to.
The benefits of strong, flexible legs include:
1. Better support for your whole body
2. Better balance
3. Less chance of leg and lower back pain
Traditional Chinese leg exercises do more than this though. They stimulate important energy meridians in your legs and these meridians are linked to certain internal organs like your spleen, liver and kidneys.
Do the exercises and you benefit your legs AND your internal organs.
Exercise in the traditional Chinese sense also includes techniques like self-massage and acupressure. These techniques involve pressing and rubbing specific points and areas on your legs (and other body areas) to improve circulation, stop pain, increase flexibility and more. 
There are two programs on the site showing you on video traditional Chinese exercises for the legs. There is the Long Life Exercise Programfor overall better health and the Knee Exercises Program aimed specifically at the legs.
from January 2010 - Do You Have Strong Legs?

Lower-body strength translates into good balance, flexibility, and endurance.

As you get older, those attributes are key to reducing your risk of falls and injuries -- particularly hip fractures, which often quickly lead to declining health. Up to 20% of hip-fracture patients die within 1 year because of complications from the trauma.

"Having weak thigh muscles is the number one predictor of frailty in old age," says Robert Butler, MD, president of the International Longevity Center USA in New York City.

Here's one of many suggestions to strengthen them, I know this exercise as "wall sitting".
"Target your quads with the "phantom chair" move, says Joan Price, author of The Anytime, Anywhere Exercise Book. Here's how: Stand with back against wall. Slowly walk feet out and slide back down until you're in a seated position, ensuring knees aren't beyond toes and lower back is pressed against wall. Hold until your thighs tell you, Enough! Do this daily, increasing your hold by a few seconds each time."
I do some sort of leg strengthening exercise daily because, as a writer for most of my time, I do a lot of sitting.

Gaining Muscle and Losing Fat At The Same Time: Is It Possible

By Tom Venuto

“How can I gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?” That’s right up there with “How do I get six pack abs” as one of the most frequently asked fitness questions of all time. The problem is, when you ask it, you get all kinds of conflicting answers – even from experts who are supposed to know these things. So what’s the deal? Is it really possible to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously?

Short answer: Yes it’s possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Long answer: It’s difficult and it’s complicated, unless you really know what you’re doing. Allow me to explain….

First we have the issue of whether you really lose fat and gain muscle at the “same time.”

Well, yes, if your definition of the “same time” is say, a month or 12 weeks. But in that case, you’re probably not gaining muscle at the “same time” literally speaking, as in, right now this very moment you are reading this, or 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for months in a row.

The best explanation for what’s really happening is that you alternate between periods of caloric surplus (anabolism) and caloric deficit (catabolism) and the net result is a gain in muscle and a loss in body fat.

You see, if you stay in a calorie surplus, it’s the body’s natural tendency for body fat and lean body mass to go up together. And if you stay in a calorie deficit, it’s your body’s natural tendency for body fat and lean body mass to go down together.

There may be exceptions, but the general rule is that it is usually very difficult to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time – the mechanisms are mostly antagonistic to one another. When big increases in muscle and big decreases in fat are seen at the same time, it’s almost always the result of “unusual conditions” – I call them X factors.

The 4 X-Factors

The first X-factor is “training age” . Ever hear of “newbie gains?” The less trained your body is and the further you are from your genetic potential, the easier it is to gain muscle. The reverse is also true – an advanced bodybuilder with 20 years experience would be thrilled just to gain a few pounds of solid dry muscle in a year!

The second x factor is muscle memory. It’s easier to regain muscle you’ve lost than it is to gain new muscle in the first place (ergo, the fat out of shape semi retired bodybuilder who starts training again and blows up and gets ripped “overnight”).

The third X factor is genetics (or somatotype). Ever heard of the “genetic freak?” That’s the dude who sprouts muscle like weeds even when he’s on the “50-50 diet” (50% McDonald’s and 50% pizza)… and he never gets fat. (That dude chose the right parents!)

The fourth X factor is drugs. It would stun (or sadden) you if you knew how many people take performance and physique-enhancing drugs. I’m not just talking about pro bodybuilders, I’m talking about “Joe six pack” in the gym – not to mention those fitness models you idolize in the magazines. How did some of them get large muscle gains with concurrent fat loss? Chemicals.

I’m not a gambling man, but I’ll place a wager on this any day: I’ll bet that in 99% of the cases of large muscle gains with concurrent large fat losses, one or more of these x factors were present.

That’s not all! There are actually 5 more X factors related to your body composition and diet status (the X2 factors). I talk about those in my new program, the Holy Grail Body Transformation System. More on that later.

So you’re not a beginner, you don’t take roids, you’re not a genetic freak and you have no muscle memory to take advantage of. Are you S.O.L? Well, I do want you to be realistic about your goals, but…

There IS a way for the average person to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

The Secret: You have to change your “temporal perspective!”

Traditionally nutritionists and fitness pros have only looked at calorie balance in terms of 24 hour periods. At midnight, you could tally up the calories like a shopkeeper closing out his register, and if the balance were positive, you’d say you were in a surplus for the day. If the balance were negative, you’d say you were in a deficit for the day.

But it’s entirely possible that you might pass through periods of “within-day” surplus where you were in a highly anabolic state (for example, you eat the biggest, highest carb meal of the day after your workout), and you were in a deficit the rest of the day.

Furthermore, exercise changes everything. certain types of training will alter your hormones and physiological response to how you handle calories and nutrients.

If you did intense weight training, and you timed your nutrient intake just right, isn’t it possible that you could gain a small amount of muscle during those anabolic hours, while losing fat the rest of the day? Granted it might only be grams or ounces – but what if you kept that up for a week? A month? Three months?

As you pan out and look at the bigger picture, what if most days of the week you were in a deficit for the entire day, and on some days of the week you were in a surplus? If so, then isn’t it possible that over the course of the week, you’d have a small net gain of muscle and loss of body fat as a result of the caloric fluctuation?

These within-day and within-week phases are what I refer to in my new body transformation program as nutritional microcycles and mesocycles. If you also had a primary goal with a longer term focus of several months, say 12 weeks or 16 weeks, that would be a nutritional macrocycle.

What I’ve just described is nutritional periodization. Some people call it cyclical dieting. It’s where you manipulate your calories (primarily by fluctuating carbohydrate intake, hence “carb cycling”) in order to intentionally zig zag your way through periods of surplus and deficit.

The end result: muscle gain and fat loss during the same time period!

I know that someone out there is having a hissy fit because I’ve only talked about calories: deficits and surpluses. Rightfully so. Calories matter but there’s more to it than calories – most importantly, hormones and “nutrient partitioning.”

If you’re in a calorie deficit you are going to pull energy from your body. The question is: From WHERE? If your hormones are out of whack because you’re eating crap and you’re living an unhealthy lifestyle, you could lose more muscle than fat in a deficit and gain almost pure fat, not muscle, in a surplus!

But WHAT IF you could manipulate within day energy balance, use nutritional periodization AND control your hormones with food and lifestyle strategies?

NOW we are seeing how concurrent muscle gain and fat loss are starting to look possible!

Make no mistake – concurrent muscle gain and fat loss is a difficult goal to achieve. It’s the “Holy Grail of Fitness Goals.” The good news: difficult does not mean impossible. Or as George Santayana said, “The difficult is that which can be done immediately, the impossible, that which takes a little longer.”

If you’d like to learn more about losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time, I just recorded a fantastic introduction to the subject in a one hour interview and you can get it for free as a gift from my new website because I want to get the word out about my brand new  Holy Grail Body Transformation System.

In my new program, you’ll hear all the details about nutritional periodization, cyclical dieting, hormonal manipulation, within day energy balance, nutrient partitioning, AND the all the X factors, including the 5 “X2-Factors” – which are the keys to gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time.

You’ll also get my new “TNB” training system, which was originally published as a workout in Men’s Fitness magazine. Then I expanded it into a total program that has never been seen before except in my member’s only inner circle.

My new free report that you can download now in MP3 and PDF (transcript) is available for a limited time this week over at The Holy Grail website. It’s a great introduction to the program and you’ll pick up some great tips just from this free report alone.

Download your Free “Holy Grail Body Transformation Revealed” report at:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Yes, Mammogram isn't as beneficial as you are told

Yet another new article supports what we have been stating for decades - and what Dr John Gofman and others have proven in excellent research!

Mammogram offers modest benefit
LOS ANGELES – Mammograms don't help women over 50 as much as has been believed, new research suggests.
Only a third of the reduced risk of death credited to breast cancer screening is actually deserved — the rest is due to better treatment and greater awareness of the disease, a large study in Norway found.
The research, published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine, is the latest to show that the benefits of mammography are limited.
"It's not the great lifesaver that people think it is. It's not a magic bullet," said Georgetown University researcher Dr. Jeanne Mandelblatt who was not involved in the study.
Mandelblatt headed six teams that helped shape the new mammogram guidelines issued last year by an influential government task force. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concluded that women at average risk for breast cancer don't need mammograms in their 40s and should get one just every two years starting at 50.
The World Health Organization estimates that mammograms reduce the breast cancer death rate by 25 percent in women over 50. Other groups put the figure at 15 to 23 percent.
The latest study found that while mammograms cut the risk of dying, the benefit was disappointingly low. Women who were screened had a 10 percent lower risk of death from breast cancer, but only a third of that reduction was due to screening itself.
Some 2,500 women would have to be regularly screened over 10 years to save one life from breast cancer, Dr. H. Gilbert Welch of Dartmouth Medical School noted in an accompanying editorial.
In the study, scientists were able to tease out the benefits of mammography by studying Norway's breast cancer screening program, which began as a pilot in 1996 and later expanded to the entire country. As part of the national screening program, teams of doctors were set up in every county to treat any breast cancer cases that did occur, whether they were found by mammograms or other ways.
Some 40,000 women with breast cancer were included in the study. Women ages 50 through 69 were offered screening every two years.
Researchers compared the breast cancer death rate in four groups: a screening group of women living in areas where mammograms were offered; a non-screening group in regions that did not have screening; and two comparison groups of women from the decade before the screening program began, from the same counties as the women in the other two groups.
This allowed researchers to separate the effects of mammography from other factors that may have an impact on survival such as improved treatment and increased awareness.
Among women in the screening group, the breast cancer death rate declined by 7.2 deaths per 100,000 people compared with women in the decade before the screening program started. The death rate in the non-screening group fell by 4.8 deaths per 100,000 people compared with its historical counterpart.
That means that mammography reduced mortality by only 2.4 deaths per 100,000 people — a third of the total risk of death.
A second part of the study bore this out: Women over 70, who weren't eligible for screening, had an 8 percent lower risk of dying from breast cancer compared to the previous decade, pointing to the benefit of better care.
The study was funded by the Cancer Registry of Norway and the Research Council of Norway. It was led by Dr. Mette Kalager of Oslo University Hospital with collaboration from Harvard University and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
More than 1 million women worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and more than 500,000 die from it. In the United States last year, there were an estimated 194,280 new cases and 40,610 deaths from the disease.
The American Cancer Society has long advocated that women get annual breast cancer screenings starting at 40.
The small benefit of mammograms in the latest study may be because the women weren't followed long enough, suggested Otis Brawley, the cancer society's chief medical officer, in a statement.
"The total body of the science supports the fact that regular mammography is an important part of a woman's preventive health care," Brawley said. "Following the American Cancer Society's guidelines for the early detection of breast cancer improves the chances that breast cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage and treated successfully."
Some of the 30+ related articles from Natural Health News
May 21, 2010
"What I didn't know was that I have dense breast tissue and like two-thirds of pre-menopausal women and one quarter of post-menopausal women, I have a much lower chance of having breast cancer detected by a mammogram." ...
Aug 04, 2010
A great boost for the benefits of thermography over breast-cancer-causing mammogram. It is more effective and better for women under 50. Yes! Thermography's accuracy rate is 90% versus mammogram's 50%. It is well past time the ensconced ...
Dec 12, 2007
Dec 12, 2007
A new three-state study led by Seattle's Group Health Cooperative shows that even the most skilled radiologists fail to detect 20 percent of breast-cancer cases in diagnostic mammograms — which are done when cancer is suspected and when ...
Nov 17, 2009
As a person with an investigative mine I did look for all of the options and I will continue to support the science behind the dark side of mammogram that no one seems to want you to know. And I will encourage thermography. ...

3 Problems with Interval Training

By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Interval training is not as good as *they* make it out to be.


By *they*, I mean the inexperienced personal trainers and generic fitness magazines who aren't sure what they are talking about. In fact, the advice they'll give you can cause a LOT of problems with your interval training -- including the BIG 3 I'm about to share with you...

After all, you're probably already doing some form of interval training, but what kind of RESULTS are you getting?

Are you truly enjoying your workouts?

When is the last time you did an interval training workout where you thought 'Wow, that was really fun!'?

Trust me, you CAN have fun, fast, proven, and powerful interval training workouts. I'll show you how in a second, but first...

The 3 Problems With Interval Training

1) Intervals can stop working if you do the same workout over & over

Yes, you MUST switch up your interval training every 4-6 weeks.

If you continue to do the same interval workout, you're results will slow down.

So if you're doing intervals and you're stuck at a fat loss plateau, then it is time for a new interval workout.

2) Intervals can be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing

Jumping into an advanced interval program on the treadmill or with kettlebells is a bad idea. That's why you need to start safely.

However, most people don't realize that even beginners can do interval training if they get a professionally designed program.

Fortunately, there are beginner interval workouts in my new manual.

3) You don't know what else to do for intervals

Okay, great, now you know that you need to do a different interval program every 4 weeks, but what are you to do?

Well, the great news is that there are dozens and dozens of ways to do intervals. You can do the 30-60 method, Adrenaline intervals, Tabata intervals, and even aerobic intervals (perfect for runners who want fat loss).

There is absolutely no reason you should ever be bored of interval training or wondering what type of intervals you should do next.

BUT WAIT...One more problem: You don't have any fancy equipment!

Most people think you need a treadmill or bike to do interval workouts, but that can't be further from the truth.

In the 31 Interval Training Workouts manual, you'll discover how to do intervals with kettlebells, hill sprints, and even bodyweight exercises (including a NEW bodyweight cardio 5x5 circuit).

In fact, I've spent this summer in my "Turbulence Training lab" creating the Ultimate Interval Training Guide, featuring over 31 different interval workouts and replacements...

...including NO-equipment bodyweight cardio circuits, kettlebell intervals and "ladders", hill sprint workouts, and much, much more.

The new TT 31 Interval Training Workouts Manual solves all of the BIG 5 problems with interval training and gives you the much needed variety for your fat burning workouts.

But the only way to get these 31 NEW workouts is by taking advantage of a 50% off sale this week ONLY here.


With these workouts you'll have the exact prescription for fast fat loss from intervals. No more of that generic "get on the treadmill and then go fast and then go slow" advice you get from uneducated members at the gym or at work.

This is the real deal.

You'll soon be boosting your metabolism with proven, powerful interval training workouts from one of the first trainers to introduce fat loss intervals to the world.

I've been using and preaching intervals for over 13 years now, and having trained thousand of clients - in person and online - I know exactly what works.

Fixing intervals to help you lose fat fast. Get all of those new interval workouts here.


Looking forward to your success story!

(But hurry, this offer is only available until Friday.)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HIPAA: Privacy Still at Risk

Most people have been led to believe that HIPAA is to protect your information, especially your health information.  That has never been the case and here is an item that calls this to your attention, even though we have been reporting on this for many years.
It is important to note that the HIPAA privacy rule permits public-health workers to use and disclose individually identifiable health data without patients' authorization. This is a major loophole that allows patients’ personal health information to be shared with many others—without their consent.  (See 45 CFR Subtitle A, Subpart E—Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information; section 164.512 “Uses and disclosures for which an authorization or opportunity to agree or object is not required.”)
Further, the information below should be an eye opener. 

Proposed Changes to Privacy Rule Won’t Ensure Privacy
The federal government once again is modifying the HIPAA privacy rule.  This time around it’s modifying the rule to incorporate legal requirements in the economic stimulus law passed in 2009.   But since that law doesnot require consent before health information is shared for most purposes (including treatment, payment, and health-care operations), the modifications will fail to truly protect health privacy rights.  IHF first reported on this in March 2009:  
IHF noted that while the stimulus law aimed to prohibit the sale of electronic health records, the exceptions are so broad that it fails to meet its purported objective.  In fact, the stimulus law actually permits the selling of Americans’ electronic health records for public-health and research purposes—without patients’ consent.  The stimulus law also limits insurers’ access to health data, but only if patients pay out-of-pocket and forgo insurance reimbursement. 
Additionally, the stimulus law expanded the number of people authorized to access patients’ personal health information without patients’ consent.  Previously HHS estimated that about 600,000 covered entities (and their employees) would have access to patients’ data for many purposes.  However, the stimulus law added some 1.5 million “business associates” who can legally access patients’ health records—without patients’ consent.  Now over 2 million health-related organizations and their business partners will have legal access to patients’ health data without consent in many circumstances (see table below).  

Number of Health-Care Entities and Business Associates With Access to
Patients’ Health Information under HIPAA Privacy Rule
Health-Care Entity
Business Associates* (conduct business on behalf of entities listed below)
Office of MDs, DOs, Mental Health Practitioners, Dentists, PT, OT, ST, Audiologists 
Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers
Nursing Facilities**
Home Health Service Covered Entities
Outpatient Care Centers***
Medical Diagnostic, and Imaging Service Covered Entities 
Other Ambulatory Care Service Covered Entities (Ambulance and Other)
Hospitals (General Medical and Surgical, Psychiatric, Substance Abuse, Other Specialty)
Third Party Administrators Working on Behalf of Covered Health Plans 
Health Insurance Carriers 
Total Entities and Business Associates
* According to HHS, examples of business associates include third-party administrators or pharmacy benefit managers for health plans, claims processing or billing companies, transcription companies, and persons who perform legal, actuarial, accounting, management, or administrative services for covered entities and who require access to protected health information. 
** Includes nursing care facilities, residential mental retardation facilities, residential mental health and substance abuse facilities, community care facilities for the elderly, and continuing care retirement communities. 
*** Includes family planning centers, outpatient mental health and drug abuse centers, other outpatient health centers, HMO medical centers, kidney dialysis centers, freestanding ambulatory surgical and emergency centers,  and all other outpatient care centers.
Source: “Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Enforcement Rules Under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act,” RIN: 0991–AB57, Federal Register, Vol. 75, No. 134, July 14, 2010 (see pages 40872, 40906, 40907, 40911).

Thus, the stimulus law expanded the number of people who can access patients’ health information but stillfailed to give patients the final say in who may—and may not—see their most personal health records. Rather than tinkering around the edges modifying the weak HIPAA privacy rule (as required by the stimulus law), it’s time to call on Congress to change the law to ensure that patient consent is required before personal health information is shared for any purpose, including public health. 

What’s more, although the stimulus law doesn’t give patients the right to control the electronic flow of their health information, it does require the secretary of HHS to post a list of breaches of “unsecured protected” (HHS’s term!) health information affecting 500 or more individuals.  The breaches are posted here: 

“How the Economic Stimulus Law Affects Your Health Privacy Rights,” Health Freedom Watch newsletter published by the Institute for Health Freedom, March 2009: